Michelle Lesley Profile picture
Servant of Christ, wife, mom, church, women's discipleship blogger/speaker, co-host of @awfspodcast. Stmt of faith: https://t.co/zcpLlqTAsj I don't donate $ via Twitter
Nov 15, 2024 8 tweets 2 min read
So I'm trying to eat high protein, low sugar/carb, very few processed foods, no artificial sweeteners.

So far, I'm eating meat and salad.
Sometimes an egg.
At the moment, I'm test driving Greek yogurt. It tastes like sadness and feet.

Is there anything else to eat? I'm hungry. Y'all are being very helpful. Thanks. Thoughts/questions:

1. "Eat more meat," doesn't answer the question, "Is there anything *else* to eat?". Sorry, I should have been clearer - it's less about hunger and more about variety.
Jul 26, 2024 4 tweets 1 min read
I am getting downright sick and tired of the little boys of hyper-patriarchy popping up out of nowhere to hurl the epithet of "feminist"at me because I dare open my mouth publicly/confidently about Scripture.

How insecure in your manhood could you be that you need to do this? 1/ Are you next going to start insulting black people's character or calling them the N-word? Making fun of disabled people? Abusing the elderly?

You arrogantly strut your "superior" theology but inside, you're full of dead men's bones and corruption of character. 2/
Jul 7, 2023 5 tweets 1 min read
Nobody ever "deconstructed" into
more Christlikeness
greater spiritual maturity
sounder doctrine
more biblical theology
better handling of Scripture
godlier character
increased holiness
humbler servanthood
or deeper love for God. Some of y'all are confused about what "deconstruction" is. The list above is what happens during sanctification - *growing* in Christ. You can't grow in Christ if you're in the process of leaving Christianity behind (as if a Believer actually could- 1Jn2:19).
May 18, 2023 15 tweets 5 min read
I'm going to put all of my tweets (and helpful tweets from others) about the SBC pastors' wives conference (PWC) in this one thread for easier access.

PWC lineup and helpful thread from Jared,who explains Rachel's unbiblical theology of homosexuality:

1/ Video clip 2/
Nov 11, 2022 7 tweets 4 min read
@alliesings @Wife_Then_Mama "If a child is acting out, he is having a difficult time with something."

Allie,I hope you don't mind, but this goes back to what I was saying about the need to use *biblical* terminology when we think/talk about these issues,because it's more conducive to *biblical* action. 1/ @alliesings @Wife_Then_Mama And this is a perfect example. The Bible doesn't teach what this sentence says. Secular psychology does. Biblically speaking, a child is not "acting out," he is disobeying, rebelling, and sinning. 2/
Nov 8, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
So, lemme get this straight:

I make a statement.

You tell me that I'm wrong.
👆And that's OK.

But if I matter-of-factly explain that your reasoning, Scripture-twisting,or facts are incorrect:
-I can't handle people disagreeing with me
-I'm mean, unloving, unChristlike, etc. 1/ In order for you to think well of me,think I can handle disagreement,think I'm a nice person, Christlike,loving, a good Christian, etc. I have to roll over, back down, lick your boots, compromise truth,& say you're right when you're not.

Do I have that right? That's the rule? 2/
Nov 5, 2022 6 tweets 1 min read
I've talked to numerous doctrinally sound pastors and laity who have left the SBC, and not one of them yet has said, "I wish we had stayed in longer." To a person, they've all said, "I wish we had gotten out sooner.".1/ Often, we can't see the full extent of the damage a spiritually corrupt and abusive entity/people has done to us until we get to a place of spiritual health and look back at the situation objectively. 2/
Nov 3, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
Here's why Average Jane (probably Joe, too, but that's not my wheelhouse) SBC Church Member doesn't care:

-She doesn't know about it because she's not on Twitter, and her pastor isn't telling her about it (possibly because he's not on Twitter and doesn't know about it) 1/ -Her undiscerning pastor has, for years, cluelessly allowed the women's ministry to use materials/go to conferences by women like Beth Moore, Priscilla Shirer, Lisa Harper, IF:Gathering, and the whole LifeWay Women gang, who preach to men. So she doesn't know it's wrong. 2/
Apr 26, 2022 12 tweets 3 min read
Can we please NOT create a false dichotomy around this? This is not a "We hate babies so don't ever bring them to church" vs. "We love babies so let them scream their heads off for the entirety of the service" issue. Wisdom is a balance between these two extremes. 1/ Image Yes, absolutely welcome children into church. Be patient and understanding of a reasonable amount of noise and movement as their parents strive to train them to behave properly. Help and encourage them. Love them. Give lots of hugs. 2/