Assistant Head, ELE, History Teacher, ITT/ECT Lead & School Improvement team. Nottingham lad, adopted Scouser & exhausted dad (of 2 girls) #YWNA
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Jan 7 • 18 tweets • 14 min read
This term we’ve begun a new three year project to really hone our whole school literacy, it’s called Literacy is Power
Massive piece of work, which is slowly being implemented in waves over the next year
We held our launch in September, sharing the vision and also some sage advice from @AlexJQuigley around effective literacy implementation.
Huge thanks to & @lamb_heart_tea @DavidDidau and @RealGeoffBarton who have inspired so much
Dec 14, 2024 • 8 tweets • 7 min read
We also deliver a Breakfast Jam programme of optional CPD for colleagues, these are been the sessions this Autumn term
Sharing a couple
We’ve had a little thread on @Doug_Lemov TLAC. Offering some additional sessions for those interested in trialling new strategies
For example Hunting not Fishing (which is going into our playbook for 2025-26)
Dec 14, 2024 • 5 tweets • 5 min read
Been a busy term and I’m so ready for the Christmas break.
Thought I’d share some threads on the CPD that’s been on offer at Meols Cop this term so far.
I’ll start with our Middle Leader Mastery programme, which is onto year 4 with a focus on Teams & launching Steplab
Our first session of the year always looks at Department and Pastoral Improvement Plans, and is built around the @EducEndowFoundn Implementation guidance.
Loved your blog too @SimonDCox
Aug 1, 2024 • 14 tweets • 7 min read
I’m working on a programme for our Y10 & 11 called the 1% Club
Based off Atomic Habits (& The Bear) it’s all about continuous improvement & empowering them to be independent, motivated & self regulated learners.
This ties in with our work on metacognition & learning behaviours
The programme with include assemblies, parental information evenings & tutor (ASPIRE) sessions
Tutor sessions will be based around booklets like these - this is Year 1 for Y10
This week @MeolsCopHS is launching a new homework policy, something that’s been almost a year on a making.
A thread 🧵 on implementation
Firstly, as with effective implementation, we began to identify the ‘why’
This involves creating up a T&L Inquiry group - totally voluntary, made up of a range of staff who were keen to be involved
Sep 5, 2023 • 9 tweets • 7 min read
Hard to put into words how inspired I am after our previous two days INSET. The below thread gives a quick overview of some of the bright spots of the sessions led by the @MeolsCopHS team
I am so excited for 2023-24. As Carmy would say, "Let it rip"
We've had sessions from @HelenHinde3 around our INCREDIBLE new Learning Behaviours Curriculum.
This programme is Year 2 of our focus on @EducEndowFoundn LBs and utilises the thinking of @primarypercival to craft our first 'curriculum'
Helen began with the 'Why' and big picture
Jan 26, 2023 • 12 tweets • 5 min read
At @MeolsCopHS today we launched the first of our new Instructional Rounds cycle:
This is a classroom teacher led professional development opportunity for staff to see & share good practice within our school. Flipping traditional observation & learning walks on their head.
In essence, 12 staff working in triads are taken off timetable for the morning.
They observe 24 lessons between them, looking for the excellent practice & ‘bright spots’ within the classroom. This time as a general overview of the school.
This is part of the IR Cycle 👇
Sep 7, 2022 • 8 tweets • 8 min read
Our whole school T&L focus this year is a return to Metacognition and Self Regulated Learning.
I’ve been lucky to draw on the expertise of the @meolsresearch team & training to develop our CPD plan, built around the excellent @EducEndowFoundn PD programme.
Our first session led with the important ‘why’, some reading from the EEF Guidance Report & a summary based on @FunkyPedagogy’s book.
Feb 26, 2020 • 23 tweets • 15 min read
Booklets - a thread on my current process in designing them and using them.
I’ve just finished my most recent one, so time to reflect
I’ll probably blog this up eventually, initially I’d planned to talk at @TMHistoryIcons but I’m useless at sorting my life out 🤷♂️
Rationale -
I’ve a new Y9 cohort who are LPA, so I wanted to both make the course accessible but challenging and apply #cogsci principles
Also, something @MrSamPullan tweeted last year, “use the notes, don’t do the notes” struck with mea reduce time on heavy note making