Mouin Rabbani Profile picture
Jul 26 123 tweets 15 min read
THREAD (PART III): On 6 June 1982 tens of thousands of Israeli troops, along with hundreds of tanks supported by the Israeli air force, invaded Lebanon. Israel informed the world that it had launched Operation Peace for Galilee in order to put a definitive end to Palestinian shelling of northern Israel.
Jul 25 64 tweets 8 min read
THREAD (Part II): With respect to the 1967 June War, it is certainly true that a majority of Israelis lived in genuine fear of annihilation in the period leading up to the war. Coming a mere two decades after the Holocaust, their widespread terror was put to good use by the Israeli government and official propaganda.
Jul 25 67 tweets 9 min read
THREAD: When Israel and its apologists are confronted with evidence of criminal policies and actions they are unable to deny or dismiss, they typically resort to the argument that those who initiate wars should not complain about their consequences. Even if these consequences include ethnic cleansing, apartheid, annexation, or – as in the present case – genocide. Put simply: “Stop whining, you brought it upon yourselves”.
Jul 24 53 tweets 7 min read
THREAD: Since assuming office in 2021, the Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court (ICC), Karim Khan, has done his best to avoid his responsibility to investigate what is known as the Situation in Palestine. There is no indication he took any significant action prior to 7 October 2023, and considerable evidence he avoided it like the plague.
Jul 23 52 tweets 7 min read
THREAD: This past Friday, 19 July, Ansar Allah, the Yemeni movement also known as the Houthis, struck the heart of Tel Aviv with an armed drone. Two days later, 21 July, the Israeli air force bombed the Yemeni port of Hodeida, targeting oil storage facilities and a power plant. Although Yemeni forces have targeted Israel on multiple occasions this year with drones and missiles, this was apparently their first attempt to hit Tel Aviv.
Jul 22 48 tweets 6 min read
THREAD: I was recently asked to comment about the role the international community could play in the Gaza Strip after the conclusion of Israel’s current war. My thoughts on the topic: 1. Any discussion of the international community’s role must proceed from the realization that this community has no credibility with respect to the Question of Palestine.
Jul 20 69 tweets 9 min read
THREAD: This past week, poliovirus was detected in sewage samples in the Gaza Strip. According to the World Health Organization (WHO) polio (poliomyelitis) is a “highly infectious disease” that “invades the nervous system and can cause total paralysis in a matter of hours”. Like so much else in the Gaza Strip these days, polio according to the WHO “mainly affects children under 5 years of age” but can infect “anyone of any age who is unvaccinated”. Furthermore, “One in 200 infections leads to irreversible paralysis (usually in the legs).
May 6 33 tweets 5 min read
THREAD: On Tuesday evening it appeared the end was finally in sight. Hamas formally accepted the ceasefire proposal put forward by Egypt and Qatar, and spontaneous celebrations erupted in the streets Rafah and other Palestinian towns in the Gaza Strip. Given that US Secretary of State Antony Blinken and other US officials have repeatedly insisted that Hamas forms the sole obstacle to a ceasefire agreement, Palestinians could be forgiven for believing that day 213 of this genocidal ordeal would be the last.
Apr 29 34 tweets 4 min read
THREAD: The eruption of protests in solidarity with the Palestinian people at numerous Western universities, and throughout the United States in particular, represents a pivotal moment. College students are, to be sure, not an accurate reflection of public opinion or faithful mirror of their societies. But their activism often serves as a bellwether, an indication of the shape of things to come.
Mar 31 31 tweets 4 min read
THREAD: Since 7 October 2023 there has been a concerted campaign by Israel, its apologists and other flunkies to erase any distinction between Palestinian civilians and combatants. “It’s an entire nation out there that is responsible”, proclaimed Israel’s head of state, Isaac Herzog, on 13 October. Other Israeli leaders, virtually without exception, have expressed similar sentiments.
Mar 30 54 tweets 6 min read
THREAD: On 28 March the International Court of Justice issued a new ruling (“Order”) in the case known as Application of the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide in The Gaza Strip (South Africa v. Israel). The ICJ’s ruling came in response to a new request by South Africa, submitted on 6 March, asking the Court “to indicate further provisional measures and/or modify its provisional measures indicated on 26 January 2024”.
Mar 28 14 tweets 2 min read
THREAD: Steven Bonnell (stage name “Destiny”) responded to my previous thread with a series of his own tweets. True to form it contained more juvenile name-calling (“cowardly fuck”, “disgusting human”, “sniveling worm”, etc.). Regarding the issue of genocide, he appears to have appointed himself the resident expert on the phenomenon:
Mar 27 60 tweets 6 min read
THREAD: On 29 February I participated in a debate organised by Lex Fridman on Israel and Palestine, alongside Norman Finkelstein, Benny Morris, and Steven Bonnell (stage name “Destiny”). Apart from reposting a link to the recording of the event, I’ve thus far refrained from comment.
Mar 17 53 tweets 7 min read
THREAD: Many have pointed out that US President Joe Biden’s embrace of Israel is unprecedented, even when compared to his immediate predecessor, Donald Trump. It’s certainly true that Biden has gone to extraordinary lengths to demonstrate his personal and ideological identification with Israel. “I’m a Zionist”, the US president has repeatedly and proudly proclaimed.
Mar 14 78 tweets 10 min read
THREAD: Who was there first? The short answer is that the question is irrelevant. Claims of ancient title (“This land is ours because we were here several thousand years ago”) have no standing or validity under international law. For good reason, because such claims also defy elementary common sense. Neither I nor anyone reading this post can convincingly substantiate the geographical location of their direct ancestors ten or five or even two thousand years ago.
Mar 3 7 tweets 1 min read
THREAD: An exchange on the fierce editorial independence of the BBC on coverage of the Middle East: Hello Mouin, X here from the BBC News Channel in London. Hoping you are free for a short live interview on the channel at 2100 UK time tonight, to discuss the latest on ceasefire talks and other lines on the Israel/Gaza conflict. Would be 3-4-mins via Zoom. Hope you can join us.
Feb 28 38 tweets 5 min read
THREAD: Dr Andreas Krieg (@andreas_krieg), a German academic who teaches at King’s College London, has commented on the hysteria in his native country regarding Israel and the Palestinians with the following tweet: @andreas_krieg “I am becoming increasingly concerned about the criminalization of discourse on the Middle East in Germany. For the time being, I would stay far away from any event organized/hosted in Germany on regional security.”
Feb 20 87 tweets 11 min read
THREAD: What is UNRWA (Part I)? The United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Middle East, commonly known by the acronym UNRWA, is the UN agency that currently provides humanitarian relief and services to Palestinian refugees in Jordan, Syria, Lebanon, and the occupied Palestinian territories (the West Bank and Gaza Strip, including East Jerusalem). It has an interesting history.
Feb 12 56 tweets 7 min read
THREAD: My comments to the Annual Palestine Forum in Doha earlier today: I’ve been asked to speak on the topic of “Hamas in the Aftermath of the War on Gaza”. It’s a topic that makes a number of assumptions: that this war will have a defined ending and aftermath; that there will still be a Gaza Strip; and that the Islamic Resistance Movement, Hamas, will continue to exist within it.
Feb 10 36 tweets 5 min read
THREAD: I was saddened to learn of the death this past Monday, 5 February, of former Dutch Prime Minister Andreas “Dries” van Agt at the age of 93. He died together with his wife of 70 years, Eugenie, at a time of their choosing. Dries van Agt was an important figure in Dutch politics during the latter part of the twentieth century. A lawyer by training and devout Catholic, he joined the Catholic Peoples’ Party (KVP) and served as Minister of Justice from 1971-1977
Feb 8 20 tweets 3 min read
THREAD: My brief comments to the Foreign Affairs Committee of the Second Chamber (parliament) of The Netherlands this afternoon: 1. The Middle East is experiencing a moment of truth. And so are we. Our governments, our political parties, our civic organisations, and indeed each of us as members of global society, must now choose whether to be part of the solution or part of the problem.