Tiffany Flowers Profile picture
New England-born and bred Black woman (she/her)| Organizer | Director of @wejoinfrontline | DJ | Hopelessly devoted to @TallUnionGuy
Nov 16, 2021 6 tweets 3 min read
My niece, Tori, who has been called racist, homophobic slurs and was told by a classmate that Black people should not be allowed in the same school as white people, organized a walkout @EastLymeHS today.
I couldn’t be prouder. The students are demanding progress when it comes to taking action on equity and inclusion. The principal of @EastLymeHS said there would be another assembly soon and pointed to procedural changes being devised that include assigning bathroom monitors. 😳
Dec 13, 2020 15 tweets 4 min read
I just went to my neighborhood liquor store and heard a tale of deep Coronavirus induced suffering. We have got to find a way to get accelerated relief. This level of suffering and loss is beyond beyond. The clerk, an elderly white woman, obviously needed an ear. And while I do not linger anywhere besides my house, I felt the gravitational pull from her troubled answer to how you doing. She said "oh honey, my heart is just hurting."