Seth M. Fisher Profile picture
Editor of MGoBlog, Hail to the Victors. Podcasts, History, X's and O's. Sells the ads. 4.25 forty (unofficial). Once roasted @realjeffreyross.
Nov 6, 2023 6 tweets 2 min read
@Bry_Mac Ohio State fans are being way too hard on their coaches, saying Michigan got their signs and whatnot. Here's the most important snap of the game and Jim Knowles has the *perfect* playcall here: zero scrape exchange vs zone read. @Bry_Mac Here's a *double* play-action and not only does nobody bite, but the boundary safety is jumping the TE's out route while the CB dominates the WR's fly so hard he drives him into the TE's path.
Jan 8, 2022 10 tweets 2 min read
My opinion on transfers: I doubt that a negotiation with the football coach can move the needle with Admissions, which operates independently by design. But speaking as an alumni, our transfer policy is contrary to the school's self-definition as the grand public. (thread) Since Tappan, this school took the smart factory worker over the mediocre rich man's son, then put in the work to make up for his head start. That formula made for better alumni, and those alumni built the Midwest. We've lost a lot of that but not as much as some others.
Nov 1, 2018 20 tweets 6 min read
This ad with my name on is going out in today's metro-Detroit Jewish News. We include Dems, libertarians, even an aide to a GOP rep. I wanted to explain why we purchased it, why most of us who grew up with @LenaEpstein are strongly urging voters to choose anyone else. Our reasoning: We are horrified that one of our own is on the national stage, disingenuously aping every awful talking point and strategy from the worst rung of Trumpism, riding a wave of fascism to her ambitions. We are even more horrified at what she'd do there.