Associate Professor @CharlesUniPRG @imsfsvuk | Director @prcprague & @eliss_lab | Affil @StanfordCISAC | PI @ERC_Research | international security & politics
Aug 2 • 8 tweets • 3 min read
1/x I am happy to share our new @SSRN preprint w/ @ProfOnderco, in which we report findings from our latest survey experiment on public attitudes toward the use of nuclear weapons in Russia. We show that [...] 2/x […] when you present the participants with specific scenarios, there is virtually no change in support for nuclear use after the 2022 full-scale invasion […]
Aug 10, 2022 • 6 tweets • 6 min read
Our new paper (w/ @ProfOnderco) has just been published in the Journal of Conflict Resolution! We report the findings of our 2021 survey experiment in Russia, where we investigated [...] 1/n…@IPS_FSV_CUNI@prcprague@FSV_UK@eliss_lab
Russian public support for nuclear weapon use in the hypothetical conflict with NATO in the Baltics. Among other things, we examined the differences in support for a nuclear strike against NATO military base and a corresponding conventional strike option; [...]
Mar 26, 2022 • 16 tweets • 4 min read
1/ 🧵 ke včerejšímu prohlášení generálního štábu ruské armády, které ukazuje, jak chce Rusko v příštích týdnech pravděpodobně na Ukrajině postupovat a co se pokusí později nabídnout ruské veřejnosti jako „úspěšnou vojenskou operaci.“…2/ Ruské politické vedení už nyní zjevně akceptovalo fakt, že vojenskou silou nebude schopno dosáhnout ani dobytí Kyjeva, kapitulace ukrajinských sil a změny režimu na Ukrajině, ani některých dílčích cílů na jihu země (dobytí Mykolajiva a Oděsy) /mapa @TheStudyofWar/
Feb 26, 2022 • 9 tweets • 3 min read
🧵 A quick summary based on the assessment of military analysts who previously provided some very accurate predictions concerning the Russian invasion (e.g., @KofmanMichael, @DAlperovitch, @RALee85 …). On the plus side: 1. Russians have been overconfident in many aspects [...]
of the invasion (overconfidence is a common bias in international relations in general and matters of war in particular) and the results so far are worse than probably expected; 2. Russians have not (yet) achieved air superiority over Ukraine, something they probably [...]