Miro C Profile picture
Genetic Algebra and Population Genetics. Plausible Deniability 😇 IDK how long I’ll frequent this cesspool.
4 subscribers
Oct 21, 2024 5 tweets 3 min read
Genetic distance of all modern ethnic groups to the Nubians of the Christian Period (samples dated from 660 AD - 960 AD)

Map is of 2024 ethnic groups, at various levels of zoom. X/Twitter makes it hard to read, so here is the link to the original images: drive.google.com/drive/folders/…Image
Some notes:

The following *approximate* values indicate levels of genetic differentiation among populations (there is a key in the map):

<0.03: Populations are nearly genetically indistinguishable.
0.03 to 0.05: Populations belong to the same sub-regional grouping within the same major genetic cluster (colloquially 'same race') but are not identical.
0.05 to 0.15: Populations are part of the same major genetic cluster (colloquially 'same race') in species-wide plots but belong to different regional clusters.
0.15 to 0.30: Populations come from different major genetic clusters (colloquially 'different race') in species-wide plots but should still be considered the same subspecies.
>0.30: Populations can be considered different subspecies within the same species.

Some of these descriptions may sound controversial, this is irrelevant. Please keep your political opinions on what this means to yourself.

You may also notice a grey dashed line on the map(s). This is the historical location of the people/civilization/culture in question.
Apr 5, 2024 7 tweets 2 min read
Undeniable proof that the new Ancient Egyptian samples are completely contaminated by a modern North Italian (possibly the same individual that has contaminated many other samples from Sumer to Middle Kingdom Egypt to Neolithic France with Southern Euro ancestry)
Basically, we looked into samples 2287 and 2288 who are both heavily Southern European autosomally. Uploaded both to Gedmatch and compared them using Gedmatch One-To-One autosomal tool. The screenshots above are evidence that both samples are contaminated by the *same person*
Sep 19, 2023 6 tweets 2 min read
Genetic distances to modern populations of the new Ancient Egyptian samples from the study that is going to be released at some point (Mussauer et al.)

This should really end the debates once and for all, but of course it won't for certain ethnonationalists

@Ario2915192 @Steppe_Diaspora Also yes there were two R1b samples. One of them iirc had 0 steppe and the other 1-2%. Closest modern pops same as all the other MLBA levantines. Pali Christians > samaritans > leb christians

Tells you how useless y haplos are in determining anything