Gregory Fox. I read far less than I need to, but far more than I want to; "If people wanted you to write warmly about them, they should have behaved better.”.
2 subscribers
Sep 28, 2024 • 6 tweets • 2 min read
The "father going to the elders" detail:
Harris: He went to the elders on a Tuesday
Johnson: Steve informed the elders before the father confronted Steve
Trinity: "The elders were informed by Steve"-9/19
One Passion: Confessed to the board-9/20
Doubtful. All of it. Here's why: 1) It's the detail that two sources are saying. I'm forgetting what Benzinger said, but frankly, he'd be saying what Phil would say.
They're all trying to keep focus on Dallas. In both details, the father tells someone presumably in Dallas--either Steve or the elders, making
Aug 30, 2021 • 6 tweets • 2 min read
GCC--August 29th Sunday Service: "This lawsuit is going in our favor".
"Obviously many people contracted December and January, that's when I began to realize how many people were ill. That's when Patricia and I "enjoyed" our own bout with COVID".
"We are grateful to the Lord that the County and the State of California want to settle this because they do not want a trial. That would not serve them well since Grace Church has flourished during this time".
Legal fees. Facts fuzzy.
Mar 16, 2021 • 12 tweets • 5 min read's been a day. Rained a bit, helped two family members with car trouble, but I see that GTY is being contemplated in the Twitterverse. This current review of Ortlund's book.
Let get right to it. 1) This isn't GTY, per se. Can anyone tell me who works at Grace to You?
2) This is Jeremiah Johnson, son of Phil Johnson, Elder of Grace Community Church and Executive Dir. at Grace to You. He also leads the Fair Oaks Ranch (Indian for Canyon Country adjacent) Grace Life Bible Study. He also is a Contributor to the GTY Blog. (darn bloggers!)
Mar 15, 2021 • 4 tweets • 2 min read
9,999th tweet. What can I say? I started this Twitter account to promote MDZ as a brand. It was a pandemic hobby that turned into a bit of fun. There were many highs, but far too many lows. I'm thankful to you all, even the haters, especially the haters, for the profound
blessings, insights, and fearlessness that you demonstrate in your own corner of the world. And to thank you, in the only way I know how: a Mixtape.
Jan 19, 2021 • 9 tweets • 3 min read
Tomorrow is Inauguration Day. I pray that it is peaceful and that it is not a continuation of what occurred on January 6th. I won't argue the merits of it. I can't imagine for a moment what the possible outcome could have been for even going to the Capitol. 1/
I watched as pastors were maligned, even condemned if they did not vote Trump. To attach one's own salvation to a vote. Shame on you and your damnable lies for adding to the stress and propping up a bullying culture because someone else thought and voted differently than you.2/
Dec 22, 2020 • 5 tweets • 2 min read
NEXT: Defamation Lawsuit Against Pulpit and Pen pending at Stanley Most, MDZ holds Press Conference at the Van Nuys Home Depot and Tamale stand. Between the shuttered Apple Store and LA Fitness.
"Let that sink in".
(Did Pulpit and Pen pen this?)…
Protestia, formerly Pulpit & Pen (P&P), is a Calvinist blog operated under the auspices of the Fellowship Baptist Church of Sidney, Montana.[1] The blog has changed names and formats repeatedly, claiming censorship by Facebook and other social media platforms.
Dec 22, 2020 • 4 tweets • 1 min read
LA Times article regarding the newest Health Order modifications in LA County, featuring Grace Community Church.
*Another article which mentions that Grace would not comment or respond to inquiries in either email OR social media.…
“Although houses of worship can meet indoors, staff and attendees must follow measures to protect themselves and the public. Under the county’s public health order, staff and visitors must wear face coverings at all times and maintain a distance of at least six feet from anyone
Dec 21, 2020 • 7 tweets • 3 min read
So, it's 2020 (who are we kidding, even in January it will still be 2020 in our hearts) and you've decided to follow:
Modern Day Zorro
*or, maybe you're on the fence and can't really decide if you should since you follow 1,000s of others
Here are some excellent reasons why you
should follow:
1) Entrance into Weird Christian Twitter or #WCT. A collection of amazing people fighting the power and gaining weight as we sit by our computers, argue with TheoBros, and waste an hour on dreadful food takes.
This Thanksgiving, we have a lot to be grateful for here at The Master’s University. Through this unprecedented semester, God has sustained our institution and provided for it in remarkable ways. In the spring, He provided financially
after we closed our campus and pivoted to remote learning for the rest of the semester. This cost the school nearly two million dollars. In God’s providence, gracious ministry partners came alongside our school to lessen the impact of the stay-at-home orders on our institution.
Nov 3, 2020 • 6 tweets • 2 min read
A true Christian Election song
Brother Raul, you have my vote.
I don't understand what people fuss about
Seems like they're all angry all the time
Mindin' everybody's business like it was their own
I can barely find the time for mine
I believe in love and leavin' well enough alone
You won't catch me castin' that first stone
You may not share my point of view
Or see the world the way I do
I hope that doesn't matter much to you
I don't have to be self righteous even if I'm right
Please excuse me if you think
-any pastor who associated salvation with a vote
-any church that had one Bible, but 4 US flags
-any church with the name "Patriot" anywhere on their bulletin or signage
-any pastor who started a tweet with "Friendly Reminder"
-any pundit who mixed evangelicalism in a Vitamix
Oct 30, 2020 • 4 tweets • 1 min read
Great article about a church in La Habra, meeting outdoors and really caring about their community. I'm not familiar with Orange County's Health Order, but in this instance it is the City of La Habra that is making things hard on them.
A Latino church. No DC connections. Going above and beyond to comply.
A not-so-Latino church in a Latino community mocking and flaunting COVID guidelines for the censure of the world every week, while promoting a Romans 13 adherence on
Oct 28, 2020 • 9 tweets • 3 min read
Me: Trying to explain to older people about the kerfuffle on Twitter yesterday. I know so many older people on Facebook only, who have never been on Twitter and don't know the hellscape it can be. I envy them. lol
So, basically, I followed a friend onto a thread and made a
light comment. It was basically saying, "hey, I'm not with those guys. Don't judge all of us by this guy's conduct, some of us have bible degrees..". It was a joke. They were calling a group of about 200 people apostates, of which I belong, and I was making a light comment.
Oct 26, 2020 • 4 tweets • 1 min read
From a recent email from a @MastersSeminary student:
Entering the GCC campus, I walk by a neighboring house with a poster that says “love thy neighbor, wear a mask.” Then I pass the two security guards, unmasked, to enter the only entrance of “Grace” that’s not currently gated
off. What bitter irony. The other day, an unmasked guard sneezed and then coughed loudly and said at the top of his lungs, “Sorry, I have the Covid! I have the Covid!!” as his friend laughed heartily".
I get bad looks like I’m a pariah. The ones who mask up have warmed up to me,
Oct 7, 2020 • 4 tweets • 1 min read
Whoever you vote for, just wanted to say that when you wake up the next morning, you're still saved, loved by the Lord Jesus Christ, and are still living in 2020.
I realize there's going to be a lot of fighting (candy corn jokes aside), but calling people you disagree with
names, or calling into question their "salvation" @johnmacarthur is cheap. It's unbecoming. Did this honestly happen during the last election?
That was 24 years ago, right? BC-Before COVID?
All governments are ordained by God, like it or not.
The Early Church thrived during