Cátia Freitas Profile picture
Dinosaur living on the brink! I protest flippings of class relations. Prof pic: Sembene Ousmane’s La Noire de... (1966) #FascismoNuncaMais #25deAbrilSempre
Cátia Freitas Profile picture 1 subscribed
Aug 20, 2023 18 tweets 4 min read
@_Witch_of_Aeaea @cache_pas The responses to that thread are politically myopic at best and, by behaving in such ways, GCs do show contempt for women which is why some of us no longer call ourselves GC. Frankly, it's embarrassing now. @DrNWLuna @rady_aphrodite @_Witch_of_Aeaea @cache_pas Sometimes, the only way women are able to fight against the conditions under which they face difficulties is to bring the issue to international attention. So, it is particularly crass for women in other countries to drown out the voices of campaigners in ways as crass as the...
Jul 18, 2023 5 tweets 1 min read
#MandelaDay #WomensLiberation Image “Freedom cannot be achieved unless women have been emancipated from all forms of oppression.”

"As Chief Luthuli said, 'When the women begin to take an active part in the struggle, no power on earth can stop us from achieving freedom in our lifetime."

Jun 14, 2023 8 tweets 5 min read
@EcoWitch @VeraBaird Of course not. A lot of women won't extend this one woman the courtesy of asking "What could have possibly have led her to this pass?". A lot of women will not relate to a woman who enters denial mode 'cos of the enormity of an unwanted 4th child in the midst of the turmoil of @EcoWitch @VeraBaird ... a covid thwarted separation from the father of the other children whose possible wrath she may have feared if he found out about the pregnancy. They won't relate to her lack of a friendly ear to just talk things over because secrecy was so paramount to the conditions under...
Jun 12, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
Women lie all the time about how we feel to avoid men's wrath. White's voice alone would have had me self-excluding from a refuge. Reliance on socially accepted deception doesn't make for good law for women because we're socialised to repress our feelings and our needs. Short🧵 When women aren't repressing our feelings wrt men for men's benefit we're urged to hush them up for "the common good". 🙄
No thank you. This is sexism and it needs to stop.
Male demands are not necessarily rights and, all too often, male demands impact on women to our detriment.
Jun 1, 2023 5 tweets 1 min read
True feminists find the very concept of race as detestable as the concept of a gender identity given how both institute/reinforce hierarchies among humans. Just because *race* has been made "real" by institutional convention, it really, really doesn't mean it's not as flimsy a myth as the concept of a *gender identity* (itself, untestable, unprovable and undetectable) should be viewed.
Nov 13, 2021 9 tweets 15 min read
@GoAskAlice92 @transperbole @billybragg @JeanHatchet @Ecuadorian_Mum @Passie_Kracht @CroneInAMillion "I totally am not positioning black women on a par with men as I flip the power relation between white and black people to fit my ideological positioning of women as oppressors of men (of which trans feminine males are a subset of) despite the fact men pose a statistically... @GoAskAlice92 @transperbole @billybragg @JeanHatchet @Ecuadorian_Mum @Passie_Kracht @CroneInAMillion "... measured threat to women not changed by transition. (well below actual size given #MVAWG reporting deterrents of all sorts and not including practices such as selective abortion, etc which position women as disposable). I really am not. Oh why, why won't you believe me?...
Nov 11, 2021 11 tweets 14 min read
@billybragg @JeanHatchet @Ecuadorian_Mum @Passie_Kracht @CroneInAMillion You have no idea just how we do, Billy. I'll never believe a fucking word you say about racism when Small Axe - Education has been there for as long as it has to show you and the fucking nation the meaning and difference between separatism and segregation. @billybragg @JeanHatchet @Ecuadorian_Mum @Passie_Kracht @CroneInAMillion Segregation has always been an exercise of power by a dominant population over another one. That's never been black people NOR women.
Oct 19, 2021 5 tweets 2 min read
I'm proud to have joined the #OrderOfThePhoenix in Jo's support because I refuse to believe black female academics in UK have all swallowed this "feminist" idealist orthodoxy. Some will be precariously employed and silent for fear for career prospects and loss of livelihoods. It's hard enough that UK academy is awash with afro-pessimist thought which does nothing toward changing lives materially for black people and verges on naturalising racism in white people (redeemable only by never ending atonement) without seeing racism weaponised against...
Oct 18, 2021 4 tweets 2 min read
#Filia2021 was my first women's conference. I had the time of my life. It was brilliant to meet so many great women and participate in a great festival of female ideas, ideals, inspiration and consciousness. Thank you @FiLiA_charity and all volunteers for putting it together. Thank you also to @PortsmouthGhall for allowing us to meet and talk and refusing cave to pressure to prevent us from gathering.
Aug 3, 2021 15 tweets 7 min read
I say #NoThankYou too:
To conflating "gender" with sex to the extent it moves the concept of gender away from the social mechanism which keeps women subordinated in society. Women aren't a mere identity. We are specific sexed humans: *female* humans.
#PeakMisogyny to attempt to change the very meanings of words in order prevent us from talking about ourselves or refer to us as if we were reduced to our reproductive functions or organs.
Jun 17, 2021 25 tweets 8 min read
"I even booked in an emergency session with my therapist to work out a coping strategy for my mental health."
Well, well, well!
I couldn't even have known I'd need one in my social groups or my political ones as I got into this debate, Ayesha. But here's the rub: I could not afford therapy, if I did know, before I got into this discussion. While you remained silent about the abuse that comes with the word TERF or the gaslighting and unbelievable levels of coercive pressure I encountered as I defended that women are female and that's a...