Scott Hotaling Profile picture
Alpine and polar science (genomics, ecology, micro- and macro- taxa), evolutionary biology, nature photos. Postdoc, Kelley Lab @ Wash. State Univ. He/him.
Feb 16, 2021 23 tweets 10 min read
I’m excited to share our new pre-print on insect genomes! This started when @paulbfrandsen and I wondered: how many different insect genomes are there? Big takeaway: There are a lot (600+!) and long-reads (e.g. @PacBio) have totally changed the game. 1/n… Before digging into the paper, I want to give a quick shoutout to an awesome group of co-authors, some of which aren’t on Twitter: @John_S_Sproul, @JHeckenhauer, @AmLarracuente, Steffen Pauls, and @joannalkelley. Also, thanks to @RoseAMarks1 for helpful discussion!

Jan 7, 2021 13 tweets 6 min read
I’m thrilled to share a new paper on rock glaciers, related landforms, and mountain biodiversity. It began as a post-session chat at the 2019 @BenthosNews meeting and through a team effort, has made its way into one of my favorite journals, @GlobalChangeBio.

A thread... 1/n Image Rock glaciers are globally common yet largely overlooked beyond the geomorphological literature (though this is changing!). Basically, they are akin to normal glaciers except with debris on/in them. Thus, lots of subterranean ice but less obvious visually due to cover. 2/n Image
Jun 16, 2020 18 tweets 6 min read
Writing is hard. Writing concisely is especially hard yet it’s a crucial skill for scientists to develop.

This past winter, I wrote a paper to help: “Simple rules for concise scientific writing”

It’s now out and #OpenAccess:…

A thread... 1/18 “I am writing a longer letter than usual because there is not enough time to write a short one.”
--Blaise Pascal (ca. 1657)

This quote sums it up! Concise writing takes time. You have to *work* at it.
