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Gravity always wins.
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Jan 11, 2021 21 tweets 4 min read

Even if you don’t think it is clear that Donald Trump incited the attack on the Capitol, he still needs to be immediately removed from office.

Here’s why: After Election Day, observers invited by the Trump administration from the Organization of American States as well as the EU pronounce the 2020 U.S. election to be free of election fraud.…
Nov 8, 2020 20 tweets 2 min read

All the stuff Biden should do because Republicans were fine with it when Trump did it:

Ignore Senate oversight by appointing “acting” members of his cabinet

Ignore subpoenas.

Executive orders for everything!! Appoint Hunter Biden as White House advisor, give him security clearance he doesn’t deserve, then put him in charge of coronavirus and peace in the Middle East.
Nov 6, 2020 10 tweets 1 min read
Dear Trump voters

Donald Trump betrayed you completely.

You deserved better than him. Hollywood sold you the image of an incredibly competent business man.

But it was a lie.

His businesses were a mess.

They just wanted to make an entertaining show.
Oct 11, 2020 21 tweets 4 min read
On Friday night, as the rain was pouring down here Vancouver, I I was walking along the sea wall headed to meet a few folks from the cast.

I pulled my hand out of my pocket and heard a “ping!” To my left. I walked a couple more steps and realized

My wedding ring was gone... I panicked.

I looked around trying to see if something was glinting on the pavement. But it was raining and there were only a few lamp post with working lights.

So nothing.

I pulled out my phone and turned on my flashlight.

Not much, but worth a try.
Sep 27, 2020 5 tweets 1 min read
Go meta.

First thing, point out how useless it is to debate someone who lies all the time, who flings bizarre word salad accusations, who contradicts himself and communicates in racist dog whistles.

Then highlight him as he does it.

And attack, attack, attack. Point out how Trump has betrayed the people who supported him.

Mexico ain’t paying for the wall, our military is.

How he pockets taxpayer money every time he golfs.

No Obamacare replacement plan.

How he’s having the DOJ defend his rape charge
Sep 25, 2020 4 tweets 1 min read
It really bugs me that journalists aren’t taking into account that there is an important moral distinction between hacks and leaks.

Hacking is a crime.

Leaking may or may not be. Someone who is outside of an organization who hacks into their systems is a criminal.

Journalists who use the stolen information must decide how much they wish to amplify and incentivize a crime.

How much they wish to empower criminals.
Sep 5, 2020 4 tweets 2 min read
Rep. @mattgaetz invited a white supremacist to the State of the Union, attempted to intimidate a federal witness, and endorsed a sociopathic bigot who applauded the deaths of migrants for congress.

I just donated to his opponent @PhilEhr…
Jul 28, 2020 15 tweets 3 min read
And he certainly was in no jeopardy from me either (you’ll see)

But the #BackToTheFuture script that I read before my audition was VERY DIFFERENT than what ended up on screen.

Thread👇👇 It opened with Marty McFly playing the Close Encounters theme on his electric guitar while he pirated a VHS cassette of the movie.
Oct 30, 2019 24 tweets 2 min read
Trump apologizing for attacking the 2020 election as well as national security by attempting to extort Ukraine for his own benefit will not suffice.

He will also have to apologize for obstructing justice 5 times during the Special Counsel’s investigation

And... firing James Comey when he wouldn’t “see his way to letting Michael Flynn go”
May 25, 2019 10 tweets 2 min read
Hi John

Coming right up!

These are just a few off the top of my head. (Thread) 1/First of all, remember that impeachment is a political process, not a criminal one. Impeachable offenses are not necessarily criminal offenses but abuses of presidential power. Abuses that contradict his oath to uphold the constitution
Apr 20, 2019 14 tweets 3 min read
Here’s my theory on Trump (and I’ll be thrilled to be proven wrong):
Putin may be the richest man on earth. He surrounds himself with ultra-billionaire oligarch subordinates who reinforce and profit from his nationalist klepto-state as he rules

Trump wants to join this club
This group’s hope is to turn other western states into nationalist klepto-states in order to increase their profits and neuter any threat to their criminal enterprise, be it international law, law enforcement or military conflict. (Except the conflicts they can profit from. )
Feb 16, 2019 5 tweets 1 min read
By supporting Trump, his administration, and his cronies, Republican leaders have shown they are totally fine with:

Abuse of federal funds
Campaign finance felonies
Campaign self dealing
Charity foundation abuse
Computer fraud
Conflicts of interest

Conspiracy to commit fraud
Conspiracy to commit fraud against the United States
Corrupt Appointees
Credible allegations of rape
Credible allegations of sexual assault
Credible allegations of pedophilia
Election fraud

Oct 20, 2018 12 tweets 2 min read
I’d love it if politicians could eat in peace.

But I’d love it even more if women weren’t accosted on their way to planned parenthood clinics. And I’d be thrilled if when folks suffered an illness, they didn’t have to worry about being impoverished by their own medical treatment.
Jul 15, 2018 11 tweets 2 min read

Now that it is clear that Russia’s military hacked the DNC and DCCC... 1. There is no question that the Trump campaign’s Foreign Policy Advisor and his Campaign Manager, as well as Trump’s own son and son-in-law, were aware that Russia possessed this stolen information.
Feb 25, 2018 8 tweets 1 min read

As the criminality of Trump/Russia is becoming clearer, I’m gonna say it one more time:


He fired the head of the FBI in order to stop an investigation into his campaign and cronies He has clearly violated the emoluments clause by profiting from foreign governments using his properties.