✝️Reverend Miki✝️ Legato's Commissions Era 😭✍️ Profile picture
🇵🇭 -Profiction/shipper -23yrs old -Antis DNI -Minors don't follow -Shitposter -Multifandom -💧🔸❌🔄 #VerDan #NeroV #Plantcest -NO TO REPLICATING MY ART
Mar 26, 2023 11 tweets 3 min read
#Plantcest #KV Actors AU

It was actually Knives that broke down crying first just right after the shooting of the final episode.

Everyone was congratulating everyone for a job well done. Vash was in wardrobe, refreshing up while Nai waited for him outside the changing room.
+ Nai was happy that they both did an exceptional job at their final scene.

Beautiful but oh so tragic for their characters.

'What ifs' ran through Nai's mind. He sympathized for his character so much.

He only wanted his brother to love him like he did.

Nai felt his eyes burn+
Mar 25, 2023 8 tweets 2 min read
#Plantwood #KnivesWood

Knives and Nicholas having an argument, no physical fighting but the air is charge with acid and the crave for violence. They're almost chest to chest, acid bluegreen meets with steely dark blue, Knives threatens Nicholas with a promise and a warning.+ Nicholas just smirks, breathes in a puff of smoke then releasing straight to Knives' face.

"Make me"

The more violent man's eyes twitched but he tamed the beast thirsty for blood inside of him for now. Knives takes the cancer stick from moist lips then inhales the fumes+
Mar 24, 2023 21 tweets 4 min read
#Plantwood Modern AU but the twins are still independent plants

Sometimes Wolfwood actually forgets that he's dating two non-human beings capable of things beyond his human comprehension because his twin lovers are just like him, human in every sense if you rule out+ the fact that they're not humans at all.

They feel emotions like him, eat like him (Vash more so than Nai), shit like him, sweat like him (again Vash more so than Nai), and love like him.

His twins are just a pair of goofballs, with Vash's never ending kindness and Knives'+
Mar 24, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
#Plantcest #KV

The all consuming love Nai has for Vash... scares him.

But he loves it
Loves to drown in it

Loves to have it consume all of his being.

But he also feels overhelmed by it

feels choked up by it

it burns his skin
it burns his soul

A tug-of-war
+ Vash plays everyday.

Vash wants to holds Nai, wants to love Nai like Nai does him but he's scared, so scared that it makes him weak in the knees and recoil from Nai's touch.

(I'm sorry, please forgive me)

So he runs and hide
Mar 7, 2023 45 tweets 9 min read
#Plantcest Orpheus and Eurydice AU

Twins Knives and Vash born blessed by the Gods, inseparable since birth, attached to the hip they say. One was a feat on itself but with both, yielded many a great victories and conquests.

Their love was special that even the Goddess of love+ cannot deny nor cut the adoration the brothers have for each other. Knives the elder twin, asked permission to the Gods he prays to, to bless his union with his brother and the Gods heed his plea.+
Mar 7, 2023 6 tweets 2 min read

Vash can hear the gears turning inside his brother's head, the arms around him, shielding him, protecting him at that moment, tightened so much that Vash let out a sigh.

He turned in his brother's embrace.

"Penny for your thoughts?"+ A pause
Then a deep quiet chuckle

"You need not pay me, I'll give it to you for free."

Vash got turned again, back to his brother who let his lips touch the stump of his arm.

Oh, it's one of these occasions again, Knives was thinking of his regrets in life+
Mar 6, 2023 7 tweets 2 min read
Which AU is more of a #Plantcest vibe more lol

Narcissus AU
Vash falling in love with the reflection of himself at first it is himself but as he gazes through the water's reflection it morphs and morphs to what his+ subconscious deemed a "better version" of himself and it's Knives. Vash reaches out the water's edge falling willingly to the depths of the lake entangled with the reflection of his "loved one".

Pygmalion AU

Knives a misunderstood artist incapable of forming+
Mar 6, 2023 32 tweets 6 min read

Two heartbeats manifested inside a womb, growing steadily with one another, head to head, hand to hand, feet to feet


the time came for them to come out to the world


The first born cried+ his little lungs out, angered to be separated from his other half.

Unfamiliar hands hold him and he cried louder for his half.

A babe, he didn't know what was happening, not enough consciousness to perceived the panicked voices around him.

Mar 6, 2023 6 tweets 2 min read

"Nai, I found your necktie here!" a voice said coming from Knives room, he just finished brushing his teeth and went out to thank the voice.

"Thank you Vash, I know I didn't misplaced it, it just suddenly disappeared".

Knives gave Vash a look prompting+ Vash to let out a giggle.

"Hmmm whoever could have moved it?"

Vash said mischievously batting his eyelashes at Knives, the latter rolled his eyes fondly then gave Vash a kiss on the forehead as thanks.

"Nai, breakfast is ready-"

A female voice said outside of Knives'+
Aug 6, 2021 9 tweets 2 min read
A little #tartali brainworm in-lined with the current Seelie event

Childe having his own treasure seeking seelie that he accidentally saved one time so the little guy just stuck with him since then and never left because Childe takes care of it so well and spoils it to much— He doesn't really need that much treasure 'cause you know, he was loaded, but the efforts of his small friend was appreciated nonetheless even if most of the time the "treasures" they find are just a bunch of carrots and cabbages.

"Ah! perfect for cooking!" He'll say with glee—
Apr 18, 2021 7 tweets 2 min read
ChoIta agenda with the latest chap

"Thank you, For helping me."

Choso made a close eyed smile.
"Don't die on me..."

Choso peaked at his brother who nodded at him and finally turned around and gave him a one hand wave goodbye.— The half curse felt his eyes stinging and immediately covered them up and desperately trying to not let out a sob as he got emotional in the crappiest of times.

Choso heard Yuki ask if he was crying but he just dismissed her with a hand.

Still distracted by stopping—
Apr 9, 2021 18 tweets 4 min read

Eso... Eso has bit of a problem going on. It's about their big brother Choso.

For some time now their brother has been... very private, especially regarding about the entrance to his personal room.

At first they he didn't think about it much— dismissing it as their brother just wanting some more personal space for himself. But it's getting quite concerning lately... even simple knocks to their big brother's door has him looking at them like a frightened animal.

Eso was extremely worried at this point and even—