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{Mindset/Neuro/Quantum/Astrology} Evolving Our Consciousness By Providing The Truth Of Our Reality ☯️
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Dec 20, 2020 10 tweets 4 min read
Right Now The World Is Going Through A Shifting In Consciousness

We’re about to start innerstanding more about who we truly are & how we operate in this Multi-Dimensional Universe

Thread To Prepare You As We Ascend Into A New Age Of Collective Consciousness⬇️⬇️⬇️ 3D vs 5D

What this 3D/5D split means is that we’re detaching from our old ways of operating as a collective species

We’re literally entering into a new cosmic age, a date that’s been prerecorded in history, even mainstream media is talking about, that’s how you know it legit
Dec 3, 2020 13 tweets 5 min read
The Great Conjunction Dec 21st, 2020: What You Need To Know

We only have until this date to Ascend into the 5D realm or else you’ll be stuck in the 3D

This Conjunction is occurring the Same Day as the Winter Solstice, in other words it’s the Birth of a New Era

Get Excited! ⬇️ This only happens ONCE in a Lifetime

Remember that the Cosmos Governs Everything

“Millionaires don’t study Astrology, BILLIONAIRES do” -J.P Morgan

They’re smart enough to realize that whatever happens with the Stars will affect what happens on Earth

As Above, So Below
Nov 11, 2020 7 tweets 2 min read
Money = Frequency

Money isnt everything but in todays society, consumerism/materialism is what runs the show

What they dont tell you is that Attracting Wealth Stems from Within

Most people look outside of themselves to obtain money but it all starts from looking within ⬇️⬇️⬇️ We all know the saying "The rich stay rich, and the poor stay poor"

What that statement alludes to is that once you have true wealth your internally identity has shifted to an ABUNDANCE mindset which means you're not coming from a place of LACK

That's the dilemma that most face
Nov 6, 2020 17 tweets 8 min read
If You Havent Looked Into It Already, I Highly Recommend You Do

What happened over a Course of 20 Years has Completely Shifted the Beliefs & Overall Mindset of All of Humanity

These Discoveries Led to Worldwide Manipulation

Here Is A Thread Simplifying All Of It ⬇️⬇️ Image Before we start let me lay down some foundation

Please keep an open mind when reading this thread & when you're doing your own research

This is classified information that those in control dont want the masses knowing about

Here's a clip explaining what we're bout to discuss
Nov 4, 2020 5 tweets 5 min read
Its Feels As If Everyone Is Operating From Their Hearts Today

When the Collective becomes One, a much bigger Reality Shift can occur

I think alot of people at the core have Aligned with Peace, Love, Joy.

Wherever this next shift/age takes us, just know we aligned to create it Innerstand that we must be SHOWN First before we can Believe

What's about to happen in the next 4 years is a Lifting of The Illusionary Veil that we call "reality"

We are about to be SHOWN all the corruption & lies

it gonna be a hard pill to swallow to most of the masses
Oct 17, 2020 14 tweets 3 min read
12 Simple Mindset Tweaks That'll Completely Shift Your Reality...In Your Favor

What we're Learning more of Today is that our Minds have a lot of Control over our Reality & if we want more Control over our Reality, we must first gain back Control over our Mind & overall Mindset⬇️ 1. Want More For Others Than You Want For Yourself

Whatever it is that you perceive to be missing from your life (Health,Wealth,Love,Peace)You must want it more for others rather than yourself

Become the source to others of that which you seek

Help Yourself By Helping Others
Sep 18, 2020 11 tweets 4 min read
When does numerology stop being "just a coincidence"

9/11 is the biggest give away

Happened on the 11th, 9+1+1= 11, Twin Towers look like an 11 side by side, The first plane to hit the trade center was Flight 11, Shanksville is 11 letters, Pentagon is 11 letters

But why? ⬇️ 9/11 was a extremely important day in human history because that's when we went from the Age of Pisces to the Age of Aquarius

Aquarius is the 11th sign

This is how they marked the entrance to this new age

It was an event that was done purposely because they know what's to come
Jun 23, 2020 4 tweets 1 min read
Innerstand that life/universe WANTS to work for you!

It honestly is working FOR you 24/7, however the way it works for you is in YOUR control.

The universe works for you based off the VIBRATION/FREQUENCY you're constantly putting out

What you emit out is reflected back to you This reality is a mirror reflection of the energy we constantly, both collectively & individually, put out

Individually you're creating your own expierence of life through the way your percieve your life & collectively we are doing the same thing, but most are unaware of this
Jun 17, 2020 12 tweets 5 min read
The Cheat Code To The Matrix: (thread)

Our thoughts create our reality

Most people understand the idea of this but dont innerstand how this really works.....until now

The mass collective worldwide is starting to wake up & this will change the way we live as human being ⬇️⬇️⬇️ If you think your thoughts have something to do with your future & you think on average 60-70k thoughts in a day, understand that if 90% of the thoughts are the same thoughts as the day before then your life isnt going to change very much as long as you're thinking the same way
May 16, 2020 5 tweets 1 min read
Everything starts with Breathe!

In monk school they teach their kids "how to breathe" on the first day.

When we're able to focus on our breathe & control the tempo, we become more conscious & are able to take control over the situation presented to us, rather than vice versa The way you breath in any given situation, dictates how you're reacting to it

If you're in a more stressful/fearful situation compared to a more calming/loving situation, you'll instantly feel the difference in your breathe
Apr 23, 2020 9 tweets 3 min read
We are expected to have a great CME occur later this year

Ironically enough a CME is known as CORONAL MASS EJECTION 👀🤔

Last time this occurred was 1859 "Carringtom Event"

Expect to see Aurora Borealis around the world later this year as we aspect to see a shift in frequency ImageImage When a CME occurs it usually last 3 days & will cause blackouts worldwide & mess with our electromagnetic grid

However it will also strengthen those individuals who are prepared to be awaken

Some are more ready than others but we will all ascend eventually

This is the start
Apr 22, 2020 9 tweets 4 min read
According to astrologers the last time Jupitar, Saturn, & Pluto were conjunct in Capricorn was in 1894BCE (3000 years ago)

Its said to happen 3 times in 2020

When this occurred in 1894BCE, it is said to have triggered the birth of the great empire of Babylon/Sumerian People This is huge news if you understand who the Sumerians were

Sumer is the earliest known civilization & were credited for having the first known writing system, advanced architecture, mathematics, astrology, etc

They stated in their tablets that they received this info from...
Mar 22, 2020 11 tweets 3 min read
The worldwide agenda is completely shifting

We are literally witnessing history unfold right in front of our eyes

I truly believe this year is going to be the year the collective consciousness of the world rises

We are starting to see what a human life should really consist of In the past 100 years we have been able to see what life is like without any tech or machine help all the way up to having 5G wearable tech that will teach you anything,in the history of everything.....

Truly think about how quickly humans have changed when it comes to lifestyle
Jan 5, 2020 8 tweets 2 min read
Jupiter/Saturn conjunction happens around every 20 years, but in 2020 its occurring on December 21st, same day as our solstice

This hasn't happened for thousands of years

During a solstice, the sun changes its celestial transition path & this is what's gonna blow your mind⬇️ Sun changes its path between the 21st to 25th. Essentially the sun allegorical dies on the 21st & is REBORN on the 25th (Sound familiar)

The sun is changing its frequency, setting the tone for the upcoming solar year and this occurs each and every year as we already know but..