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Film: #GazaFightsForFreedom // Upcoming film: #EarthsGreatestEnemy // @EmpireFiles // @EyesLeftPod // @PSLnational // 🎣-pilled
Sep 9, 2024 4 tweets 1 min read
Harris plan to “tackle the climate crisis” also very alarming, due to it being nothing Image “[Harris] and Gov. Walz will always fight for the freedom to live free from the pollution that fuels the climate crisis” WHAT
Sep 20, 2021 5 tweets 2 min read
Almost 20 years after he sent me to Iraq, I disrupted George W. Bush’s speech tonight. I tried to read a list of names, mostly of Iraqis killed, as well as my friends who became anti-war activists after Iraq who then died of suicide or other war wounds. (They ripped up my list) Also on my list of names; the victims in the Collateral Murder video, the Nisour Square massacre, as well as US troops killed in Iraq whose parents then formed the powerful anti-war organization Gold Star Families For Peace. Bush should never know peace for the lives he destroyed
Sep 20, 2021 5 tweets 2 min read
Aug 31, 2021 11 tweets 3 min read
Biden has delayed his speech announcing end of Afghanistan war by 2 hours. Not the glorious ending they planned—13 US troops killed in one of deadliest attacks of the war *after* they knew of imminent attack at the gate; massacred an innocent family of 10 (4 babies) in response I’ll be watching Biden’s “Mission Accomplished” speech today with a group of military families—12 years after we gathered together at the same home to watch Obama announce the “end of the war”. Stay tuned!
Nov 26, 2020 5 tweets 1 min read
Guys I came across in Iraq who, based on appearance, everyone assumed were Army Delta Force were actually CIA strike teams (they officially went by “OGA / ‘Other’ Government Agency”). Not what ppl typically think of when you hear CIA is in a country. Another way they hide US wars The CIA recruits from SEALS, Army Special Forces etc to have them do similar, but darker, shit. It’s one of the big goals of Spec Ops dudes to make it to that level of “badass”
Mar 1, 2020 9 tweets 3 min read
Warren’s comments on Bernie Sanders tonight: More on Bernie
Feb 25, 2020 10 tweets 3 min read
Batista ordered death of about 20,000 Cubans for being “suspected dissidents”—many executed by medieval torture

According to @amnesty Castro authorized death sentence for 237 of Batista’s executioners—after they were found guilty in trials held by victims—but only 21 carried out It is not illegal to oppose or speak out against the govt, CP or Fidel. Even opposition leaders—including those with known ties & collaboration with CIA/regime-change activities—are allowed to speak and operate openly in Cuba. They’re interviewed by Western press all the time!
Feb 20, 2020 12 tweets 3 min read
I think the possibility of this is long gone. But since it won't go away as an idea that's written about & talked about, here's why Warren would be perhaps Bernie's worst pick for VP if he wants to beat Trump—one who would actually bring down his head-to-head chances against him: 1. Bernie wins by expanding his base with voters of color. Warren is weak here—under 10% with both Black & Latino voters nationally. He has strongly hinted he wants a woman of color, which is of course the best idea for many reasons. Why sacrifice running on multi-national unity?
Feb 16, 2020 6 tweets 1 min read
Bloomberg is not in this race to defeat Trump. He’s in it to defeat Bernie. That’s obvious to anybody following this thing and was clear from the beginning of him floating the idea of running Bloomberg was open about the fact that he entered the race not because he didn’t think any of the candidates could beat Trump, but once he saw none of the candidates could beat Bernie. Why isn’t this part of the coverage
Jan 16, 2020 8 tweets 2 min read
Based on both of their well-documented histories in relation to honesty I’m blown away that Warren advisors thought they should turn all focus of the election on whether you believe it’s her or Bernie lying Just incredible that Bernie could be over-the-top supportive and kind to Warren for so long only for the strategy to become painting her as a victim of his misogyny and attacks. Like who is behind this it’s so out there
Jun 27, 2019 13 tweets 2 min read
Predicting the winner of tonight’s debate Only one acceptable answer on child & family detention, “SHUT DOWN ALL THE CAMPS ON DAY 1”
Mar 25, 2019 5 tweets 2 min read
In virtually every article/reference to Democratic candidate for president @PeteButtigieg you’re reminded that he’s an “Afghanistan veteran.” But you never hear his position on the war. Turns out he’s AGAINST ending it, even opposed the meager troop reduction. WORTHLESS candidate Here is one example: @PeteButtigieg gives the garbage “we have to leave the ‘RIGHT’ way” platitude—which really means “let’s keep doing the same thing and continue the war indefinitely cuz I’m too cowardly to even question the Pentagon’s failed commanders” wbur.org/hereandnow/201…
Mar 18, 2019 7 tweets 4 min read
Thinking of old friends with the Iraq anniversary approaching. My buddy Nouv (pictured with his tongue out) lost the lower part of his leg a few months into the occupation. One month before 9/11/01 in boot camp. Most of the guys I was with were Reservist 88Ms (truck drivers), excited to get college money and with a chill, safe job in their hometowns. A year later 88M became the least-desirable job in the whole Army and were all getting blown to shit
Jan 25, 2019 8 tweets 5 min read
Danny Glover (@mrdannyglover) was an election observer in Venezuela several times. Speaking on his experiences in 2015: "You cannot dispute the fact that the elections have always been fair." #HandsOffVenezuela Danny Glover (@mrdannyglover), after several visits to the region, explains how Venezuela's Bolivarian Revolution under Maduro has massively benefited and empowered not just Afro-Venezuelans, but marginalized Afro-Colombian and Afro-Caribbean communities
Jan 24, 2019 7 tweets 2 min read
Conceding to the Venezuela opposition “Maduro is bad, but...” you’re not just talking about Maduro, but about a mass poor peoples’ movement that is in power—highly politically active, fighting to build an equal society, and THEY CHOSE Maduro for a role but THEY are in power... People act like Maduro is making all the decisions with a small cabal. Nothing could be further from the truth! Millions of poor Venezuelans play a role in debate, discussion and decision making on moving the country forward. I saw mass meetings happening all the time, everywhere
Jan 23, 2019 5 tweets 1 min read
Venezuela’s opposition has been invited to collaborate and participate with the mass Chavista movement for years to resolve problems. They have flatly refused, saying this huge, majority social movement of the poor should have no voice—should be silenced. That is a fascist vision In Venezuela I learned that the only way this minority, unpopular right-wing movement could take and hold power from the pro-government masses is by extreme violence backed by the US, most likely WITH the US military. That is the scariest thing about this whole situation
Jan 23, 2019 9 tweets 3 min read
The opposition trying to take power with Trump’s backing in Venezuela is the SAME opposition that BURNED ALIVE a young man, as the mob screamed “hey Black guy, this is what happens to Chavistas” We fled the country because they were trying to lynch us too. A week later, they shot our reporter colleague in the back, nearly killed her. The opposition is fascist through and through
Jan 23, 2019 4 tweets 1 min read
This is major. Maduro and his party have won clear, landslide victories in free and democratic elections. An unbelievable escalation of fascist regime change project, and a literal coup in action The Venezuela coup plotters are 100% fascist. They want to take power from a democratic majority with violence, suspend all law and rights, and rule with violent repression. There is no other way for this small, hated elite to take power.
Jan 7, 2019 6 tweets 2 min read
Really exciting new Empire Files series coming this week I swear
Jan 1, 2019 30 tweets 20 min read
In 2018 I said goodbye to my best little buddy, Mulder. Wanted to share how great a pup he was. Here we are in 2006—found him right after I got out of the Army Mulder was a half-Corgi Hurricane Katrina rescue who I noticed at the dog shelter cuz as every dog was going nuts he was on his own, sad and sulking in a corner. Completely shy, as soon as we got in the car he climbed on my lap and stayed there the whole hour+ drive from Miami
Dec 20, 2018 6 tweets 1 min read
Troops out of Syria is great. But why praise the guy who deployed a record number of troops to Syria, occupied a record amount of territory & killed a record number of civilians? Like Obama in Afghanistan & Nixon in Vietnam, a withdrawal after a massive expansion isn’t “anti-war” Trump deployed about 10 times the number of troops to Syria than Obama did; occupied 1/3 of the country; bombed the Syrian government for the first time; and not just increased airstrikes by 50%, but greater “freedom” he gave US generals increased civilian casualties by 250%!