Andrew Micieli Profile picture
Stroke neurologist & neurohospitalist @THP_hospital. Alum: Calgary Stroke Program @UofTNeurology @MMI_UofT @SMCS1852. The Code Stroke Handbook; @Neurology_facts
Feb 17 10 tweets 3 min read
AI in stroke care🧵

Innovations, Applications and Future Directions

#stroke #MedEd #neurology #AI AI in prehospital stroke diagnosis and triage. Image
Aug 22, 2022 12 tweets 3 min read
Primary care follow-up for stroke patients carries many nuances and guideline recommendation updates. In this thread we outline one possible approach with 5️⃣ issues to be addressed.

#neurotwitter #stroke @OntarioCollege @ABFamDocs @CMA_Docs. cc: @draravindganesh Case:
A 76F is admitted to stroke ward after suffering a L MCA stroke- undergoing thrombolysis & endovascular therapy. She makes an excellent functional recovery from her stroke and is discharged home with primary care follow up in 1-2 weeks, and specialist follow up in 3-months
May 21, 2022 4 tweets 2 min read
🚨Acute #stroke case (from the archive):

Patient in 60s presents with sudden onset fluctuating LOC, dysarthria, mild right arm weakness (disabling)

Last seen normal 2hrs (witnessed onset).

You urgently take to CT- motion artifact, no clear early ischemic changes. CTA normal. Image 2 schools of thought/approaches:

Approach #1⃣: Acute onset, disabling symptoms- proceed with lytic 💉and defer CTP

Approach #2⃣: Dx is still a bit unclear (ddx: seizure⚡️, etc)- proceed to CTP

If in camp #2, here are the CTP maps (CBF, MTT, Tmax>8s) Image
May 3, 2021 8 tweets 3 min read
The tPA recommendation on the NNT website changed to "the net benefit & harms are unclear due to uncertainty of data" authored by @TheSGEM

I believe it's helpful to clarify a few points on this debate so we present families with correct info before they make a decision on tPA. 1. The main source for the recommendation is from a review paper in Emerg Med Australasia (see below).

This paper includes all thrombolytics (anistreplase, streptodornase, streptokinase, urokinase, lumbrokinase, duteplase, lanoteplase, pamiteplase, etc)