Miroslav Imbrisevic Profile picture
Philosopher - alma mater: University of Mainz. Later: Heythrop College/University of London. Contributor to: https://t.co/FUxs05oguD "Old, bald, white man"
dniklasd Profile picture 1 subscribed
Dec 19, 2022 7 tweets 2 min read
1/Jüngling und Keil haben nicht begriffen, dass es sich hier um einen politischen Machtkampf handelt. Das Patriarchat, mit der Speerspitze Transfrauen, hat bereits große Siege errungen. Das wird unter Linken als Erfolg gefeiert, aber diese frönen einem Gender-Idealismus.------> 2/Die materielle Bindung and den weiblichen Körper (als Grundlage der Unterdrückung) wird beiseite geschoben; es ist ein psychologisches Phänomen (Geschlechtsidentität), das jemanden zur Frau macht. Die feministische Selbstbestimmung geht vom Körper aus: sexuelle Autonomie ----->
Dec 19, 2022 7 tweets 2 min read
1/Die Erwiderung von @UweSteinhoff ist sehr gut [uwesteinhoff.com/2022/12/16/erw…].

Jüngling und Keil sind aber etwas naiv; sie fragen sich nicht: warum wird das Verständnis von "Frau" als Bündelbegriff jetzt notwendig? Cui bono? Sicherlich nicht Frauen!
-------------> 2/Der Bündelbegriff versucht alle Frauen einzuschliessen, auch die in den Wechseljahren, etc, d.h. alle biologischen Variationen. Jetzt muß man natürlich irgendwie die Geschlechtsidentität in den Bündelbegriff hineinschmuggeln. Wie? Die Autoren zitieren das BVerfG. ------------>
Dec 5, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
1. Ich empfehle dringend ein Jurastudium, denn Frauen haben auch (Menschen-)Rechte. 2. Es gibt kein Menschenrecht auf Zugang zu Frauenräumen. Die britische Gesetzgebung z. B. macht es möglich TF, wenn nötig, von F.-räumen auszuschließen. Das ist kein Verstoß gegen Menschenrechte. 3. "selbstbestimmt leben"? Das wollen wir natürlich alle. Aber die Namensgebung des Gesetzes bedient sich eines rhetorischen Tricks. Es wird suggeriert, dass es nur um etwas geht, auf das wir alle Anspruch haben - und wollen. Vor allem Frauen sind da anderer Meinung
Dec 3, 2022 8 tweets 3 min read
Also, was Sie @janboehm da - als "Satire" verpackt - verbraten ist ziemlicher Schwachsinn. 1. Ärzte tragen nicht die Geschlechtsidentität in die Geburtsurkunde ein - wie sollten sie auch -, sondern den Sexus.
-----------> 2. Die freie Entfaltung der Persönlichkeit gilt nicht absolut. Sie trifft auf Grenzen, wenn die Rechte anderer beschnitten werden. Zum Beispiel: TF im Frauensport oder TF in Frauenhäusern.
Oct 2, 2022 8 tweets 3 min read
1/'In unserer Gesellschaft wird das Geschlecht einer Person bei der Geburt zugewiesen, ausschließlich basierend auf dem äußeren Erscheinungsbild der jeweiligen Genitalien.'

1. Es wird nicht 'zugewiesen' (Lotto?) - es wird durch Beobachtung festgestellt.

telekom.com/de/konzern/det… 2/'Geschlecht ist nicht binär, d. h. nicht nur eindeutig männlich oder weiblich, aber in den meisten Kulturen erfolgt eine binäre Zuordnung auf der Geburtsurkunde (weiblich oder männlich).'

Hier wird bewußt die begriffliche Trennschärfe untergraben. Geschlecht bedeutet:
Oct 1, 2022 4 tweets 2 min read
1/You are right, this is a problem, and trans/ally philosophers have put forward different solutions.

Why can't we also self-id as black, disabled, as an American, or as Napoleon? The problem here is that we could be mistaken (epistemic) - Napoleon Bonaparte is dead. 2/Talia Mae Bettcher offers a solution. Bettcher tries to circumvent the epistemic weaknesses of first-person avowals. For her, First Person Authority about gender is an ethical notion rather than an epistemic notion. academia.edu/2602580/Trans_…
Apr 23, 2022 19 tweets 6 min read
1/New paper in philosophy of sport about the benefits of including TW in the female category.

The author takes it as a given that TWAW and that they therefore are the concern of feminism. But, as philosophers, we should question such assumptions. Why should feminism be ---> Image 2/... trans-inclusive?

Burke frames the debate as a power problem: a dominant group ‘oppresses’ the marginalised group.

But that is wrong – it’s about eligibility criteria. The mistake is to assume that TW ‘naturally’ belong in female sports.

Feb 21, 2022 5 tweets 2 min read
1/Witzig, daß der Artikel in der Kategorie "Wissen" firmiert. Mit der Wissenschaftlichkeit ist es aber nicht weit her.

Ich möchte nur eine alte Kamelle aufgreifen, die oft von Ahnungslosen kolportiert wird...

Zwei Geschlechter? Ein alter Hut! p.dw.com/p/3rOE8?maca=d… 2/"Personen, die sich nicht eindeutig zu einem der binären Geschlechter zuordnen (lassen), bezeichnen sich als intersexuell bzw inter*. Die Vereinten Nationen schätzen, dass 1,7% der Weltbevölkerung dazugehören."

Diese Zahl stammt von Anne Fausto-Sterling (2000), liegt aber...
Feb 9, 2022 10 tweets 2 min read
1/"Das erste Prinzip von Feminismus ist die Selbstbestimmung.", schreibt Sibel Schick in der taz [@tazgezwitscher] - und meint, damit bewiesen zu haben, dass der Feminismus trans-inklusiv sein muss.


taz.de/Transfeindlich… 2/Bei Schick herrscht, ob gewollt oder ungewollt, große Verwirrung. Wer übt Selbstbestimmung im Feminismus aus? Zuerst einmal Frauen. Und worüber üben sie diese Selbstbestimmung aus? Über ihren – weiblichen – Körper.
Oct 7, 2021 9 tweets 3 min read
Thread on harrassment of @Docstockk 👇:

The interesting bit is at the end: "We are an anomymous (...) group of students."

One principle of justice is the right to know who your accuser is. The students are hiding their identities because these accusations are libelous. The students don't understand academic culture. Why is a professor called a 'professor'? This became established in the 16th century. Their job is to 'profess' = to publicy declare their views. The title 'professor' signifies the right - and duty - to do so.
Sep 14, 2021 7 tweets 3 min read
Yesterday, @TheBMA [British Medical Association] annual meeting trans activists used a tactic straight from Denton's playbook: 'Tie your campaign to a more popular reform.' --->

spectator.co.uk/article/the-do… ---> There was a motion which opposed “gay conversion therapy”. All sane people will agree with this. But then, at the last minute, on Friday,--->
Sep 13, 2021 4 tweets 2 min read
Here is the fight in full:

It is noticable that Celine's punches don't have much effect, but Alanas's punching in the second round is sending Celine backwards. ---> ---> This confirms what sports scientists tell us: the performance range in punching for males is 160% of that of females.

resources.world.rugby/worldrugby/doc… Image
May 20, 2021 4 tweets 2 min read
A wide-spread misapprehension in feminist philosophy today: feminism must be trans-inclusive.

This burdens feminism with more work: feminism proper - as well as the problems of TW (a familiar pattern?). This also assumes that women, by nature, want to *care* for everyone. ---> That's a stereotype.

Is women's oppression based on gender identity? No. Is it based on gender presentation? No.

Is it sex-based? Yes. That's why feminist philosophy does not have to be trans-inclusive. It would make more sense for "Trans Studies" to deal with TW and TM. --->
Mar 25, 2021 12 tweets 5 min read
Academic freedom - from: gcacademianetwork.org/#

"I was pursuing a PhD on the difficulties female field researchers face working in remote locations. I was encouraged to abandon my focus on the problems menstruation posed as it was deemed trans exclusionary. My language ---> ... was policed to such an extent & I felt so unsupported that I have now taken an interruption. I really don’t know what the best course of action is now. I am a mature student and feel so bewildered by all this".
Feb 21, 2021 10 tweets 4 min read
From gcacademianetwork.org/#:

"My faculty (UK university) suggested turning all toilets into unisex. In a meeting with other managers I asked if they had done an equality impact assessment. I was thinking about ensuring adequate provision for women and people with disability... ...I didn’t even know about GRA debate. Anyway I was shouted down for being transphobic. The loos are now unisex and as I expected the presence of urinals means that women now have fewer toilets than before as they don’t want to walk past men at urinals."
Feb 20, 2021 11 tweets 4 min read
From: gcacademianetwork.org

"University should be where we are challenged - read more, learn more, know more, have arguments with people we agree with, disagree with, add to the culture, not detract from it... ...I have seen a shift in students ability to engage - in the last couple of years many students feel they have a right not to be offended. I find THIS offensive. "
Feb 19, 2021 4 tweets 2 min read
The gcacademianetwork.org makes for depressing reading. This extract is illuminating. It illustrates an unwillingness to apply the concept of 'intersectionality' globally, and it shows that decolonising the curriculum is pointless as long as you subscribe to trans ideology. Image It is surprising to find the 'colonial attitude' among the young and well-educated, not just among older Brexit voters. But the glorious past is constantly being invoked: the Empire spirit, the Blitz spirit. Mark Francois and Boris Johnson want to make Britain great again. Image
Feb 18, 2021 5 tweets 2 min read
Midwives told to say 'chestfeeding' instead of 'breastfeeding' in gender-inclusive move @LBC lbc.co.uk/news/breastfee… 'Terms such as "woman" and "father" will also be superseded by "woman or person" and "parent", "co-parent" or "second biological parent" respectively.'

If TW are women and TM are men, then the terminology doesn't need to be changed. + remember that Freddie McConnell wanted to...
Feb 6, 2021 11 tweets 3 min read
New group within the Labour Party, fighting transphobia:


Defining Transphobia in the Labour Party A Consultation: Responses should be sent in confidence to admin@labourtransequality.org.uk by 1st March 2021

Would be good to send them your views - I will 'Some people may have transitioned from expressing themselves in their birth sex into living in their preferred gender identity while others have not. This is a personal decision which is acknowledged in the Equality 2010 and Gender Recognition Acts 2004.' Wrong! The GRA...
Jan 23, 2021 16 tweets 3 min read
'trans athletes would not compete if they did not think it was fair to do so.' Teetzel misses the point: thinking it is fair doesn't make it fair.

tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.108… Teetzel, p. 435/6: 'Despite the ample media attention that
Radcliffe, Navratilova, Davies, Holmes and others have received, they continue to push the narrative that their voices are being silenced and ignored.' Well, the reactions they got for speaking out, shows that they...
Jan 23, 2021 4 tweets 1 min read
This morning I remembered the famous quote from Wittgenstein (§ 38): 'For philosophical problems arise when language goes on holiday.' And then looked at the German: 'Denn die philosophischen Probleme entstehen, wenn die Sprache feiert.' A metaphor reconceptualises reality, ... ...it creates distance - and insight - by linking two disparate realms. But Anscombe creates more distance by changing the metaphor. She may be right to chose 'language goes on holiday', but we could be closer to the German original 'feiert': 'language is having a party' or