David Goodwin Profile picture
Coauthor of Organise Ideas, The Extended Mind in Action and Year One | Vice Principal and Geography Teacher at @HealingAcademy1, @HarbourLearning
Oct 28, 2022 4 tweets 2 min read
I see group work is doing the rounds again. Group work is hard to get right. As many people have already said, it can result in students being off task or allowing a peer to do the heavy lifting. But before you dismiss it, if you subscribe to the notion of CLT, you should read about the collective working memory effect. Here is a paper by @P_A_Kirschner and colleagues research.ou.nl/ws/files/10225…
Oct 22, 2022 5 tweets 3 min read
Here are my three latest one-pagers I created in collaboration with @MaryMyatt, @ChrisMoyse and @PepsMccrea.

I am currently working with a few amazing people to create some one-page summaries. Image Image
Oct 9, 2022 12 tweets 6 min read
Here is a thread containing all ten of our 'Five Ways' one-pagers. I've included the links to @teacherhead's original blog. You'll also find a PDF of each one-pager; PDF files are better for printing. Image Number One: Five Ways To: Weave Reading into the Curriculum teacherhead.com/2022/05/05/fiv… Image
Jul 11, 2021 25 tweets 23 min read
Organise Ideas is due to publish in 56 days and is now available to preorder on Amazon amazon.co.uk/Organise-Ideas…
A highlight of the book will undoubtedly be the 50 plus teacher contributions.
@olicav @JohnCattEd @JohncattUSA Image In the run-up to its publication, @olicav and I would like to introduce you to our generous and inventive contributors — one per day.
Dec 13, 2020 18 tweets 3 min read
A thread:

1 GOs don't require the use of images. From my reading, DCT is about the use of images paired with words, to aid retrieval. And as @olivcav has pointed out, Pavio worked with simple ideas and concepts. 2 Most of the research into GOs appears to be unhelpful. Hattie lumped all visual strategies together and reported his finding under the heading, concept maps.
Dec 12, 2020 4 tweets 1 min read
1. Graphics organisers, mapping, semantic organisers (whatever you want to call them) are NOT examples of dual coding. Images aren't necessary for their use or creation. They also aren't a stand-alone strategy. They are a servant and best paired with other strategies. 2. We use retrieval practice to strengthen the connection between our WM and LTM, cold call helps us to check for understanding, and pair share is useful to help students rehearse their answers before sharing them. GO can be paired with these strategies to enhance them.
Nov 22, 2020 4 tweets 1 min read
An enjoyable read, Sarah. For me, it isn't a discussion of GOs are better than tables or vice verse. This is akin to saying hammers are better than screwdrivers. GOs and tables are tools and both have functions. You select the tool most appropriate for the task at hand. you (in your blog) and @louisecass selected the tool which would elicit the best results. Yes, a table might have achieved a similar outcome. But I could use the blunt end of a screwdriver to hammer a nail in the wall and have some success with a bit of brute-force .
Oct 4, 2020 10 tweets 3 min read

1/10 Some sceptics would argue GO are difficult to create, time-consuming, and therefore not worth the effort. Using examples of my own students work, I will offer some practical steps to alleviate some of these concerns. 2/10 Any new learning strategy needs practice. Don’t expect students to be creating schematic representations like your own after one attempt. Provide partially completed examples or templates, for those who struggle or if producing a GO covering vast content.
Sep 29, 2020 6 tweets 2 min read
1. Here is the concept map, my project partner and good friend, Oliver, was referring to. The power of any graphic organiser is in the generative process — the pupils creating them. When creating for the first time they can be difficult. But modelling, partially completed... Image 2. examples and careful sequencing, mitigate these difficulties. Is time a limitation? As with any teaching strategy, the more it is practised, the more efficient pupils become. Also, given the quality of work following the creation of a concept map, I'd argue it is time well...
Sep 27, 2020 4 tweets 1 min read
12 years ago, before becoming a teacher, I was a teaching assistant. Tomorrow I will be delivering a CPD session, about graphic organisers(GO) to the fantastic TAs I work with. Here is a break down of what they can expect:

1. Thinking is the act of manipulating mental objects. 2. Thinking is hard and requires a lot of mental energy. Our working memory is limited.

3. We can mitigate the problems of our limited working memory by using GO.

4. GO allow us to make visible our private thinking.
Jul 4, 2020 5 tweets 2 min read
1/5 Old me versus new me👇 been asked a lot recently about use of colour and is it a No No. The answer is no it isn’t a no no...restraint is the answer, don’t use it unnecessarily like in example 1. In example 2 the topographic map couldn’t be interpreted without being in colour ImageImage 2/5 The golden rule is 2 colours e.g for headings/titles and text etc. In example 1 in an attempt to make things appear interesting and standout - nothing stands out. There is nothing about example 1 that makes the content anymore interesting- the typefaces are gimmicky.
Jul 1, 2020 8 tweets 11 min read
🚨Last month I tweeted this👇 I am happy to report not only do we have a bank of 1500 plus retrieval based questions for AQA (Edexcel almost complete) but we also have agreed to share these with @Carousel_Learn where they will raise the level of retrieval practice in geography🚨 This will ensure that retrieval practice for geography can take place in all schools, even those who are new to RP or have non specialist teachers teaching the curriculum. It’s going to reduce staff workloads and most importantly help encoding of knowledge into their LTM
Jun 21, 2020 4 tweets 2 min read
So @EnserMark and @kate_stockings took the time to thank people of the #geographyteacher community today for their contributions and it appears to some it has been disappointing to not have been included, to the point were nasty remarks have been made and people appear to be Disagreeing with each other etc. Thing to remember is this:
1. Twitter is limited to how many characters you can include in a tweet
2. I engage with 100s of people each week and would struggle to remember everyone who has made an impact (this doesn’t mean I don’t appreciate it)
Jun 5, 2020 6 tweets 3 min read
61.2% correctly selected image one. Simply because example 2 (use of key) - whilst some would argue is ‘less cluttered’ leads to the split attention effect, which @adamboxer1 discussed in his @researchEdhome session and @olicav, here How I ensure pupils take care in presentation and reduce the chances of having arrows overlapping and the whole visual looking messy is by carefully placing lines to write on around the outside and the labels above Image
May 29, 2020 12 tweets 6 min read
Calling all #geographyteacher who preferably teach AQA (But doesn’t have to be). I want to work with a number of teachers to create a retrieval roulette for our subject like that of @adamboxer1 and the science community. My initial thoughts are that quiz questions are created for every topic of the gcse spec (simply because that is the minimum content we will all be teaching and will have in common). Each person interested could take one topic/unit and create the relevant questions
May 25, 2020 4 tweets 2 min read
Must Read
How to move from fact based retrieval to higher-order retrieval practice
Retrieval Practice for Higher Order Thinking: Making Inflexible Knowledge Flexible
Thank you to @effortfuleduktr for reviewing and the continued support. mrgoodwin23.wordpress.com/2020/05/25/ret… Always like to credit my research sources and influences: