George Wallace Profile picture
The Official George Wallace Twitter. Trying to serve it up with hot sauce for you. God bless.
Gail Perkins Profile picture 2 subscribed
May 22, 2020 5 tweets 1 min read
No one has purchased my action/horror screenplay, 'Giant-Ass Baboons Attack Several Cities and Whatnot'. I would appreciate privacy during this difficult time. DR. SAPP: Why do you need me to grow giant bananas in my fruit lab?
JIM: So I can put bombs all up in 'em and feed that shit to these big-ass baboons!
DR. SAPP: Kiss me on the lips.
JIM: I'll do French kisses on you after I blow up the baboons. The giant ones. Normal ones are OK
Jul 29, 2019 5 tweets 1 min read
Shout out to all the kids playin' skeeball for 17 hours so they can trade in the tickets for a Scooby Doo pencil and whatnot. Shout out to all the parents spendin' $67 on skeeball so their kids can get enough tickets for a Scooby Doo pencil and whatnot.
Dec 4, 2018 8 tweets 2 min read
What the hell do you mean "nobody"? I'm all over that fancy shit. "Did y'all know most scenes are made up of different shots and cut together in some room? It's crazy. Anyway, to present the figurine for best editing and whatnot, here's Meryl Streep and Sinbad." "Did y'all know every year hundreds of people die? It's crazy. Anyway, now we'll play a sad as hell song and watch a montage of people who died, starting with the least important and workin' our way up from there."