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Escape From Plan A Podcast
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Feb 15 7 tweets 2 min read
The "dollar empire" implies a strong dollar (relative to other currencies) b/c it becomes like gold and every country hoards it (i.e. 'reserve currency').

This is not good for US industry b/c our exports get too expensive, and imports get very cheap! Whipsaws industry to death./ Trump was long derided by US elites for having bad taste. He likes McDonalds, taco bowls, Florida vacations, Atlantic City. He's gawdy, a bit white trash. He's not an internationalist who fetishizes imported goods.

US elites call him a 'poor person's idea of a rich person'./
Jun 3, 2024 4 tweets 1 min read
In 1989, it would have been hard or impossible to imagine Chinese culture had any future when it was so utterly exceeded by the US in every single relevant metric. Japan had reaped massive benefits from turning away from its Asian past and fully embracing Westernization. The Tigers proved the pattern. And in a year or two, the Soviet Union decided to capitulate as well.

The isolation of China at that time must have been incomprehensible.
Mar 18, 2023 7 tweets 2 min read
Suddenly we're seeing more conciliatory (though still alarmist) stories about China. We've painted ourselves into a corner, and US industry is insisting we repair trade relations.

Seems like our strategy all along was that China would ask for mercy.… Seems Xi's throwing down of the gauntlet made US realize that we've likely pushed the relationship well past the point of no return.

This includes: open intention to destroy Chinese companies and jail their executives, fomenting violence in HK, Xinjiang, and Taiwan...
Feb 2, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read
I view such comments with the same disdain as someone who attacks Jews as globalists hell bent on destroying America.

The major difference is, that such attacks on ethnic Chinese Americans is perfectly in line with Establishment values, both left and right.

So be it. I'm done with outrage, refusal to accept, etc...

This is the situation in America. If it's intolerable, make a change.

For me, I have the stomach for this kinda shit.
Feb 2, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
Asian American Cultural Red Pill Stages:

1) Recognize the patterns of anti-Asian sentiment in popular culture.

2) Recognize the transference of that into real life interactions.

3) Recognize the futility of fighting back against this tide.

/ 4) Attempt instead to "steal back" self-respect by pre-emptively engaging in anti-Asian sentiment, such as using Asian ethnic slurs as if they were terms of endearment.

Feb 2, 2023 6 tweets 2 min read
Asian Americans are often reduced to self-gaslighting to delude ourselves into the belief that we are not, in fact, living in a hostile cultural environment.

We don't want to have to deal with the consequences of that, so instead we ally ourselves with that hostility. It's a form of cowardice. Not all of us are to the extreme of the RepresentAZNs, who carry so much shame and trauma that they center their entire lives around tending to the wounds and attempting to escape via selling out to the aggressors.

But all of us live with a bit of this.
Feb 2, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
This doesn't surprise me. Virtually all jobs in defensetech requires security clearance (down to the janitors).

Not well known but open racial and sexual discrimination is 100% legal in security clearance jobs. / Works like this: you get fired/rejected for cause, i.e. not being able to obtain or maintain a security clearance.

Well, then you sue for discrimination against the govt for denying you clearance on account of race, sexuality etc.

The court then informs you to get lost. /
Feb 2, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
Not only do whites push Asians to the sidelines in America, other minority groups do as well. This anarchic factionalism is well known to historians and some Hollywood filmmakers like Scorsese.

Asians need to be more aggressive, not less, in securing our rights and interests. The reality of America is much more segregated than the images we are shown through media. Asians by and large live in Asian neighborhoods. We are not, as some claim, sprinkled in among the whites. The races remain segregated. Asians are being asked to disarm when nobody else is.
Feb 1, 2023 5 tweets 1 min read
Don't make the mistake of thinking Sinophobia is the result of misunderstandings, bad information, residual biases. You'll undertake the pointless task of trying to 'fix' perceptions.

Sinophobia is intentional policy. It is created as part of a design. / It's part of liberal elite culture to look "down" on racism as the result of bottom-up cultural debasement. That regular people are simply too ignorant and thus collectively cause racism.

When in actuality racism is policy as created by elites in furtherance of their interests./
Feb 1, 2023 5 tweets 1 min read
I went through some pretty crazy shit today. I'll spare you the details but let's just say I woke up halfway through a colonoscopy. When you're a middle-aged man and you leave the doctors, tears in your eyes, thinking "I want a strawberry milkshake as a reward." 😥
Feb 1, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
Why are some black accounts obsessively coming after Asians on here, apropos of nothing?

It's weird. Liberal deference to the skin color caste hierarchy means Asians internalize racial superiority to "brown and black" shaded people, and inferiority to whites.

But we walk backwards into it through performative deference to darker people and faux hostility to lighter people.
Jan 31, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
I had a very Larry David sort of day. The sort of day where I'm carrying two giant boxes of MiraLAX on the subway b/c I don't have a bag trying to look inconspicuous. Sort of day where I tell my new doctor we know each other I can't prove it and he suspects me of being insane. / All day just
Jan 20, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
Anti-communist HK youth who move to the US or Canada are some of the most culturally misplaced people on Earth. In a way I feel bad for them. There literally is no place for them here except in tiny and rather extreme social niches dedicated to stoking anti-Chinese conflict. / They'll try like hell to convince others and themselves that they are radical leftists, but that's to cover up (often to themselves) that they're much more aligned with the American neocon wing.

Which is why they end up finding common cause with people like Marco Rubio. /
Jan 20, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
Al Jazeera trafficking in notions of real vs fake Asians by prioritizing Japanese opinion over Asian American opinion re Gwen Stefani-san.

No need for this. Here is a way in which Asian Americans are *more* Asian: we have more pan-Asian community here than in Asia. / It's not a contest, and I'm not saying ofc that Asian Americans are the true Asians... but we should reject categorical statements and assumptions such as the one promulgated by the media whenever AsAms get out of line.
Jan 19, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
Of course Alec Baldwin should be charged. He pointed a real gun at the director and pulled the trigger, which wasn't even a scripted move, he was just fucking around.

You never do that shit with a real gun. You don't point it at someone, you definitely don't touch the trigger. B/c it was on a movie set, lot of people are giving Baldwin the benefit of the doubt by saying the crew is actually responsible.

But this wasn't part of the movie action, this was Baldwin joking around on set with a real gun when he should have known better.
Jan 18, 2023 6 tweets 2 min read
I love hippie-dippie Rick Rubin, but he's still a white guy who thinks of art as pure aesthetics. That it's here to please us, to give us enjoyment.

This is why he sees very little issue with cultural appropriation, b/c he sees it merely as a dysphemism for cultural influence. / You see this all the time when you know what to look for. The establishment view of art as pure aesthetics.

(1) that art is for personal enjoyment and inspiration,
(2) that it's universal, great art is for everyone, and speaks only to our common humanity /
Jan 18, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
Now this... this is some serious solidarity. 🙏🙏🙏 This is the kind of thing that will get me out of my fucking seat and off this website.

Just any spark there of consciousness about what's going on.

THANK YOU @RepHankJohnson not on behalf of Asian people but on behalf of sanity in America.
Jan 17, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
Hook me up with this surgeon I can't pull off Joker makeup with fishnet shirts. Jackson Wang did everything he could to look ridiculous and he could still convince British people that the BBC is a bunch of liars.