Thabang Motsohi Profile picture
Thabang Motsohi - Acknowledged Organizational Strategist in the top tier in this field. Published Author. Special love for wine and cooking. MU all the way!!
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Sep 15 β€’ 6 tweets β€’ 1 min read
Fmr Pres Mbeki made profound statement on much published promise of the ANC to renew itself.
He disclosed that he committed to join campaigning because the manifesto removed the statement that "We have a good story to tell". This was replaced by confession that "we made mistakes".
This also means abandoning the "Party-State" mindset and show the people that the ANC is instead "The Servant of the People".
This is a fundamental paradigm shift.
What then will show this change?
Aug 9 β€’ 4 tweets β€’ 1 min read
Let us celebrate woman's day with a solemn recognition that they act as a brickforce of society to keep the wall steady and standing in all tesring conditions.
But the foundations will remain the role of the state in ensuring the provision of security. But the state has failed women by neglecting its responsibility to secure the borders and ensure that all those that live in South Africa can be verified because the first victims of this neglect are women.
No day passes without a woman getting abused.
Aug 3 β€’ 4 tweets β€’ 1 min read
The biggest source of risk for the coalition govmnt named GNU is the cantankerous and self-centred @HellenZille
After almost 2 decades of stagnation, South Africa critically needs, stability, peace and investment driven and inclusive growth. The sponsors of the DA must carefully and critically evaluate this risk.
Ramaphosa, notwithstanding his leadership shortcomings, is providing a much needed steady hand.
All GNU members must concentrate exclusively on the task specified by the its focus areas
Jul 23 β€’ 5 tweets β€’ 1 min read
Molaudzi here painfully laments the collapse of VBS. He calls it a local bank that supported him in 1994, when no bank could fund his business. It started with one employee and now has 30.
He lost R2.5m. Many lost far more. Sadly others died of depression. Image This is a story of supreme evil.
VBS was always going to be vulnerable to fraud. It operated under less strict regulatory control. It relied on integrity of auditors and board to manage risk.
But the PIC audit representative colluded with fraudsters.
Jul 18 β€’ 5 tweets β€’ 1 min read
When you carefully and critically listen to all the GNU ministers post Lekgotla session, there's relief that there's alignment on policy prescripts and plans to respond to the basic and pragmatic needs of SAns.
Truth is that these have always been in place. What clearly has been missing for the past 2 decades is absence of focused execution by a state system at all levels that is Fit for Purpose.
This weakness is because of a mindset of the ANC Alliance that managed SA as a "Party-State" in its interests.
Jun 12 β€’ 8 tweets β€’ 2 min read
Unless the political parties carefully reflect on the electoral outcomes and fully understand the message from electorate, the responses may be grossley misaligned and incite even further punishment in 2026 and 2029.
The message and mandate of the voters have little to do with foreign policy.
It reflects anger at gross mismanagement of the economy and the deliberate collapse of the state delivery system at all state levels. Municipalities in particular.
Jun 6 β€’ 5 tweets β€’ 1 min read
South Africa, what form of govmnt is ideal for the moment?

1. In my view it must be a cooperative one in which the ANC forms the executive, subject to condition that none of the people cited in the Zondo Report are included.
2./ 2. The other parties must, above an agreed threshold, take up all parliamentary positions. They should negotiate and agree the allocations.
3. These parties Must agree to support budget and other agreed key legislation and defend 'No Confidence Motions'
Jan 27, 2023 β€’ 5 tweets β€’ 2 min read
For almost a decade:
1. Transnet has throttled mineral and perishable fruit exports
2. Eskom has throttled industries, factories and smaller businesses
3. ANC-led munics have collapsed. They owe Eskom over R50 billion
4. Sewerage and water treatment plants have collapsed resulting in poor health.
5. The public health system has collapsed. The best evidence is the collapse of the once admired JG Hospital in Jnb. Look at its pic 30 yrs ago and you want to cry.
5. Basic education has collapsed.
Oct 22, 2022 β€’ 11 tweets β€’ 2 min read
Human beings have always existed in a dynamic and changing environment. Uncertainty is part of our lives.
Organisations that we create also experience this uncertainty.
Many factors within and external to these spaces influence change and its direction. By our own actions or inaction, we influence direction and pace of change.
Naturally we embrace change that will improve our living conditions and prospects and reject its obverse.
What determines our success is the ability understand key factors...
Oct 19, 2022 β€’ 4 tweets β€’ 1 min read
I was bemused listening to Somizi on his show stating that dogs that are owned by black people in the suburbs have assumed estranged behaviours. They don't understand the meaning of 'voetsek'.!!
They now behave like their white owned neighbours. We reside in a suburb dominated by Afrikaans speaking white people. Their dogs habitually bark at us as we take a walk. Even their little rabbit like poodles with their shrieking noises bark at us. But they don't bark to any white person on the same route.!!
Oct 16, 2022 β€’ 4 tweets β€’ 2 min read
The problems of Transnet, and even Eskom, stem from lack of clarity about Purpose; Ownership and Corp Structure, and Business Strategy. Current policy ambivalence spelled disaster.… I raised questions on these issues reg SAA in2017. They have never been answered. SAA is now gone.
Accountability on operational decisions resides in Exc management only. Governance in the Board.
NO interference from govmnt.
Oct 14, 2022 β€’ 4 tweets β€’ 1 min read
Brilliant. Just brilliant. But the target of this advice sees self more than virtue of the task.

OPINIONISTA: It’s a myth that the trouble at UCT is due to contestations over race and gender β€” nothing is further from the truth… I have stated clearly in my book that selection and appointment of a leaders for any organisation is the most risky task for its board. It must be done with due diligence and circumspection.
Sipho Pityana decided in the previous Council not to pursue the
Oct 13, 2022 β€’ 5 tweets β€’ 1 min read
Here's an elephant in the room about SOEs and especially Eskom, Transnet and Denel.
They are essentially departments in the public service structure. The erstwhile Gordhan plays his role very well as required..
The Boards are just Advisory in function. The CEO of Transnet bemoans the 66% labour cost.
She has no power to do anything about it. Exec Management are totally disempowered. Just as the former Eskom CEO was overruled publicly by Gordhan about wage settlement. Govmnt then pumped money into Eskom.!!!
Oct 11, 2022 β€’ 5 tweets β€’ 1 min read
The biggest challenge to the reform of the electoral regime is the removal of the closed party list system.
It gives the party bosses power to dispense patronage. Nothing else.
We have agitated for its removal for well over ten yrs.… But all parties like its leverage to dispense patronage.
Ultimately it will go because any manoeuvre to retain it in any form will fail at the CC.
Lesotho elections outcome presents a good case to understand what happens when the electorate is gatvol.
Sep 27, 2022 β€’ 4 tweets β€’ 1 min read
The fact that a multi, multi billion ZAR company that is a primary driver of the SA economy has been running with minus 7 board members since 2018 is beyond criminal. This reflects the state of mind of the President. Normally he would be fired. His 2018 public statement that unity of the ANC shall be his principal focus was prescient. In my long life and global exposure I could never imagine such a leadership disaster for my country. It's catastrophic.
We even have total breakdown of law and order.
Sep 26, 2022 β€’ 7 tweets β€’ 2 min read
My proposals for Eskom:
1. Reconstitute the Board. But it must be thru a public participation process.
2. In the interim, consult stakeholders to name five highly experienced professionals to perform Board functions.
3. Don't shake up Executives now 4. Urgently emply experienced professionals at generation plant level to drive change.
5. As one of the retired vets said, the are over 40 000 components and failure of one may cause shut down. Vigorously apply discipline of Operational Excellence.
Sep 25, 2022 β€’ 5 tweets β€’ 1 min read
@LukhonaMnguni As you know, to secure political success, a leader must have a high level of contextual intelligence to understand and correctly interpret the needs and mood of the people in order to remain relevant. In almost all black townships, the issue of illegal immigrants and the their constant alleged mix with criminality has spiked xenophobic tendencies. It is primarily a Law and Order issue.
Illegal immigrants and refugees have always been documented in most countries on the continent.
Sep 23, 2022 β€’ 6 tweets β€’ 1 min read
We need to accept the objective truth that Eskom and Transnet are primary drivers of growth to GDP in SA. They have not been able to play this role and and execute their purpose optimally for the following principal reasons: 1. Governance and oversight from the level of their boards has been very poor for well over a decade. In the case of Eskom it has been hopelessly unqualified for the task.
2. The state has failed to understand their critical role.
Sep 22, 2022 β€’ 10 tweets β€’ 2 min read
FMR President Mbeki criticized Home Affairs and ANC about a new policy direction on immigrants from other countries on the continent.
He omitted to state that the new policy is directed at re-establishing law and order on illegal migration. It has to be done Nothing new here. Other countries on the continent have even tougher regulations that are administered vigorously.
SA has been pathetically negligent in this area. The implications are more disruptive in the poor townships. Not in the protected suburbs.
Sep 21, 2022 β€’ 5 tweets β€’ 1 min read
I am very troubled by the fact that at the local level where the ANC governs, systems and infrastructure are destroyed and dysfunctional. Does this mean that the ANC is inspired by chaos and regression? If not, why then do they employ unqualified people? In many municipalities competent people that managed water and sewage treatment plants were removed. Example; a qualified chemical engineer was removed in the EC.!! The Vaal estuary has been damaged by raw sewage effluent. Similar story for the Haartes area.
Sep 18, 2022 β€’ 6 tweets β€’ 1 min read
Who in their right mind can deny that Eskom is being sabotaged from the inside?
This is a catastrophic economic crisis that requires extraordinary response.
The plants must be solidly guarded by the army. Working crew must be vetted immediately. Suppliers must be monitored and strictly controlled at entry points.
Teams must be made responsible and accountable for any equipment malfunction and bad workmanship.
Movement on plant areas must be restricted.
But 1st, dissolve the board.