How to get URL link on X (Twitter) App primer: Kingdom Hearts is an action-RPG series started by Square-Enix in 2002 in collaboration with Disney. The original was a FF/Disney crossover nobody asked for, subject to bemusement/confusion when first announced, but it over-delivered with engaging story and gameplay. audience isn’t going to research this and probably doesn’t have the background to fully grasp the complex issues of cancer treatment. They just know you weighted these two voices with equal credibility, and they are now more likely take the urine drinker at face value. my attitude: I was snotty, obnoxious, and more than anything, deeply frustrated. I felt like I was shut out from my local game dev community on day one, felt like I wasn’t being seen or heard despite a lot of (often misplaced) effort, and knew I wasn’t learning anything. setting up a game project with a publisher, you need to provide a breakdown of how much budget you need and what the production schedule will be. The schedule is based on "milestones" -- different states of progress with explicit criteria for when you've reached them. you can't verify the quality of a game until you play it, quality doesn't drive the initial wave of sales as much as the perception of potential quality -- hence why hype and marketing play such a significant role in the industry. Apple was breaking into this market they'd never been in before, with a device that was more expensive than any that had been produced, and a data plan more expensive than any phone carrier had pushed. "Yes, the device is cool -- you want me to pay HOW MUCH?" was the note., Devil May Cry and Final Fantasy are closest to things I'd want to work on -- but them being made by Japanese studios makes the whole prospect a non-starter. The culture gap and language barrier makes it pretty unfeasible for me to work at Squenix or Capcom., writing, for example. writing the manual for a feature that has not been released yet. You cannot google the answer, and there's no Stack Overflow post demystifying it. 100% of the knowledge about that feature is internal to the company, and you need to find it. lots of people, the appeal of the genre is from a handful of examples and the surface-level traits the genre brings to the table: novel-like storytelling, with detailed worldbuilding and clean exploration. Interesting places and characters with a full plot wrapped around them. give a ballpark figure on what games cost, think $10,000 per person per month. That’s not necessarily everybody’s salary, but rather an average estimate of their pay plus running costs, like software licenses, office space, etc. 2/’s like standing in the path of an oncoming bus, too late to get out of the way. The time at which you realize it’s going to hit you may vary, but at some point ahead of the game’s release, you see it coming in slow motion.