ML Hart (@ 🏠 🌈 ❤️ ) Profile picture
manipulator of words & images. she/her creator of #beautyinmytwitterfeed for inspiration instagram: mlhart_musing WIP #TheTenorBook reinventing as a website
Jul 26, 2018 24 tweets 6 min read
Even though creative work is about persistence far more than it's about inspirational breakthroughs, there are times when it just gets to you. To me. My work has stalled in the last year or more. I hope others can relate to this thread of the dark side and coming into the light. 2/ My work in progress for the last 20 years (not a typo) has been off and on, manic and dead in the water. #TheTenorBook, my sin, my soul - well, not really. But not *not* either. Far and away the most complex task I've ever set myself.