Numerati Profile picture
High on numbers. Carlos Castaneda never had it so good. Should you believe in probability theory? Not 100% of the time- paraphrase from Adam Fawer.
Jun 19, 2019 16 tweets 3 min read
Take a look at the firms involved with Libra. What is missing? AFAICT, there is none with a direct Interbank FX trading desk. Maybe Women's world bank, but that would hardly qualify as anything serious to scale.

Maybe PayPal, but I doubt they will execute for free, plus one more middle man increases the risk significantly.
Jun 8, 2019 6 tweets 2 min read
Finally, I have found a simplistic explanation for where Nash's concept of Ideal Money originated.

Nash had solved a problem in quantitative analysis known as the Isometric Embedding Problem, offering a host of solutions even for 3rd order derivatives.
If you don't have time for the whole video, simply start at 22:17 - 26:17 where ironically, inflation under Nixon is given as an example.

In other words, mathematicians were already looking at the Isometric Embedding Problem for economics and Nash found it.
May 20, 2019 4 tweets 1 min read
Nash concept of a curve approaching an ideal asymptope. It comes close, but never quite attains it.

From this primal disruption (gap) everything is created.
Apr 15, 2019 32 tweets 10 min read
Why target 0% inflation?
Nature approaches Ideals, but never quite reaches them.

The curve narrows towards the asymptope but never quite touches it.

If it does, it becomes tangential and the wave collapses. 1/… Nash was looking to what he termed "Governing Dynamics". It is a process seen also in his "manifold of the torus" and how it can be emedded in multiple dimensions. The ultimate expression of equalibra in nature. 2/…