Dual IPA Profile picture
lucy. marxist-leninist, bi, feminist, history nerd. learning russian. i love art, cats, mint chocolate chip ice cream, & ruthless criticism of all that exists.
Jan 13, 2021 17 tweets 7 min read
Not only did Jews fight back, but they saved other Jews and even helped liberate the camps. Here's a testimony from Grigorii Elisavetskii, one of the officers who participated in the liberation: Another Jewish soldier, Semyon Besprozvannyi was martyred on January 26, 1945 while fighting Nazis just outside of Auschwitz. yadvashem.org/research/resea…
Jul 4, 2020 7 tweets 2 min read
Belarus lost like a quarter of its population under Nazi occupation, this is Goebbels tier propaganda. You just know this guy has some great Opinions about the Belarusian Central Rada.