The Modern Boethius Profile picture
“All fortune is good fortune; for it either rewards, disciplines, amends, or punishes, and so is either useful or just.” Catholic 🇻🇦
Oct 27 17 tweets 7 min read
🚨Public Correction of Pinesap🚨

In this thread, I am issuing a public correction of Pinesap, and really, the entire Groyper thesis as it relates to Judaism. This is necessary as their harmful errors have spread on X.

I prove that they contradict Catholic teaching. A thread 🧵 At the outset, at the heart of Pinesap and other groypers problem is fundamentalism, which sadly clouds their views on Jews and Judaism

Pinesap openly says he is a “proud Catholic fundamentalist”

Pope Francis denounces religious fundamentalism as a “plague,”even in Catholicism Image
Sep 20 74 tweets 11 min read
🚨The long-awaited Popesplainer’s response on the Pope Francis drama is here.🚨

This thread is very long (about 70 tweets).

This response is Part I. I will later release a Part II addressing the second of Francis’s remarks, and why Francis doesn’t clarify himself “There are not one hundred Catholics in the United States who hate Pope Francis, but there are millions who hate what they wrongly perceive Pope Francis to be” -Archbishop Fulton Sheen, paraphrased
Jan 26 14 tweets 6 min read
What Father says here is not true. I am rebutting all his points, tweet by tweet, below. So read my second tweet as responding to his second tweet, third to third, and so on.

I also agree with him nonetheless that we should maintain charity while discussing this heated topic 1.Yes God ordered capital punishment in the OT. It has never been the claim of Catholics against DP that every form of DP is intrinsically evil. Here is pope Francis himself saying DP could be used even within the past century!
Jan 26 14 tweets 3 min read
Many of you think Polega’s take is absurd.

But this is sadly true, and I have the receipts to back it up. Many Catholics lambast church leaders out of ignorance of the faith. This propensity to rash judgment is so unrestrained some users here called Aquinas a heretic

A thread🧵 A while back I made a post with a quote taken practically verbatim from St. Thomas Aquinas’s summa. It reads “Therefore Christ's body is not in this sacrament as in a place.” Summa Theologica, Third Part, Ques. 76, art.5 Image
Jan 8 21 tweets 4 min read
Ch. 7-9 of Cardinal Fernandez’s leaked book is masterful. Those lambasting it have an immature or deficient theological outlook of God’s love. Do not let the frenzy of the media outrage gaslight you into thinking otherwise.

A thread 🧵 Image First, let us begin with an analysis of Ch.7, which talks about sexual orgasms in some detail. It is important to note the following:
1. Sex is NOT bad.
2. The love of sex, eros, is ordered to the divine love, agape.
3. From 2, we can learn from eros a better insight to agape.
Dec 29, 2023 74 tweets 10 min read
In addition to previous post, making a thread of my rebuttal to Dr. John Joy’s article at 1P5 so I can put it on thread unroll. Dr. Joy’s article here:

A thread 🧵 1/… In his article, Dr. Joy makes an argument against the magisterial safety thesis, asserting that the magisterium may sometimes contain dangerous error that would require the laity to resist the Pope’s teaching.
Dec 19, 2023 45 tweets 8 min read
Hello friends,

Part 2 of my own response to the Fiducia Supplicans drama. I list 4 main objections to FS coming from the critics and rebut them. I hope this is useful in rebutting arguments you find online. It’s attached below in PDF format and in thread below.

A thread 1/45🧵

Objection 1: “It says couple, not individuals”

Many folks are saying that Fiducia Supplicans (FS) is, in fact, blessing sin, due to Paragraph 31 which states “the possibility of blessings for couples in irregular situations” (emphasis added).
Dec 19, 2023 16 tweets 3 min read
Hello friends, below is Part 1 of my response to drama today, addressing only what was actually said in the document. PDF is attached below too

I am later releasing a Part 2 addressing the arguments of critics such as “this is orthodox but will cause confusion”

A thread 🧵 1/16 Image Part 1: What Fiducia Supplicans Actually Said

The hermeneutic key to understanding the document is that this document is about blessings—not about marriage. Indeed, Pope Francis says this “Declaration remains firm on the traditional doctrine of the Church about marriage.” 2/16
Nov 20, 2023 17 tweets 3 min read
A lot of controversy has arisen about Bishop Strickland and Michael Lofton. Most of it comes from social media’s pernicious tendency to spur uncharitable attacks against our neighbor on a collective scale.

A thread on dangers of social media, using Francis’s own teaching. 1/16🧵 Image Many are not aware of Francis’s apostolic exhortation Christus Vivit. It’s a lesser known but great document touching on faith of young people. And, one of the great problems for young people is the danger of social media, and Francis has some words about it. He writes: (2/16)