Founded @TechtonicaOrg's free training to help underestimated women/enby folks w/ low incomes join tech. Ex-Twilio dev 🥑, #ILookLikeAnEngineer ads. She. 🚲🍪📚
Aug 1, 2022 • 46 tweets • 11 min read
I found little about negotiating #severance when I needed it, so after spending $1500 and a month working with a lawyer to negotiate mine, and ultimately walking away, I'm sharing some thoughts and what I learned. 🧵👇
#SeverancePay #SeveranceAgreement #SeveranceNegotiation
I'm happy to empathize as I have bandwidth, but I’m not a lawyer, and my experience was in California. Here’s the list of California employment lawyers recommended to me. Avoid lawyers that also may have done work for the company that terminated your employment.
Jun 10, 2022 • 30 tweets • 5 min read
After 3 years and 9 months of working at Twilio, I'm absolutely gutted because I’m being laid off. 😩😔😭
One tough thing about working in developer relations/advocacy/evangelism is that you spend a lot of time over the years singing the praises of your company, so even though you know there are no perfect companies, it’s extra disappointing when they let you down so hard.
Aug 10, 2018 • 8 tweets • 3 min read
Men—when you introduce your employee who's a woman and say, "She does all the work"/"runs things"/"keeps us all sane"/etc.:
1-You are not paying her enough.
2-You haven't given her the title or team she deserves.
3-Talking about her contributions doesn't make up for 1 and 2.
Just saw this exact thing happen in a show and my spouse turned to me and said, "They don't pay her enough and she doesn't have the right title for that." Took me a second before I gave him bones.