Researcher @GIGA_Institute & associate research @Clingendaelorg
PhD in IR
#China-Middle East
Oct 15, 2022 • 8 tweets • 3 min read
Josep Borrell: "Europe is a garden. Most of the rest of the world a jungle. The jungle could invade the garden. The Jungle has a strong growth capacity.'
Dear Mr. @JosepBorrellF
This is the WORST ANALOGY of all time, for the following reasons:
a thread🧵 1/7
Conceptually, "garden" sounds like a euphemism for "civilized" & "jungle" like one for "barbarian". It rings of the 19th century colonial discourse of 'la mission civilisatrice' or 'white man's burden'.
May I introduce you to Walter Benjamin's ideas on "civilization"?