Prof. Michael S Fuhrer Profile picture
Science communications. Quantum materials physics. Director @FLEETCentre Personal account. I happily block conspiracy theorists.
☀️ Leon-Gerard Vandenberg 🇳🇱🇨🇦🇦🇺 Math+e/acc Profile picture Myrne Stol (she/they) Profile picture eric821092 Profile picture 4 subscribed
Jun 14 6 tweets 3 min read
"Conservative estimates suggest that over 200 million SARS-CoV-2 infected individuals worldwide will develop persistent symptoms of COVID-19" (C. Yang and S.J. Tebutt)

Tracking down the origin of that number led me to an absolute gem of a figure...…
Image C. Yang and S.J. Tebutt cite Ref 1 as the source.

Ref 1 is another paper by the same authors and isn't the actual source of the 200 million figure. Sloppy referencing!

(But well done slipping in a self-reference 👍)…

May 16 6 tweets 3 min read
Top-level result here is that covid is 1.35 times [95% CI, 1.10-1.66] more deadly than influenza in this cohort (VA patients hospitalized due to covid or influenza).

To me that means covid ~ influenza.


1/ Around 44% of those hospitalized for influenza had been vaccinated this season. While that's lower than the average vaccination for this age cohort (most >65) of around 54% (quite possibly because the vaccine works!)


Mar 21 10 tweets 4 min read
A new study out on neurologic sequelae following covid-19 or influenza hospitalization using a large electronic health record database.

Interesting to compare this study to the recent study using VA database - a thread.

1/… I wrote a lot about the VA study here.

Here's the rate of new neurological diagnoses after covid-19 (red) or influenza (blue) hospitalization in the VA study:

Feb 24 45 tweets 10 min read
Does covid infection cause psychiatric and neurologic disorders?

A tale of two studies, and an interesting story about how science works!

Time for a long weekend thread.

First, this study published last year in Nature Medicine.

The study examined electronic health records of the US Department of Veterans Health Care System (VHA).

Jan 25 17 tweets 5 min read
Immunity gap update.

Flu and RSV hospitalizations have peaked in the US. How does this season compare to previous?


RSV first. Overall, RSV hospitalizations are down a little this year compared to last but still higher than pre-pandemic.

Jan 19 18 tweets 6 min read
In testimony before the US Senate yesterday, Dr. Ziyad Al-Aly (@zalaly) is quoted as saying “The burden of disease and disability in Long Covid is on par with heart disease and cancer”.

I think this statement is provably false.


The basis of the statement appears to be a study on which Dr. Al-Aly is the lead author, “Postacute sequelae of COVID-19 at 2 years”.

The abstract is below.

Jan 14 40 tweets 11 min read
I’d like to revisit this study by @zalaly’s group.

I want to tackle one issue in particular:

Does the study provide evidence that those hospitalized for COVID-19 had worse *long-term* health outcomes compared to those hospitalized for influenza?

Image I discussed the same study previously here:

Jan 10 21 tweets 5 min read
Just for fun, I took @JWeiland’s wastewater-to-infections calibration and asked:

How often on average are people infected with covid in the US?

Is the rate increasing or decreasing?

A thread.

There are big uncertainties in this. Wastewater monitoring isn’t meant to be an absolute measure of prevalence. There's uncertainty around the conversion of wastewater into # of infections. (I’ve used @JWeiland’s number at face value, but I do some sanity checks at end.)

Jan 9 24 tweets 7 min read
This is one of the most persistent and most important misconceptions of the pandemic.

A new variant does NOT cancel all, or even most, prior immunity!



This aspect of variant evolution has confused even the experts.

(P.S. I don’t know that @JWeiland has it wrong; I suspect he does understand that JN.1 has cancelled ~10% of immunity, see below. Maybe he can clarify the parameters in his model.)

2/🧵 Image
Dec 18, 2023 27 tweets 7 min read
I'd like to take a deeper dive into this new study on long-term outcomes after covid/flu hospitalization, which I discussed on Saturday.

The study looked at electronic health records of patients of the US Department of Veterans Affairs (VA). They examined outcomes for 540 days after covid-19 hospitalization in 2020-22, and after influenza hospitalization in 2015-19.

Dec 15, 2023 15 tweets 4 min read
A thread about this recent paper.
1/ This new study is from the same research group, studying the same electronic health records (US Veterans Health Administration) that I've discussed before, such as in this study:

Oct 12, 2023 14 tweets 4 min read
Perhaps the most important lesson of the pandemic:

For epidemic disease, small reductions in transmission have an *exponentially magnified* effect on infections.

For endemic disease, small reductions in transmission are *reduced* to an even smaller effect on infections.

1/ Image This central result of epidemiology is unfortunately not well known; such that even @CrabbBrendan, Director of @BurnetInstitute gets it wrong.

(Understandable, as it is counterintuitive, but I hope he will correct it.)

2/ Image
Oct 2, 2023 10 tweets 5 min read
It looks like @TRyan_Gregory found the study I tweeted about yesterday. Now we get a rare glimpse into how the covid-misinformation sausage gets made in real time.


Image Here are the results of the case-control study in table form. (I encourage you to read the whole study – it is open access.)

Sep 25, 2023 23 tweets 6 min read
This is a very good question regarding the Danish study I tweeted about yesterday. This study using EHR appears to come to a very different conclusion.

I think the answer is important so I will QT. This is NOT a call for a pile-on. The issues are subtle and worth exploring.

1/ My tweet from yesterday about the Danish study, which uses electronic health records (EHR) and finds no association in ages 50+ between covid infection and later hospitalization for may common infectious diseases.


Sep 10, 2023 15 tweets 5 min read
@drseanmullen The issue at hand, I think, is whether the effects of covid are getting better or worse. That’s a different question than whether the effect are “large” or “small”, or what we should do about them. I’m happy to tackle those too, but let’s start with the getting better/worse.

@drseanmullen I’ll mostly (some exceptions) limit my data to Australia as that’s the area where I’m most familiar with the data. I think many of the conclusions apply broadly, though Australia fared relatively well in the pandemic through strong suppression of covid until very high vax.

Aug 29, 2023 6 tweets 2 min read
Here's a nice preprint that simultaneously estimates excess deaths correlated with influenza prevalence and covid prevalence, in France - a rare apples-to-apples comparison of influenza and covid mortality.

Image In 2014-2019, influenza was responsible for around 15,600 excess deaths each year in France on average, or about 23 per 100k population (equivalent to about 5,900 deaths/year in Australia).

(This is likely a high estimate as includes the high 2017 & 2019 seasons).

Aug 10, 2023 12 tweets 2 min read
LK-99 lessons:

The ArXiv worked as intended. The scientific community was alerted to the possibility of a room-temperature superconductor, investigated the report, and produced further evidence...

...and that evidence, taken on the whole, shows that there’s little reason at present to think LK-99 is a room-temperature superconductor. All in under 3 weeks.

Aug 7, 2023 31 tweets 6 min read
There's been quite a lot of interest in recent reports of room-temperature superconductivity in the material dubbed LK-99.

Setting those aside for the moment, how likely is it that room temperature superconductivity, superfluidity, or zero resistance might be achieved?

Superconductivity refers specifically to superfluidity of electron pairs in a solid. Superfluids can flow without friction or dissipation (heat generation), and charged superfluids (such as fluids made of electron pairs) can carry currents (flow of charge) with resistance.

Aug 4, 2023 23 tweets 6 min read
There's much interest in whether the material known as #LK99 is a room-temperature superconductor.

I'd like to address a much simpler question: Is there evidence that LK-99 has an unusually low room-temperature resistivity?

LK-99 was initially reported in this paper:

Followed by a report sharing some of the authors here:

Aug 2, 2023 18 tweets 4 min read
I am seeing a lot of newcomers lately to the room-temperature superconductor rodeo.

They might not be aware of the long history of these events, and I think there’s some cross-cultural communications difficulties going on because of that.

There’s no reason (that we know) that a room-temperature superconductor can’t exist.

But we also don’t know how to make one by design.

It almost certainly won’t superconduct by a “conventional” (i.e. phonon-mediated BCS) mechanism.

Apr 10, 2023 56 tweets 14 min read
By many reckonings New Zealand had by far the lowest excess mortality of the pandemic of any country of near-comparable or larger size, in particular more than 10X lower than neighbouring Australia. Is it plausible that this is correct?

A thread.🧵

1/… Image “Excess mortality” refers to the deaths occurring during a crisis or event which would not have otherwise occurred during “normal” conditions. It is inherently subjective, and can’t be measured precisely even in principle, because of the unknowable counterfactual...
