Monica Marks Profile picture
Prof of Middle East Politics @NYUAbuDhabi. Tunisia, Turkey, Gulf. PhD @StAntsCollege Oxford. Fulbright, Rhodes, @HarvardWCFIA. 13 yrs writing on Tunisia.
May 20 8 tweets 3 min read
Everyone needs to read the ICC's charges.

It says there are reasonable grounds to believe that Hamas leaders bear criminal responsibility for extermination, rape, sexual violence, torture & other war crimes & crimes against humanity.

They holding Hamas, and Israel, accountable.

Here are the ICC's arrest warrant charges against Netanyahu & Gallant.

Contentious charges like genocide are not on this list. Instead, the ICC opted for rock-solid charges w/ clear evidence, eg: Netanyahu & Gallant have used starvation of civilians as a method of war: Image
May 15 11 tweets 2 min read
Unbelievable, but true. Tunisian social media networks are abuzz today w/ the absurd idea that Zuckerberg not only gives a fig about Tunisia, but is part of some Western plot to destabilise it.

The truth is different, ofc, but just as grim & deserves book-length studies: 🧵 The weakness of Tunisian Arabic content moderation on platforms like Facebook—a phenomenon more tied to neglectful resource allocation in small language markets (w/ parallels in Myanmar, for ex)—plus Saied’s xenophobic conspiracies, metastasised into a storm of hateful content.
May 10 23 tweets 5 min read
Tunisia has, like many societies, long struggled w/ anti-Black racism as the scholar @HudaMzioudet documents.

But following President Saied’s Feb. 2023 “great replacement” speech, Tunisia rapidly morphed into the most violently anti-Black environment I’ve ever experienced 🧵 Within weeks of Saied’s speech, pogroms against Black migrants & refugees—sometimes implicating the security forces themselves—resulted in stabbings, rapes, evictions & chasing people from their homes at knife-point and more abuses. Even Black Tunisian citizens were targeted.
May 9 13 tweets 3 min read
Sickened by Europe’s descent into fascism, the Austrian Jewish author Stefan Zweig & his wife Charlotte committed suicide in 1942. They were found, having escaped to Brazil, overdosed on barbiturates, holding hands.

His memoir, The World of Yesterday, describes what was lost. 🧵 Image This quote reminds me of what some friends in the Arab Spring, & in Tunisia in particular, have suffered. The tumultuous ups & downs, and the gaping sense of all that was lost:
Apr 3 13 tweets 4 min read
Democratic enfranchisement of Turkey’s Kurdish citizens, like that of Palestinians, requires the dominant powers—the Turkish & Israeli states, respectively—to reconcile themselves w/ reality that Kurds & Palestinians may vote for candidates they consider terrorist sympathisers 🧵 In the eastern Kurdish-majority city of Van, Turkey’s local elections produced a winning candidate—Abdullah Zeydan—who was imprisoned after attending the funeral of a YPG fighter. Ankara sees YPG as part of the PKK, which has used terrorism in Turkey.…
Mar 11 15 tweets 4 min read
The backlash to director Jonathan Glazer’s acceptance speech at the Oscar’s—where his film The Zone of Interest won “Best International Feature Film”—is really beyond the pale.

Let’s take a minute to watch his speech & examine what he said in context: 🧵
First, let’s recall the plot of the film that Glazer wrote & directed, for which he & his team won Oscars.

It’s about the Holocaust, & how a German couple whose home is next to the Auschwitz concentration carry on their lives w/ genocide in the backyard.…
Feb 23 8 tweets 3 min read
Israeli audiences can find soldiers’ discovery of lingerie in Gazan women’s homes salaciously exhilarating bc many ppl have bought into flattened stereotypes abt Palestine divorced from its societies’ reality.

Fauda, for instance, showed no uncovered (hijab-free) women in Gaza. Image The idea that Palestinians, both in W Bank & Gaza, might live layered, vibrant, human lives—lives that include lingerie, for some married (and not-so-married) couples—is only shocking if you’ve reduced Palestinians to the most conservative declarations of Hamas or firebrand imams
Jan 28 9 tweets 2 min read
Yes. The regional stability & security considerations of defunding UNRWA are significant—so significant, in fact, that they’ve kept the organisation plodding along for 75 years, despite the Israeli right’s desire to axe it entirely & Trump’s complete defunding of it in 2018. Will UNRWA survive this catastrophe?

Probably, given how much skin the PA, Jordan, Lebanon, much of Israel’s security establishment & to a lesser extent Syria have in its existence.

But it’s been crippled by funding cuts & unpredictability for years now & is weaker than ever.
Jan 27 8 tweets 3 min read
Algeria, which began its 2-year term on the UN Security Council earlier this month, will ask it to endorse ICJ’s ruling in favour of South Africa’s concerns re: Israel & genocide.

Given the strength of its ruling, the US should withhold its veto.

But I wouldn’t hold my breath. As of December 2023, the US had vetoed 89 UN Security Council resolutions in total since 1945.

Over half of all those US 🇺🇸 vetoes on the UNSC were used to swat down resolutions critical of Israel 🇮🇱, most of which pertained to its actions re: Palestine.…
Jan 25 10 tweets 3 min read
BDS has called to boycott Standing Together (⁦@omdimbeyachad), an org I proudly support.⁩

BDS describes it as a "Israeli normalization org" that “whitewash[es] Israel’s ongoing genocide."

This is counter-productive, circular firing squad purism. 🧵… Standing Together is led by Jewish & Palestinian Israelis. It works in the incredibly fraught, increasingly repressive (some would say fascistic) envir of Israel to build common ground & get ppl to humanise each other. An uphill battle, to say the least.…
Nov 6, 2023 21 tweets 4 min read
Today marks 1 month since the Israel-Hamas war began.

On this day, I’m thinking about a crucial but under-examined topic: the role of graphically violent images & videos, which have spread w/ breadth & ferocity I haven’t witnessed in any other conflict—not even Syria or Ukraine. Like countless others worldwide, I have watched & listened to grisly, harrowing crimes against humanity in vivid detail. I have seen many, many things I desperately wish I could forget.
Oct 28, 2023 6 tweets 2 min read
Profoundly wise piece by ⁦@gershonbaskin⁩, who has negotiated w/ Hamas since 2006.

“We Israelis must begin to confront the delusion that we have been living for decades. You cannot lock more than 2 million people into a human cage & expect quiet.”… Baskin criticises Israeli leaders' wrongheaded fetishisation of deterrence--in other words, their assumption that displays of Israeli military force can tame Hamas or cut off its recruitment abilities.

In conditions where ppl are bereaved & desperate, they're less afraid to die. Image
Oct 14, 2023 7 tweets 2 min read
Yesterday, Mecca's imam prayed for Palestine.

This & much else brings back '48. Ppl fleeing on foot, some by horse & donkey. Belongings spilling from their little bags. Babies crying.

This time, 🌍 watched their exodus live. Emotional impact tremendous.
Scholars, journalists & analysts cannot underestimate the resentments & ruptures these images will cause as they ripple & resonate across Muslim world & beyond.

Many in the Arab world, where I live, felt like they watched a Trail of Tears broadcast live.

Chilling, searing pain.
Oct 10, 2023 7 tweets 3 min read
Evidence of new Hamas horrors is materialising.

Feeling compassion for one’s enemies is difficult. But we must make space in our hearts for both Israeli & Palestinian victims & their pain.

My friend Lisa is a cofounder of the anti-occupation @972mag & an outstanding journalist. Lisa is a reliable source, but I am also seeking out evidence of these acts to independently confirm.

I have seen photos of burnt babies & bloody cribs at kibbutzim, Israeli eyewitnesses accounts etc.

Please feel free to DM w/ evidence or fact-checking information.
Oct 9, 2023 5 tweets 1 min read
What many Israelis downplay as “collateral” deaths—and presumably less reprehensible than Hamas’s targeted terrorist attack killings—are, in fact, lives lost.

They are little boys & girls, held lifeless in screaming parents’ arms.

Seared onto hearts throughout the Arab world. The idea that all or even most of these children are Hamas shields is a comforting fiction.

If Arabs cannot grasp Israelis’ pain without witnessing Hamas’s true atrocities, Israelis cannot process their pain without witnessing the hearts torn by their own country’s violence.
Sep 19, 2023 11 tweets 4 min read
Today in anti-Semitic madness:

Tunisia's president, Kais Saied, claims that Storm Daniel (which destroyed Derna, Libya) is evidence of Zionist infiltration & a Zionist "attack on the mind & thought" bc it's named Daniel, after a "Hebrew prophet." 🤦🏻‍♀️🧵⬇️
As Tunisian analyst Amine Snoussi rightly pointed out, it's just the latest conspiratorial & anti-Semitic "delirium" from Tunisia's president, who seized all powers in a self-coup on July 25, 2021--the day he shut democratically elected parliament with army tanks.
Apr 24, 2023 9 tweets 6 min read
No publication fact checks more rigorously than ⁦@NewYorker⁩ imho & no journalist covers MENA better than ⁦David Kirkpatrick⁩ (@ddk_nyc⁩).

This ✍️—on why Ghannouchi’s arrest matters not just for #Tunisia but for the world—is a must-read. 🧵… “The imprisonment of a leader as singular as Ghannouchi,” Kirkpatrick writes, is not just a blow to #Tunisia’s democracy. It’s “a setback to the wider world.

For Islamists who espouse violence, his imprisonment is a vindication—new evidence of the futility of the ballot box.” Image
Mar 26, 2023 5 tweets 3 min read
600,000 demonstrating is an extraordinary figure. It means approx 6.5% of #Israel's population is out protesting tonight, many having literally woken up from their beds when they heard Bibi fired Gallant.

When was the last time 6+% of any country protested? Genuine question. Acc to @EricaChenoweth, a top scholar of protests, 3 of the largest were Philippines 1986 (3.5% of pop), Brazil 1984 (less than 1% pop) & Czechoslovakia 1989 (nearly 5% pop).

🇮🇱’s protest tonight is, pop percentage-wise, larger than all these.

Mar 4, 2023 31 tweets 9 min read
I want to introduce you to some of the kind, dignified ppl—most of them card-carrying UNHCR-certified refugees—surviving in utterly inhumane conditions in one of #Tunisia’s 🇹🇳 very poshest neighbourhoods.

This is what President Saied’s “Great Replacement” speech has wrought:🧵⬇️ Image In the Lac neighbourhood of Tunis, amidst UN offices, foreign embassies & some of 🇹🇳’s fanciest cafés, a large group of refugees—the majority of whom I met were card-carrying UNHCR (@Refugees) certified—have been camping in very cold, rainy weather.

They are hungry & unsafe.
Feb 8, 2023 8 tweets 3 min read
In 2018 I dated a brilliant Turkish seismologist who worked at 🇹🇷’s top earthquake research institute, Bogazici University’s Kandilli Observatory.

We naturally discussed earthquake preparedness a lot.

He was fond of saying that earthquakes don’t kill ppl; buildings do. Like most ppl w/ a firm grasp of statistical probability, he didn’t expend much energy worrying about terrorist attacks.

Those sometimes happened in Istanbul.

But the real threat—the looming sword hanging over all our heads there—was, & remains, a quake.
Feb 7, 2023 11 tweets 3 min read
Erdogan’s enraged face says so much.

He hasn’t visited the deprem bölgesi (earthquake zone) to empathise, apologise for Turkish state’s clear failures (in planning & construction regulation) or applaud responders.

Instead he sits in Ankara, threatening those who dare criticise Ironically, white-hot rage against the state’s response to #Turkey’s devastating 1999 earthquake, which killed 18,000 ppl—characterised by sclerotic incompetence & touchy intolerance towards critique—created the context for Erdogan’s meteoric rise & 1st electoral victory in 2002.