Etakeh Oh - OR, NC Profile picture
Not really here. I'm mostly at Peach air in, green air out.
Feb 24, 2020 8 tweets 2 min read
1. Need to find the truck title.
2. Go through all paper orifices in the office
3. Maybe it's not in the office
4. Maybe it's in the file cabinet in my room
5. That file cabinet should be brought out anyway
6. I need to find a place to put it 7. I should just go ahead and clear out the living room
8. Oh man, look at all the papers in the "dad's medical stuff" file, I should go through those real quick
9. My brother might need these papers
10. I should get that book I set aside for him while I'm at it
Aug 4, 2019 6 tweets 1 min read
Dad asked me yesterday, what makes people commit these shootings? Two things about my dad: He has dementia, and he's historically been "conservative".