A. Zachary Faison, Jr. Profile picture
Husband. Son. Brother. Attorney. Geriatric Millennial. Faith Inspired. President & CEO of Edward Waters University - FL's FIRST HBCU. Retweet 🚫 = Endorsement.
Jul 29, 2020 14 tweets 3 min read
1. Some of ya'll are REALLY like SERIOUSLY in the sunken place! These institutions didn't ascend to "excellence" because of their "innate adminstrative, academic, and programmatic superiority". Stop spouting that FOOLISHNESS! No, their ascendancy was, is, and always has been 2/ a byproduct of their progeny in proximity to white wealth (Rockefeller, Carnegie, Ford, etc.). Their proximal access to white wealth (not some overblown administrative genius or philanthropic magicianry) is SINGULARLY responsible for their "achieving excellence".