I’m TIRED! UK 🇬🇧 Momma. Fiercely Pro Israel 🇮🇱 . Unequivocally Anti Hate. 🩵Freedom, Truth, Reason, TRUMP 🇺🇸Morality, Objectivism, Tradition, Faith.
Mar 13 • 9 tweets • 7 min read
Humanitarian assistance by Israel a thread 🧵
Israel are giving aid and protection to the Druze of Syria while the rest of the world has covered their eyes and ears. Israel has helped in many of the biggest catastrophes and disasters in recent times.
Anyone who wants to Israel and the Jewish people’s belief that when you save one life you save the world, entire will be interested in this thread that highlights the expertise and energy that Israel puts into rescue and humanitarianism.
Hikmat al-Hijri, the spiritual leader of the Druze community in Syria said:
"There is no agreement or consent with the new extremist Syrian regime, and we will work for our interests as a sect.
We are in a phase of “to be or not to be” and we will move in the direction that suits the sect.”
10,000 aid packages have been delivered from Israel, and soon Druze workers will begin entering the Golan Heights for work.
Below is a list of some of the other humanitarian work Israel has done for the world in recent times:
Assistance in Mozambique in 2019
After Cyclone Idai which was one of the most destructive recorded
Mar 5 • 4 tweets • 3 min read
The Sonderkommando Photos
August 1944
The only known images of the process of killing during the Holocaust a thread 🧵
The photographs were smuggled out of the camp and given to Polish resistance fighters to show the world what was happening and to give testimony about the extermination.
A note, accompanying the photos, dated September 4, 1944 was signed “Stakło”, a pseudonym for Polish prisoner and leading member of the camp resistance, Stanisław Kłodziński.
The note read: Urgent…Sending you snaps from Birkenau – gas poisoning action. These photos show one of the stakes at which bodies were burned, when the crematoria could not manage to burn all the bodies. The bodies in the foreground are waiting to be thrown into the fire.
Jan 29 • 11 tweets • 21 min read
The Holocaust in History: TREBLINKA Countering revisionism with primary source material A thread of incontrovertible evidence from those who were perpetrators, witnesses and victims🧵
♦️Interview with Franz Suchomel (1907-1979)
Suchomel was a member of the SS Einsatzgruppen, he was involved with the T4 Aktion and then worked at Treblinka vernichtungslager.
In August 1942, Suchomel was transferred to the Treblinka extermination camp.
There he was responsible for handling incoming transports of Jewish victims as well as the confiscation and collection of valuables. He urged Jewish women on their way to the gas chambers disguised as showers:
"Dear ladies, quickly, quickly, quickly, the water is getting cold."
In the following videos he gives his testimony regarding his experiences in Treblinka
Treblinka was part of the Operation Reinhardt Death camps located in the East of Poland. The camp operated between 23 July 1942 and 19 October 1943 as part of Operation Reinhard, the deadliest phase of the Final Solution. During this time, it is estimated that between 700,000 and 900,000 Jews were murdered in its gas chambers making Treblinka the second biggest killer in the KZ system.
The trains with deportees destined for the death camp at Treblinka stopped at the Treblinka village station, some 4 km from the camp. The train, which was usually composed of close to sixty freight cars, was then divided into three sections, and each section was driven separately into the camp. Like in Belzec and Sobibor, from that point the train was driven by two German railway workers.
In Treblinka they were Rudolf Emmerich and Wili Klinzman.
The arrival of the first deportation transport from the Warsaw ghetto to Treblinka station was described by a Pole, Franciszek Zabecki:
“The first transport of "deportees" left Malkinia on July 23, 1942, in the morning hours. The train announced its approach not merely with a shriek of wheels as it crossed the Bug bridge, but with a volley of rifle and machine-gun fire from the security guards. The train entered the station. It was loaded with Jews from the Warsaw ghetto.... Four SS men from the new camp were waiting.
They had arrived earlier by car and asked us how far from Treblinka the "special train with deportees" was. They had already received word of the train's departure from Warsaw.... A smaller engine was already at the station, waiting to bring a section of the freight cars into the camp.
Everything was planned and prepared in advance. The train was made up of sixty closed cars, crowded with people.
These included the young and elderly, men and women, children and babies. The car doors were locked from the outside and the air apertures barred with barbed wire. On the car steps on both sides of the car and on the roof, a dozen or so SS soldiers stood or lay with machine guns at the ready. It was hot, and most of the people in the freight cars were in a faint.... As the train approached, an evil spirit seemed to take hold of the SS men who were waiting. They drew their pistols, returned them to their holsters, and whipped them out again, as if they wanted to shoot and kill.
They came near the freight cars and tried to calm the noise and weeping; then they started yelling and cursing the Jews, all the while calling to the train workers, "Tempo, fast!" Then they returned to the camp to receive the deportees.” (Belzec, Sobibor, Treblinka: The Operation Reinhard Death Camps by Yitzhak Arad)
Some 20,000 Jewish arrivals were selected to work as ‘Sondercommando’ within the camp and were responsible for extracting bodies, burning bodies and managing the belongings of the murdered Jewish people. These bodies were exhumed in 1943 and cremated on large open-air pyres along with the bodies of new victims.
Aug 5, 2024 • 4 tweets • 7 min read
The Genesis of the British Fury
I have lived in the UK all of my life. I'm 42 now and there have been many changes. Some have been good and some have been for the worse. I want to reach people and ask they stop the violence. Protest is a right but wanton violence and aggression should have no part in it. It will change nothing.
The only thing you are doing by looting shoe warehouse and vape shops is disrupting peoples livelihood and making yourselves look like arses and most fundamentally you are giving carte blanche to the government to impose more draconian restrictions and to label anyone with genuine concerns as racist or far right.
The successive governments in this country are to blame, the uniparty policies of the neverending technocrats and bureaucrats. Men and women without a spine between them and not an ounce of integrity at all.
They have imposed the idea that people don't need to unite under a unified banner to live in peace within a nation.
That's because they are not nationalists but internationalists. To them the World is one giant nation where people should be able to move hither and thither. It is a place where they gain enormous wealth and luxury while using punishing economic strategies to manage the societies ever lower.
Unfortunately for those of us who took our first breath under British skies and our first step on British soil that isn't how we view this country. Our home.
When I visited other towns and cities as a child there was a common thread, a heritage and history, a culture an understanding. That may be insignificant to the internationalist but not to many of us. Our ancestors tilled the soil, paved the roads, built the infrastructure, worked in the pits an mills. They built this land generation after generation and passed on the legacy and the achievements for the next generation to build on. That isn't to suggest the work and history of those from the commonwealth who made their home here wasn't respected or valued. Over the years our histories became interwoven. The uniting banner of 'Britain' and our particular ways remained intact. With new peoples to uphold the legacy.
Over the past two decades the rate of change has been incredible. Towns and cities, village and hamlet have been changed. Peoples without a history have arrived in tens of millions, with allegiances all over the globe and we now have many banners. The unity has been compromised. There is no one language, no one history. There is no one culture, indeed no one view of law or religion. We have no common thread to weave. With the great movements of peoples whole areas of people who identify with each other have come about, whole towns and villages have become a nation within a nation with their own customs and cultures and languages and religions. The descendants of the people who had built those areas having moved away to new regions without a link to their past.
With the application of identity politics a divide has been created from above. People are told that because of their skin colour or history that other people have always hated them and they should in turn view themselves as the victims of the other groups. Humas are a tribal species, this sort of narrative works well to create the in group and outgroup dynamic that benefits those who thrive on divisions. Mistrust and historical grievance have been taught to two generations of children who believe they are disenfranchised BECAUSE of the privileged group. They are angry. They have been taught to be angry. The issue is not individual people but ALWAYS Government initiatives.
At the same time there have been huge issues from the gangs in certain towns and cities that harmed young women, a rise in certain crimes. All of this could have been managed by the Government if they had identified and managed the issues according to standard procedure and well established laws. Instead government, media and local authorities obfuscated and concealed problems. Once they came to light the British were angry at both the crimes and the handling by successive governments. These issues were well within the capabilities and competence of the establishment and the mishandling was a CHOICE.
The media began labelling anyone who talked about the issues as far right and purges on social media of those who discussed issues started to happen. Any incident which involved certain groups was treated as a PR exercise instead of treating every citizen equally regardless of background the establishment decided to deepen the divides artificially.
Nobody could reasonably believe that every Muslim is a criminal or a radical but that is what the government put forward. We were told that we were suffering from a new malaise, that of Islamophobia. The real malaise was chronic mismanagement due to a patronising policing, political and judicial system. Each of these and the media treated some groups as being less responsible than others. They did this openly and consistently.
The British people became the enemy of the establishment. A notable example of the worldview came from MP Naz Shah who said that the victims of grooming gangs should remain silent for the good of diversity. This is not how an established legal system works. This is how you empower bad actors to do more bad things while punishing the victims of crime. If they had instead applied the law without bias then bad actors may have been deterred. What is the law but a system of deterrence via threat of punishment for crime?
With that threat removed, or at least diminished for certain groups there is less incentive to change.
Jun 11, 2024 • 12 tweets • 9 min read
🧵 ‼️The Fatwa F02301 against Hamas and it’s significance ‼️🧵
As you read please ask why the USA continues to support the Hamas group over the Islamic council that denounce Qatar and Hamas in this Fatwa. THIS IS IMPORTANT.
Everything that we have seen since October was denounced last March by the IFC
On 9th March 2023 the Islamic Fatwa Council issued a Fatwa against Hamas.
The Fatwa was issued in The Islamic Seminary of The Holy City of Najaf, Iraq.
Since none of this research has been cited by the UN, USA, ICJ, ICC, EU or any media organisation I thought I’d do it. How sad that it’s a woman from rural Durham doing this and not a government or Media organisation.
Let’s look at some facts and a lot of research:
What is a Fatwa?
It’s a religious edict with instructions made my an Islamic cleric or leader. It is a formal legal ruling based on Islamic law that is meant to be binding on Islamic peoples and courts. They have the equivalence of the Supreme Court.
Who are the Islamic Fatwa Council?
An organisation that describes itself as : The global governing judicial body specialising in issuing and deducing Fatwas based on Islamic law. The IFC transcends borders and represents all sects of Islam because it is comprised of Islamic scholars and legal experts from across all Islamic sects