Pritesh Raichura Profile picture
Assistant Principal (T&L) & Head of Science at @ArkSoaneAcademy. Teacher. Messy-tidy desk cycle. #CogSciSci 🌱 #SoaneScience
Apr 8 7 tweets 2 min read
Lots of teachers & leaders have reached out to me over the last year, wanting to implement:
✅ 'All hands up' rather than 'hands down' cold calling
✅ High frequency 'checks for listening'
Here is a thread of resources (podcasts & blogs) to help, which I'll keep adding to 🧵 1/ What is 'all hands up cold calling' and what are 'checks for listening'? This blog summarises the ideas 2/…
Jan 6 8 tweets 2 min read
‘Turn & talk’ FAQ:

Q1. Implementation: how do you establish the routine?

A1. Make success criteria explicit: face your partner, take turns, eye contact, full sentences.

Establish clear in cue: ‘Go’ & out-cue: “3,2,1 hands up!”

Consider pairings in seating plan. Q2. When *shouldn’t* you use a turn & talk?

A2. Never for a ‘check for listening’ - this removes accountability for paying attention.

For ‘checks for understanding’ it is better to use a turn & talk AFTER you have seen the whole class’ answers.
Nov 29, 2023 11 tweets 3 min read
What has SLANT got to do with Spider-man and All hands up cold calling?

Story time! 1/ 3-2-1 SLANT. All my Y9 pupils were sat tracking me as I explained the factors that affect the rate of diffusion. Suddenly I notice the face expression of one of my pupils change. 2/
Nov 12, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read
Wishing everyone a Happy Diwali! 🪔 The story of Diwali originates in the Sanskrit 24,000 verse epic called the Ramayana.

Three lessons we learn from this story:

1. Duty
2. Sacrifice
3. Service

🧵1/ Duty
Rama is exiled to the forest for 14 years at the behest of the Queen, who wants her own son, Bharata, to he king. Bharata rules the kingdom but does so in his brother’s name, symbolically placing Rama’s slippers on the throne. It’s rare to treasure duty over power. 2/ Image
Oct 28, 2023 7 tweets 2 min read
Reif’s haystack analogy explains that the more knowledge we teach, the bigger the haystack. This makes it harder to recall the right ideas at the right time. How can we help pupils overcome this? 1/… 1. Teach new knowledge in a way that explicitly links knowledge together & crucially, get pupils to rehearse the links between bits of knowledge as well as the individual bits of of knowledge. 2/
Aug 30, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read
For a long time I didn’t have a coherent questioning strategy.

This @RoySocChem article summaries my thinking about how to use questioning most effectively in the classroom.

This has been a game changer for my teaching! 🧵1/… Firstly, I use ‘checks for listening’ during all of my explanations.

- Simple questions
- usually choral response
- expect all hands up
- high accountability
- high praise

Apr 12, 2023 15 tweets 2 min read
This blog has generated a lot of discussion & debate. In this thread I’ll try and address some crucial points about the two strategies:

1.*All* hands up cold calling
2.Checks for listening

THREAD 🧵 1/ Frequent comment: ‘But surely getting *every* single hand up just isn’t achievable?’ What you are really saying is that not every student in your class can be expected to pay attention & contribute throughout the lesson. 2/
Apr 1, 2023 10 tweets 3 min read
Wholesome end to term yesterday @ArkSoaneAcademy.

Whenever a student won a badge or award in our rewards assembly, there was pure delight on the faces their classmates’ faces. Magical team spirit.

Why is this important? How can teachers influence this? 1/ Image A from identity is important to cultivate. ‘We are 7 Augustus’. Why? Firstly, it gives students a sense of belonging. A sense of belonging makes students feel safe, happy & motivated. Contributing to a team is a powerful motivator. 2/
Feb 11, 2023 9 tweets 3 min read
Being a form tutor at @ArkSoaneAcademy means you’re responsible for the character development of your students.

We *explicitly* teach students to:

1. Show integrity
2. Be grateful
3. Work hard
4. Be kind
5. Aim high
6. Take responsibility


Thread 🧵 1/ Image We regularly tell students that we are on their side & care deeply about them. This is why we will hold them to really high standards.

“We will do this by being strict. We will be strict because we *believe* you can rise to our high standards.” 2/ Image
Dec 22, 2022 13 tweets 4 min read
Fascinating interview!

I think the elements often missing from discussions on teaching knowledge, using direct instruction & cognitive science, are the practical ways to *motivate* students in the actual lesson.

Here are my top strategies! THREAD! 1. Narrate the joy of acquiring knowledge.

How lucky are we to be learning this fascinating idea? This is one of my favourite topics! We’ve learned so many new words today, team! We might always have wondered… now we actually know - how cool!
Aug 10, 2020 5 tweets 1 min read
Strategies often recommended to new teachers that I think are equally useful for experienced teachers. *A THREAD* 1. Scripting. Phone calls, explanations, concise instructions, class narrations etc. Planning content helps you focus on delivery. It means you don’t leave important things out, & can evaluate before delivery.
Jun 19, 2020 7 tweets 2 min read
This tweet from the #MichaelaScience conference seems to have attracted the attention of a lot of progressive teachers.

Conceptual understanding emerges from knowing the idea’s constituent facts. You cannot understand what you don’t know. 1/ This is especially true of a complex concept. We teach a rigorous curriculum so expect our pupils to grasp difficult ideas. It would be daunting for pupils to explain a concept without secure base knowledge. That’s why drill is such a useful tool. 2/
May 30, 2020 16 tweets 4 min read
School values: *THREAD*

At #Michaela, we embrace three key values that permeate our decision-making:

1. Personal responsibility
2. Duty
3. Authority
How do these values help our pupils?

Personal responsibility.

When we are not happy with outcomes in our life, it’s natural & easy to blame our circumstances. But we constantly remind pupils that there are some things we can control & other things we cannot. 2/
Nov 30, 2019 7 tweets 3 min read
In our last #MichaelaScience department meeting, we discussed the best way to teach pupils to tackle Q's where they must decide whether a substance is a solid, liquid or gas at a given temperature.

We started with this, were pupils plot a number line with labels 1/ We then realised that in the Maths department, pupils use a vertical number line. This also matches a thermometer, so we updated it to this - how exciting! 2/
Sep 1, 2019 5 tweets 4 min read
@mrlouieevans @MrTSci409 @olicav Benefits of visualiser over board:
1. Face the class - keep an eye on pupils
2. Can permanently store all of your 'board work' (use an exercise book) - great for revision
3. Pre-prepare & reveal diagrams like with PowerPoint*
4. Can show worksheets, exams annotation & pupil work @mrlouieevans @MrTSci409 @olicav *but unlike powerpoint, encourages use of simplified hand-drawn diagrams of concepts which cannot be done as easily on PowerPoint. Obviously use pre-existing diagrams if you can't draw them better.

5. Use live-dual coding on pre-prepared / partially completed diagrams