The new "Beetlejuice" film opens in Japan later this month. There was a Japanese link in the 1988 original. Adelle Lutz, who played a minor character called Beryl, was the eldest daughter born to an American father and Japanese mother.
We know quite a bit about Walter Lutz and Mona Miwako Furuki. The couple featured in a 1952 US Army drama-documentary called "Japanese Bride in America". A key plot point is Mona overcoming her fear of using English on a telephone.
Dec 13, 2019 • 11 tweets • 3 min read
Came across Kajiwara's name because he ordered the 1953 attack on actor Koji Tsuruta, who was a big shot at the time.…
The attack apparently came about because Tsuruta's manager, Renkichi Kanematsu, offended Yamaguchi-gumi boss Kazuo Taoka. That's Taoka in the middle, with his arm around Tsuruta on the right, in a 1952 photo.
Dec 13, 2019 • 13 tweets • 4 min read
Reading the wiki entry for leading Yamaguchi-gumi mobster Kiyoharu Kajiwara (梶原清晴), it seems he didn't die a typical yakuza death. He was fishing on Iwojima in 1971, when a wave swept him out to sea, and he drowned.…
A cursory look for photos of Kajiwara hasn't turned up anything reliable. He is portrayed in a yakuza manga, though.