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Jun 12 13 tweets 3 min read
How to Make Your First N5 Million from Scratch (1 of 20)

So, yesterday I told you I would teach you how to make N5 Million from scratch.

Today we will continue -

But here is why these series are essential.

Say you want to have bulk money in your account: The normal way people do it is - they make N20K here, 50K there, then save -
But when they try to save this way TWO THINGS happen
[1] Issues come up and they dip their hands inside too early, the savings get wiped out.
[2] The saving NEVER rounds up. No matter how hard they try
Apr 29 13 tweets 3 min read
How to Make N3M with N30k - guaranteed. Even if you are Dead broke right Now!

After my NYSC, I left my PPA broke as a joke.

You see, I blew everything I saved during the NYSC service.

…and the funny thing was I didn't even buy anything for myself with it. I had used it to import and run ads for a cream & it wiped everything off in returns, ad costs & custom fees.

This was my very first lesson in business & that lesson was:
Apr 26 11 tweets 2 min read
If you are like me; the ones who build from scratch…

…from a third world country

With no help from rich relatives. It is just you fighting to get out of the pits of poverty.

Here is a quick piece of advice.

Something I wish someone had told me 6 years ago. Number one:

What you work on is more important than how hard you work.
Someone is somewhere, working HARD for 80,000 Naira per month ($137)

- with their lifespan taking a hit from just how hard they work.

Then there is another person:
Apr 24 5 tweets 1 min read
Facebook ad Coaches, use “Facebook is evaesdropping on you” as a marketing angle. Since a lot of people can relate, it will increase conversion for you.

Here is an example.

==== “Hi, have you noticed that whenever you say or type something - you start to see ads about it everywhere on Facebook & Instagram?

Almost as if they heard you!

Well, maybe they did

Do you know that Meta is eavesdropping on you through your phone microphone?
Sep 10, 2023 6 tweets 1 min read
This is the vibe generation

These days you hear things like -

I don’t like his vibes

If we don’t vibe I just shut down

They can’t kill my vibe

Heck, the top song in Nigeria is a song about Vibes. Arya. Vibe killer 🎶

You know why? Nigerians are getting increasingly sad, and depressed

You know why?

...because NEVER in history has it been so easy to see someone better than you. All it takes today is one click and one swipe.
Sep 6, 2023 11 tweets 3 min read
‘’We will have s*x every day!’’

A senior married friend of mine said that was what he thought when he was a single virgin about to get married -

Then he got married

…and everyday reduced to three times a week. Then now - once a month. Then it turned to ''when e fall out''

He argues there is NOTHING wrong with his sexual life (and yes i asked for his permission to use this in this write up)

Anyhoos - Back to what we said we will do when we grow up that we never do:
Jun 26, 2023 13 tweets 3 min read
Day 5: The secret of Success in anything
Have you ever started something & struggled to succeed at it but it doesn’t work.

No matter what you do - you keep failing.

It feels like someone cursed you.

The new business you start is NOT going as well as it should. They ban your ads

Customers don’t want to pay

The ones that say they will pay end up ghosting you.

Sounds familiar?

First, here is what you MUST know - Nobody hexed you, the witches are not after you & you are not cursed.
Jun 20, 2023 12 tweets 3 min read
Day 2
How to Generate Life Changing Ideas [Part 1 of 2]
Hi there, my name is Czar

In this post I want to show you how to generate ONE THING that will make sure you never go broke - ever again.

And that is: a Good idea. …but before I go on to show you how to go about this, let me first show you how to 10x your wealth in the next few months (this will then lead us to how to generate great ideas)
I first read about this as a teenager, in the book ‘’Rich Dad, Poor Dad’’
Jun 19, 2023 16 tweets 3 min read
Day 1

What it Takes to Make Money (Hint; it is not money)
Hi there, my name is Czar.

In the next 100 days (or as long it will take me to teach you everything i know) - i’ll be showing you how to generate money at will. Which means this post & every other one you will read from me will change your life in a really dramatic way. Why am I sure?
It is simply because everything I'll show you was exactly what changed mine.
Without much ado -
May 17, 2023 23 tweets 4 min read
In this quick post, i’ll show you
- The Basics of Digital Real Estate Setup.
Then we will get into -
- How to predict ‘’exactly’’ how much your digital real estate will make you before you even start building it.
So, let’s get to the BASICS first
Come with me... Asides politicians…and…fraudsters…(and ritualists) - what do you think makes Rich people rich? Think about a wealthy man you know.

The answer is assets: Chances are that they have something called ‘’Assets’’
May 5, 2023 8 tweets 2 min read
Imagine this…
…your dad.
He is 64 (or thereabout).
He has been in the Civil Service for over 34 years.
But he didn’t really get married on time. So two of your siblings are still in the university. Now he is retired, and have to still pay tuition….all from his savings and the little pension that doesn’t come all the time.
Then a guy somewhere in Benin sends out emails…random emails
So he sends your dad an email, asking him to update his BVN.
May 3, 2023 8 tweets 2 min read
Yesterday i posted about ‘’Digital real estate’’ (scroll through my timeline, below this article to read it)
I got a lot of valid reasons why physical real estate is better.
I also got some really valid reasons why it won’t work.
But here is what I think… Everything has a reasons why they would fail.
Making sure they don’t kill you is what makes a business.
…everyone can not build a house (physical real estate), but everyone can build & grow a newsletter (digital real estate)
Matt Paulson owns a newsletter that makes $2.3M a year
Jan 22, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
I think PREGNANCY was the reason men, historically; came hard on their daughters for promiscuity more than they did their sons. While growing up, there was this girl who got pregnant & couldn't tell which of her 4 male friends had the baby. They all denied it. It was hard on her Sex is way too unfair to women - they bear almost all the risk: they get pregnant, they carry the baby to term and then they have to go through all that child-bearing pain. Top that up with a male that denies the pregnancy!
Jan 21, 2023 16 tweets 3 min read
I wrote this last year January [it got plagiarised alot] but let me bring it back again.
I do not think people realize how important 2023 is.
Let me explain
in 2021 Nigeria made:
₦970.3 Billion from oil
₦1.6 Trillion from non-oil taxes [More revenue from this than oil] ₦2.8 Trillion from a cumulative of other sources.
In total the country brought in ₦5.5 Trillion in revenue
Then it gets really crazy from here.
Out of that ₦5.5 Trillion revenue, ₦4.2 Trillion was spent on servicing (repaying) debts from January to November.
Jan 20, 2023 6 tweets 1 min read
Look at this:
Cashflow => Save => Grow Funds
This is how to build wealth.
No matter how many motivational books or money books - that diagram is how to build wealth in real-life.
And what it means is simple: Increase your Cash Flow, to Increase your Saving so you Can Increase how much you can invest and double.
Whatever happens to ONE PART happens to the rest
That is if you 2X cashflow like this: 2XCashflow => Save => Grow Funds
Dec 30, 2022 5 tweets 1 min read
Imagine your life 2 years from now, it is December 2024.
You now live in a white neatly painted duplex, 2 cars are packed in your garage- they are the latest version of the two cars you have always wanted. You checked your bank account a few minutes ago, and the figures in there is still in multiple 7 figures. You have investments scattered all over the country. Business is good.
Dec 20, 2022 8 tweets 2 min read
I taught a friend how to run a ''purchase Facebook ad'' last year.
…and in just 1 year he has bought a couple of lands, a good car and is living so comfortably.
His life turned around so well in such a short time it shocked even me. A few days ago we were joking around and he said something interesting.
He said: ‘’I follow your instructions like idiot nau’’
It struck me…that the art of being an idiot is the key to success [stay with me].
Dec 20, 2022 5 tweets 1 min read
[Source: Facebook]
I am a married woman. I married my husband, a secondary school teacher in 2014.
I brought my brother and sister to stay with us. My husband sponsored them in secondary school. Now they want to go to college. My young sister wants to do a degree in Pharmacy & my young brother wants to do Law. My young sister was inspired by our elder sister who is a pharmacist.
And my young brother was inspired by our elder brother who is a lawyer.
Dec 19, 2022 11 tweets 2 min read
‘’let me share something important with you’’. My millionaire friend said.
I looked at him.
‘’Do you want to make a lot of money building companies?’’
I hesitated.
‘’Yes...I guess’’
He laughed. ‘’You guess?’’
‘’I mean, Yes. Yes, of course that would be nice’’. He shook his head.
‘’We will talk about the reluctant tone of your answer later’’ he told me, ‘’but, let me share this with you first. It is a formula, and it works 7 out of 10 times when you want to build a company that is guaranteed to make you money’’.
Dec 1, 2022 6 tweets 2 min read
As we got into his car, my millionaire friend turned to me.
‘’What did you notice about him’’.
‘’Who?’’ I asked.
‘’The man we had gone to see’’.
I hesitated. ‘’He is a nice person?’’ My millionaire friend shook his head. ‘’No, he is not a nice person. He is an ass. What else?’’
‘’He is rich?’’
Because the guy was rich. Very rich.
My millionaire friend looked at me like I was stupid. ‘’Of course he is rich, that isn’t hard to spot. Think hard’’.
Dec 1, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
In December 2020, Ogene Boys used Ogene to knock out all the money from my pocket.

Flattery does not get to me, but those boys used my name to spin such glorious lines that the Odogwu side of me stirred. …so i dipped hand inside my pocket and emptied it at their feet as my head swelled.

A few days ago, i went to a wedding with a group of friends - they danced and sprayed for 1 hour…

…and it gave me an idea.