Mike Mongo #IAmAI Profile picture
Commercial crew astronaut. TRU5T astronaut teacher https://t.co/RRqVQdo5nc. Starflight Academy @RMeducation @SaxaVord_Space https://t.co/VBQzwzkrNn. @StJude🤟🏽4EVA @Nakamingos🦩
Jul 10 20 tweets 5 min read
Tell Us Why Each Candidate
Would Be A Bad President.”
1/20 Image “Biden’s old and had a bad debate.”
2/20 Image
Feb 18, 2021 7 tweets 3 min read
Today immediately before today's landing of @NASAPersevere, I had the honor and pleasure of discussing the significance of today's successful mission with my @dexterlearning Astronautics 101 students.

And I have good news to share, real cause for optimism. What many grownups overlooked is today's landing of Mars Rover Perseverance–launched this past July atop one of the most successful rockets in history of space exploration: @ulalaunch's mighty #AtlasV–is the first major successful space mission for a generation of young students.
Jun 4, 2020 27 tweets 14 min read
OH YES WE ARE GOING TO TALK ABOUT THE CONSCIOUS ABSENCE OF BLACK AND POC VOICES AT SPACE SCIENCE CONFERENCES I say conscious because organizers know. THEY KNOW. Space science conferences are one of THE WORST offenders for *not* making inclusion a priority.
Nov 2, 2018 7 tweets 1 min read
This tweet is difficult to parse however once threshed the takeaway is chilling:

With this election, the US President is methodically culling the entire National Republican Party of any members but loyalists. Trump isn’t taking out Democrats; Trump is taking out Republicans–who aren’t Trump supporters!
May 30, 2018 17 tweets 8 min read
So I have something to come clean to and it’s really awesome and I’m really happy about it and it may not matter to you but it matters to me. Here it is:

I was wrong about @JimBridenstine.

He’s not only not bad, he’s really good. He’s good for space and he’s good for @NASA. Before @JimBridenstine was appointed I was torn. NASA needs an administrator. It’s an imperative. Without an administrator it’s a large organization without focus or lead. That’s potentially cataclysmic. Yet I was really nervous Rep Bridenstine would be anti-science, anti-people.