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Oct 17, 2022 13 tweets 7 min read
About two years ago, financial influencers were everywhere.

But now these influencers have gone quiet — and average investors are paying the price, @thisisinsider’s @lopezlinette writes. 👇… In a market bubble, it's easy to confuse opportunity for genius. But when the market tanks, a lot of those brilliant operators disperse, Lopez says.

And the market has certainly tanked, with a recession likely on the horizon.… Quote graphic with a quote ...
May 17, 2022 12 tweets 6 min read
Welcome to Wall Street's summer from hell: a period of extreme volatility and uncertainty that will bring a near-biblical reckoning to markets.

@lopezlinette explains what has Wall Street sweating. ⤵️… Headline graphic that depicts the Wall St. bull underneath a After years of inflating, it's becoming clear that the "everything bubble" has burst.

Since the start of 2022, the S&P 500 has fallen by more than 18%, and Nasdaq is down almost 30%.

This isn't a short-term drawdown — it's a pivotal shift for markets.…
Feb 27, 2022 11 tweets 6 min read
Every once in a while on Wall Street there's a "washout": a cataclysmic shift in the market that swaths of the investment community do not survive.

Wall Street is currently teetering on the edge of such an event. But why now? @lopezlinette explains. 👇… A graphic of the Wall Street bull about to be swept away by Before the pandemic, the most pressing problem for central banks was the recovery from the financial crisis. The Federal Reserve kept interest rates historically low to encourage banks to give out loans and juice the economy.