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Here to talk personal finance, growth, life, and Entrepreneurship. KSU class of 2015. Family custom interior design business in link 👇👇
Oct 28, 2019 18 tweets 4 min read
Intrested in paying less taxes in the future?

Done right you can even pay 0.

This will be pretty long but gets into the details of how Long Term Capital Gains can benefit you.

If you want to learn more about Taxes, Real estate, or investing this is for you.💰💸

A thread. ⬇⬇ Long Term Capital Gains. (LTCG) starts with knowing what tax bracket you are in.

LTCG is a tax on assets such as a stock or property that you have owned for over one year

This tax is applied to appreciation of asset. (Primary residences 2 years)