Mollie Marr, MD, PhD 🏳️‍🌈 Profile picture
she/her, PGY-1 @MGHPsychiatry @McLeanHospital. Tisch Theatre & @OHSUSOM Behavioral Neuro alum. @mirzayanfellow ‘22, bibliophile, plants. Opinions my own.
Jul 21, 2020 14 tweets 3 min read
Standardized exams are stressful and anxiety-provoking in the best of circumstances.

We manage the pressure because we know it is time-limited. We have a prep period and we have a test date. Usually, we have some control over that test date.

With a date in mind, we can pace ourselves. Space out questions, practice exams, content review. We can push ourselves knowing our timeline and strategy.

This makes the prep manageable.

Students taking the MCAT and Step exams have not had that option this year.

Nov 27, 2019 24 tweets 5 min read
I want to talk about hospice . . .
. . . And what it means for families . . .

This is a long thread.

Trauma-informed warning: it may be hard to read. 1/
In med school, I learned about the benefits of hospice—the focus on quality of life, dying at home in a more peaceful setting, being surrounded by family.

I imagined myself recommending this option to patients, working to help them carry out the wishes of their loved one.