Dr. Mohamed Ali Profile picture
Physician, National Centre for Respiratory Medicine, @igmhmv. Health awareness figure. Aid Worker @IACMaldives. Working with @ASBA. Founder of @maldives_aha
Jan 6, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
Loose stools and vomiting as a viral disease has been increasing for past few weeks in adults as well

When it enters a house, almost all gets infected.

For vomiting use: Domperidone 10mg 3 times a day (for those without contraindications )

If the person vomits within 30 min of taking domperidon, then again take another extra tablet.

For loose stools, hydrate well. Avoid sugary/fizzy/dairy products.Use ORS 1 packet mix with 1 liter of boiled and cooled water (Use up the mix within 24 hours or discard it)

May 5, 2021 10 tweets 2 min read
Covid symptoms monitor at home.

Common symptoms of COVID19 & when should you seek urgent medical help

1. Fever-monitor body temperature and if persistently high despite treatment (>39C )

Treatment: Adults without any underlying kidney or liver disease panadol 1g 6hrly 1/ If fever and kidney or liver disease panadol 500mg tds or uphamol 650mg tds (call 1676 if any yellowish discoloration of eyes/nausea/vomiting/lower limb swelling) 2/
May 4, 2021 4 tweets 2 min read
I am an Asthmatic, i use inhalers, inhalers are not addictive. They cause your airways to open up. Duration of its action differs, inhalers with salmeterol or formoterol works for 12 hours. The steroid in the inhalers act to reduce inflammation inside airways and 1/ try to maintain an open airway.Some asthmatics recover fully, some don’t.Asthma can present as fatigue on exertion,shortness of breath,or just chronic cough. Asthma gets better when you exercise and lose weight, as 🫁 compliance increase and fat surrounding airways also reduce 2/