George Coles 🏳️‍🌈 Profile picture
Principal | Drama teacher | Interested in Leadership, School Improvement and Organisational Culture | NPQH | MA | Drama Expert @ofqual and @bbcbitesize
Nov 20, 2022 16 tweets 4 min read
Most teachers say that student behaviour is worst during break and lunchtimes (57% in a recent @TeacherTapp survey).

This was certainly the case at my school so we completely changed our break and lunch routines to sort it out.

Here’s what we did…👇 1/16 It was clear a moan in assembly would have no impact on behaviour so instead we assembled a small team to consider how we could run breaks and lunches better.

We wanted to develop a system to that wouldn’t just reduce misbehaviour, it would foster positive behaviour! 2/16