MothersAgainstGregAbbottPAC/MothersforDemocracyPAC Profile picture
Feb 13 6 tweets 1 min read
There's a Tsunami about to hit in Texas:
-Dept of Education will cost Tx $14.6 Billion in funding 20% - No Title 1 or special needs funding
-Tx Passes Vouchers will hit Rural Community especially hard
-Fewer kids in school = fewer lunches that will hit the school lunch program Impact to Texas Farm Fresh Initiative that brings fresh local agricultural products to pubic schools. Farm Fresh gets support from USDA and TDA Federal grants. Grants Trump is now putting on the chopping block. Another hit to farmers.
Feb 4 8 tweets 2 min read
🚨 Rural America is about to get SCREWED. And if you live in Texas? Well, add a cherry on top. 🍒 Let’s talk about what’s coming. 🧵👇

75 counties out of 254 in Texas are seeing their populations shrink. Why? Climate change. Agricultural challenges. But here’s the kicker… Image Texas farmers rely on government subsidies. 20% of them get federal support, and Texas takes in 26% of ALL U.S. farm subsidies. That’s a lot. Guess who’s cutting those subsidies? Trump & Elon Musk. Yep. It’s on the chopping block. That safety net? Gone.
Oct 2, 2024 33 tweets 3 min read
Wishing Gov. @Tim_Walz the best tonight and sending him the Texas Coach's prayer 👇🏽 We all know that when we lead from the heart, we can all have good things. All of our comments will be in this thread. Let's win this thing! #winningwithwalz Image @Tim_Walz Let's go!
Aug 2, 2024 5 tweets 2 min read
This should be getting more media attention in Texas. Greg Abbott continually fails Texas children, yesterday the US Dept of Justice found Texas Juvenile Justice Dept guilty. “TJJD routinely violates the constitutional rights of children in all five facilities by: Exposing them to excessive force and prolonged isolation; Failing to protect children from sexual abuse; and Failing to provide adequate mental health services.” Cont.
#GregAbbottisaFailure… TJJD violates the IDEA by failing to provide special education and related services to children with disabilities.
TJJD discriminates against children with disabilities in violation of the ADA by: Not providing reasonable modifications necessary to permit their participation in programming required for release and denying them an equal opportunity to benefit from education.
Mar 6, 2024 17 tweets 3 min read
📢📢Texas is the epicenter of Fascism.📢📢
We must reflect on what Germany felt like when they elected Hitler. Many did not know they were voting for the last time. And while right now this is not the case right now. Fascism is coming and that is clear. There are a lot of parallels between Texas right now and Germany during Hitler’s rise to power. Christian Nationalism and Trumpism have hijacked the Texas Republican Party. The Greg Abbott and Ken Paxton revenge tour was successful.
Jan 30, 2024 14 tweets 4 min read
We were not going to endorse the Democrat US Senate race till after the primary. But that changed when we continually received asks for donations from @ColinAllredTX, yet @RolandForTexas was the one we saw campaigning. We waited months to hear from Colin's team to no avail. He wasn't responding to Democratic club leaders or County Democratic Chairs. We were hearing a lot of people compare him to MJ Hegar and not in a good way. Others were talking about how DC is pushing him and DC doesn't know Texas. We thought he would hit the campaign trail
Nov 27, 2023 6 tweets 2 min read
Kids all over Texas go back to school tomorrow. And the race to Holiday Break begins. It will be filled with theatre performances and plays, band concerts, dance concerts, and orchestras playing Handel. My son's school is having a Cultural Heritage Festival. There are field trips to see plays and the Nutcracker. There will be movies played during lunch. Winter Parties, teacher holiday luncheons, giving trees in the lobby filled with wish lists. Science Fair instructions are handed out to those kids in grades 4-5. Seniors will be wrapping up applications
Nov 16, 2023 10 tweets 2 min read
Dear Biden @POTUS @VP @RepLloydDoggett A letter from our founder Nancy Thompson: I am the granddaughter of a Bracero who married a Native American / Spanish woman. As a Latina — as an American, as a Texan, and as a human being — I am appalled that Texas SB4 passed yesterday. Once Governor Abbott signs this racist bill into law, it’s open season on anyone who looks like me.

Under SB4, Texas law enforcement officers can arrest suspected migrants and deport them without any of the protections that federal law guarantees.
Oct 21, 2023 7 tweets 4 min read
So for some people X is blocking all the images. So we will try again. This time a few at a time. These are our recommendations.

Prop 4-5
Oct 16, 2023 5 tweets 1 min read
It’s a daily struggle between wanting to provide some middle ground, some insight, some sense of belonging and community, a call for galvanizing Texas voices and wanting to just give up. We are tired of the culture wars and the hate. It’s just exhausting. We spent some time listening to others tonight but sometimes people are so far gone. You treat them with respect, try to explain issues, you are kind and they start out okay but then spiral into racist hate so quickly. We are seeing two major trends right now in regards to racism
Jul 29, 2023 14 tweets 3 min read
🧵So how’s State take over of HISD going? This is an anonymous post by a teacher interviewing for a job:

I went through an HISD hiring process for their NES schools. I applied to HISD's NES positions (to be "reformed" schools) to see what the process is and to get more info just out of curiosity. My credentials and experience as a teacher are stellar, and I knew I'd get invited to an interview for sure. I received an invitation for an interview from HISD the next day after I applied.
Jul 1, 2023 7 tweets 2 min read
🧵We recently went to London and noticed this campaign on Pillars. “I am so Angry I could vote” so I looked up success if this campaign and it failed. The Conservative Party still won. We have been listening to leading messaging experts and data and anger does not win elections. In 2022 we had anger and we had a lot to be angry about and still people didn't show up. Right now we have voter suppression, voter apathy, and a sense of total defeat. And have you talked to other Democrats since last falls election?
May 27, 2023 36 tweets 6 min read
We are going to start a hearing thread and we will update throughout the day. Just this one thread. Image Now for todays Political Celebrity watch. Guess who's in town for the fireworks. He wants to know what you did to his office Ken! Image
May 27, 2023 10 tweets 3 min read
A story from our founder: Henry Kissinger, Sam Donaldson and me, a story about Civics education. In 1988 and I was a youth delegate to the National Republican Convention with a group called PEP (Political Educational Project). ImageImage This was a group set up by rich Tx Oil Execs to get the Hispanic youth vote. I had just turned 18, just graduated from High School and was asked to participate in this PEP program by Republicans to get the youth vote. We spent several days at convention at seminars and events.
May 24, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read
Listening to this rant by @NateSchatzline is ridiculous.
Between 1776 - 1926, 39/50 US states permitted alien suffrage for local, state and federal Elections. state by state this changed. In 1996, US Congress pass law prohibiting non-citizens from voting in federal elections. @NateSchatzline "And Texas Election Code Sec. 13.001 clearly states that in order to be eligible for voter registration in the State of Texas – including for voting any municipal or local elections – one must be a United States citizen...
May 11, 2023 20 tweets 4 min read
🧵Hi everyone, Nancy here, the founder of this organization. I am going to share something personal tonight. My families story from Public School, to homeschool, to Private School, and back to Public School. I have 3 children and all 3 have different needs and challenges. My eldest has a rare language processing disorder called Mixed Expressive and Receptive Language Disorder or MERLD. We discovered this when he was 2.5 years old, he did speech with Easter Seals and then moved into public school PPCD program. He had amazing teachers till 3rd grade
Apr 11, 2023 7 tweets 1 min read
🧵DO NOT SIT THIS ONE OUT TEXANS! This is the game you can’t miss and we need you to score the final goal. Don’t let vouchers/ESA’s turn off our Friday Night Lights. Call your legislators and tell them to vote NO on Vouchers and ESA’s. #NoVouchers #TxLege Call your legislator and tell them to vote NO on these bills.
HB 619
HB 3781
HB 4340
HB 4807
HB 4969
Call the Public Education Committee:
Chair-Brad Buckley 512-463-0684
VChair-Alma Allen 512-463-0744
Apr 5, 2023 8 tweets 2 min read
🧵There is an excellent article in this weeks The Economist on Vouchers. It's behind a firewall so we will post some highlights. The US currently has more students in private schools than Britain. which is surprising.… Current wave is due to response to culture wars and Betsy DeVos who argues that these funding schemes could "liberate kids from race indoctrination." However there is little evidence for the effectiveness of voucher programs. Voucher programs have not tested well since the 90's.
Mar 6, 2023 11 tweets 7 min read
🧵So the censoring of @TonyGonzales4TX today made us curious about the process etc.. So we Googled and the only records of Democrats censoring politicians has been @SenatorSinema, however if you Google GOP censoring there are dozens of stories. Govt is broken because... @TonyGonzales4TX @SenatorSinema throughout history elected's have been censored, 10 Senate, 24 House etc... but what has changed is how censoring is currently being used as a weapon. It used to be it was used for incendiary remarks but now it's used everytime a party disagrees with the way an elected voted.
Feb 17, 2023 23 tweets 4 min read
The State of the State Address is not being given in the Tx House chamber for the 2nd time. It's at a facility in San Marcos. It's go time. Says State of our state has never been more exceptional and we inherited a legendary pedigree. Promise of freedom and opportunity. Speaking from Noveon facility in San Marcos. Says most rare materials now come from China. We shouldn't depend on China.
Feb 16, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read
🧵Today's FILL THE LINES is about Senate Bill 435 from @mayes_middleton that helps families whose loved ones were killed get access to some of the medical data. Ex: Santa Fe families will have access to their child's autopsy report. Fill the lines for families who want closure. Go here to find your Tx Senate and House Representatives:
Make the call positive and refrain from negative comments.