Step, the Mentally Devastated Profile picture
35+, ace, nonbinary, librarian, brain rot enjoyer🏴‍☠️🍊♠️🏳️‍🌈 Izzy canyon camper. Be nice and chill 🦀⚔️🐢 pfp by @theBunnyButts banner by @QueerMagneto
jude andronicus Profile picture Whatbutavillain Profile picture Step, the Mentally Devastated Profile picture 3 subscribed
Sep 23 13 tweets 3 min read
Izzy wakes slowly, balling his fists and curling his toes under the cool sheet. He's fuzzy, little, and as he gets closer to awake, wiggling and reaching, he realizes he's alone in the bed. He opens his eyes, pupils wide and scared. + Izzy whimpers, chin wavering as fat, salty tears start to roll down his cheeks.
"Daddy?" He whispers brokenly into the empty room.
He cries harder, waiting for a response, to be cuddled and quieted, but he's still alone in the room. Daddy left him.
Sep 16 6 tweets 1 min read
#stizzy #nsfw
"You're gorgeous, Darling."
Izzy whimpers, the urge to deny it stymied as Stede presses him further open.
"Stay right there if you please."
Stede kisses the knee to his left as he pets at Izzy's folds. Soft and hot and wet and pink. + That color is his favorite now, the color of a sunset when the seas are calm.
"Stede, please." Izzy whines.
Stede delves in with two fingers and a smirk.
"Such lovely manners ought to be rewarded."
Stede leant in, licking delicately at Izzy's stiff little cock.
May 31 6 tweets 1 min read
Cw: #jackizzy #petplay #nsfw #cnc #cnckink
There's a game Jack and Izzy play called "bad dog." It's just a silly game. Jack is the dog, and he does something naughty and destructive like rip up some paper or piss on the floor at night. + In the morning Izzy gets up and goes to the kitchen for a glass of water. He walks through the house naked, because why the fuck not?
But on the way, he funds the mess or steps in the wet spot and he sniffs and realizes and yells, "Bad dog, Jack! Naughty, awful fucking dog!" +
May 18 8 tweets 2 min read
#IzzyIsFreeUse #omegaverse
As Izzy's heat crept up on him, he started making plans.
The jam room was cleared out to make room for the communal nest. He collected pieces from each of the crew to fill it with the scent of safety and love and pack.
+ He drank the drought Roach prepared for him and made sure there'd be enough for the next few days. It assured that nothing would take, but that he'd still be lucid and loose and pain free even as the heat burned through him.
May 7 8 tweets 2 min read
#fangizzyweek #fangizzy
CW: pet death

The night Blackbeard killed Fang's dog, the man was inconsolable. He wailed from below deck, so loud it echoed through the ship. But no one dared go to him.
No one but Izzy.
+ While the crew just kept their heads down and feigned ignorance, Izzy gave Blackbeard a dark look then stormed away.
He knew he would be punished. He knew Fang was worth it.
Izzy found him in the hold, squashed into a corner where he'd tried to make it a hidden bed. +
May 5 6 tweets 1 min read
#fangizzy @FangIzzyWeek #fangizzyweek
Fang wakes to the smell of sausage and syrup and Izzy singing showtunes.
The rain and thunder of the night before has been replaced by clear skies and sunshine, both inside and out. Fang sits and revels in the moment.
+ "Up, you lazy Twat"
Izzy says with a crooked smile as he enters the bedroom with a heavily laden tray.
Fang hops up to take it from him, but the smaller man turns away.
"I meant wake up, not get up! Sit back in bed!"
"Yes, Boss." Fang replies meekly, sitting back down.
May 2 8 tweets 2 min read
@FangIzzyWeek #fangizzyweek #fangizzy
Are you sure?"
"I swear to God, Fang!"
"But you're so small! I don't want to hurt you"
Izzy rolled his eyes so hard astronauts could have seen it.
"You slap me recreationally, Babe. I think I can handle you sitting on my lap." 2/6
Fang sighed, shaking his head no.
It was time to try another tactic.
Izzy looked up coquettishly through his lashes. "Please, Fang...I want to feel you on top of me."
Fang thought another moment, then, finally, nodded in acquiescence.
Apr 30 5 tweets 1 min read
#nsfw #Izzyistrans #steddyhands
Izzy is sore. His solo session while Stede and Ed were out of town was...frustrating to say the least.
It's always so much harder to cum when he's doing all the work, harder to let himself feel and relax. And last night was the worst in awhile. + He had spent two tedious hours trying what seemed like every toy in the drawer, but nothing felt right. It was a parade of toys that felt amazing when Stede and Ed used them, but in Izzy's hands they did practically nothing. +
Apr 27 5 tweets 1 min read
Pool day for the crew, and everyone makes bets on what Izzy will be wearing. The Swede goes for an olde-tymey swimming costume, Roach things huge trunks with a black tee, Jim thinks one of those elite swimmer full suits and Olu just the skin tight trunks version. Ed, Stede, Jack and Fang all kept silent. They know the answer and can't help giggling as the crew argues the options.
Ed gets a text that Izzy's there and they all watch with bated breath for him to come through the door.
Apr 19 4 tweets 1 min read
Idk, #stizzy catboy talk on the tl has me

Ed didn't take his toe, he took his tail. Izzy couldn't hide it, not from the crew that he protected, and not from Bonnet when he came back. It hurt all the time, made him uncertain and vulnerable. And it made him have to talk more. Stede couldn't help but like that part, it being part of his ethos as a Captain. And the more Izzy talked, the more he opened up. About what he went through with Ed and the happy days of their youth, why his loyalty is so firm, why he stays despite everything. And Stede listens.
Apr 7 5 tweets 1 min read
#stizzy fluff
Stede still can't believe his dumb luck to have found him. Izzy's face is relaxed in sleep, bundled in Stede's bed. He purrs in his sleep, louder when Stede holds him to his chest. There's something so beautiful about Izzy letting his guard down with him.+ The trust Izzy has in him now, the ability to truly rest in his presence.
Izzy stirs, his breath picking up as he wakes. Stede pulls him close, not wanting the peace to end. But Izzy opens his eyes and smiles at Stede, glowing in the morning light.+
Mar 29 11 tweets 2 min read
#nsfw Izzy/Roach/Wee John
Wee John's belly makes a great pillow for Izzy's head as Roach fucks him slowly and deeply. Roach has Izzy's hands held tight behind his back and he's slobbering all over John as he whines and pants and pleads for "more." But Roach is in charge and what he says goes.
"If you're not going to be quiet, at least make yourself useful." Roach demands, continuing his measured, lazy thrusts.
Izzy tries to move his head down along the slope of John's gut, but without his hands he can't get purchase.
Mar 24 10 tweets 2 min read
Roach calls on the crew to show the fuck up. Izzy's turning 60 this year, and he refuses to let Izzy ignore his birthday like he does most years. It won't be anything major, it can't be anything too fancy, nor too celebratory if he expects Izzy to actually show. He plans for everyone to gather at Stede's for a dinner party and karaoke. Roach makes Izzy's favorite meal--yellow curry with sweet potatos and peas and the garlic naan he made the first time Roach cooked for him. Lemon meringue pie and peanut butter brownies for dessert.
Mar 13 5 tweets 1 min read

Izzy was pulling into the driveway when CJ came barreling out the front door. He was yelling something, but with the windows up Izzy couldn't make it out.
He lowered the passenger window and hollered, "What, Jack!?"
He huffed as he reached the car door.
+ Grabbed the open window and stuck his head in like an overzealous dog.
"Baby!! The ice cream shop reopened! Can we go get a twist cone?"
Izzy wanted to say no, you're a 46 year old man, but right now Jack looked like an excited kid.
"Why the fuck not. Get in."
Mar 3 11 tweets 2 min read
CJ convinces Fang and Izzy to go camping with him over a long weekend. They load up Jack's pickup with their supplies--primarily hot dogs and beer--and set out into the country. Jack says he has a great spot all picked out, one he goes to on his own a bunch. + And it's a beautiful place when they finally get there after a couple of hours. There's a clearing in the forest and a spring not far away. Izzy looks around, surprised that Jack hadn't brought him before, but glad to see it now. They set up the tent, just one big one to share. +
Feb 28 8 tweets 2 min read
CW: medical procedure
Izzy feels something odd in his chest and his primary sends him to get a mammogram. They tell him it's probably nothing, try not to worry. He's never had to do this before. He cut his tits off years ago. He hoped he'd be able avoid procedures like this. + Everything in the waiting room feels so feminine. He's the only man in the room and he feels like everyone is sneering at him. When he goes back to the imaging room, the technician is clinical but kind, tells him to take off his shirt, fumbles not to say "and bra."+
Feb 24 4 tweets 1 min read
#cjizzy ficlet

Izzy hears a pot clang on the kitchen floor and a "fucking dammit", then Jack's yelling, "What's the conversion of dry to wet beans?"
Izzy hangs his head and takes a breath before calling back, "What does that even mean, Jack?" + "I'm making soupy beans, like from tiktok, but I'm starting from canned, not dry. How many cans wet beans would be the same as a pound of dry beans?"
"I don't fucking know, why don't you Google it."
There's silence for a moment and Izzy thinks maybe he's home free. +
Feb 22 4 tweets 1 min read
Izzy is a twitch streamer that mostly plays GeoGuessr and the occasional stream of PowerWash Simulator while grumbling about life and his fitness routine. He has a small crew of regulars in the chat that he spends most of his time yelling at, but they seem to eat it up. One day he says he'll do a topless stream if he hits 100 subscribers. In less than 5 minutes, one of his regulars--MustangCap-gifts 100 gift subs. Izzy is shocked, but a promise is a promise, and he whips his tee off. The chat goes wild at seeing his chest, and Izzy subtly preens
Feb 12 7 tweets 2 min read
It's been a long day. Cleaning and laundry and tidying up Ed's doom piles so that the apartment looks nice, calming even. Izzy knows it won't last, but it makes him feel better for now. And he knows he'll get a kiss and a "good boy" for it when Ed gets home. Stede will probably be in tow with a kiss as well if Izzy's lucky.
Izzy puts the kettle on to make himself a tea and to relax with a book for awhile.
Now that he's no longer in motion, the aches settle in, reminding him he isn't made for running around any more.
Feb 3 7 tweets 1 min read
Fang worries for days, thinking about what Izzy will say when he brings up the poly question. He'd known going into their relationship that Fang had been in poly situations before, just not recently. And he hadn't been interested in anyone since they started dating. And it isn't like Izzy isn't enough for him! He loves Izzy, loves what they have, the bond they share, the history that helps them understand each other. But Fang has so much room for more in his life and his heart.
Jan 31 7 tweets 2 min read
Izzy hugs his stuffie tight, thinks about how Dada tells him it's okay to feel bad sometimes. It's easier than it used to be, to let himself be sad and not try to push it down or away. It's okay to feel sad because it's temporary as long as you let it run its course. 1/6 Izzy hugs Panda tighter, knowing he'd be strangling her if she were real, but this is what she's for so it's okay. He lets himself cry until he feels empty and salty, imagining he is part of the ocean.
There's a knock on the door and Dada pops his head in.
"Okay, Iz?" 2/6