How to get URL link on X (Twitter) App women aren't repressing our feelings wrt men for men's benefit we're urged to hush them up for "the common good". 🙄 because *race* has been made "real" by institutional convention, it really, really doesn't mean it's not as flimsy a myth as the concept of a *gender identity* (itself, untestable, unprovable and undetectable) should be viewed.'s hard enough that UK academy is awash with afro-pessimist thought which does nothing toward changing lives materially for black people and verges on naturalising racism in white people (redeemable only by never ending atonement) without seeing racism weaponised against... could not afford therapy, if I did know, before I got into this discussion. While you remained silent about the abuse that comes with the word TERF or the gaslighting and unbelievable levels of coercive pressure I encountered as I defended that women are female and that's a...