✝️🔥 Deus X Mushina 🔥 ✝️ Profile picture
Faithful not flawless Jesus lover... Gospel spreader... Indefatigable prayer warrior... Dogs n kitties... FinsUp 🐬... DBacks 🐍... Ellipsis abuser...
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Mar 9 6 tweets 8 min read
Woke up with a mild case of vertigo today. The Lord thinks I'm strong enough to handle one more dizziness-inducing and unsteadying thing, I guess.

He's right, though. I will be on the couch, praising and praying all day on this *day of rest*. It simply means I will use the walker today for safety. I can deal with that.

It's kind of indicative of a life with the Lord. Some days, He equips you with the strength and knowledge to go out in faith; other days, He requires you to hold His hand through the storm for safety reasons. Got it. Today is a hand-holding *safety* day.

Today, in addition to praising & praying, I think I will catch up on correspondence (I am so old-fashioned) after I do Bible study & watch my church sermon. Perfect way to forget we've lost an hour overnight. Maybe that's why I have vertigo. Riiiiiight. I'm that in tune with the time change. Hope everybody finds their rest today ❤️

by Nicky Gumbel

The Nobel Prize winner and most important Russian literary artist of the second half of the twentieth century, Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn (1918–2008), who was imprisoned for eight years for criticizing Stalin, wrote, "The line separating good and evil passes, not through states, nor through classes, nor through political parties... but right through every human heart – and through all human hearts." We are all created in the image of God. Human beings are capable of acts of great love, courage and heroism. Yet, not one of us (apart from Jesus) is without sin. Do you know what’s in your heart?

Mar 2 6 tweets 8 min read
Tried living with that work boundary yesterday ("it can wait til Monday when I'm on the clock again) but I tell ya, I felt something was off all day. I'm not used to doing something for work "later". I think the key is writing it down so I don't forget the specifics, especially now.

Anyway, today a day of rest cuz God says so, and I really only need a single day of rest. I can do as @bitmaelstrom suggested and up-charge for Saturdays. I think that's a very good idea. We used to do "6th days" in film production. Time and a half pay if you work a 6th day. No reason I can't continue with that, unless there's a day off M-F that would negate it being six straight days of work. Okay, it's settled then, will talk that over with my boss. Seems like a win/win, as long as a Sabbath day is still honored. I need that God time. I mean, I get to spend time with the Lord every day, but one set aside as a day of rest hits differently.


In one of his last songs, Freddie Mercury, the lead singer of the rock group Queen, asked the question: "Does anybody know what we are living for?" In spite of the fact that he had amassed *a huge fortune* and had attracted *thousands of fans*, Freddie Mercury admitted in an interview shortly before his death in 1991 that he was *desperately lonely*. He said, "You can have everything in the world and still be the loneliest man, and that is the most bitter type of loneliness. Success has brought me *world idolization* and *millions of pounds*, but it’s prevented me from having the one thing we all need – *a loving, ongoing relationship*."

There is only one relationship that is completely loving and ongoing, and for which we were created. Without that relationship there will always be a deep sense of aloneness and a lack of ultimate meaning and purpose.

At the heart of the Christian faith is this relationship with God where we find what we are living for. How can you and I have a relationship with the Creator of the universe? How in practice can we begin to communicate with God? What is the basis of this relationship?

Mar 1 7 tweets 7 min read
The devil is trying to get under my skin lately, and I'm falling for it. It's a conscious effort to rebuke him, and I must constantly ask for strength to do this. I have enough issues with physical strength right now without succumbing to the spiritual evils of this world. Must. Do. Better.

by Nicky Gumbel

It was as if I was blind. I must have heard many times that Jesus died for our sins. But I simply did not see it. I was spiritually blind. But when I understood the cross, my eyes were opened. Since then, I have noticed that as I have attempted to pass on the message of "Christ crucified", there are different responses. Sometimes very intelligent people simply cannot see it (see 1 Corinthians 1:23–25). On the other hand, I am often amazed at the understanding of others, including very young children. For all who see it, it is life changing: "to us who are being *saved* it is the power of God" (1 Corinthians 1:18).

I think it is fascinating that in today’s New Testament passage, after Jesus has explained his death, we have the story of blind Bartimaeus having his eyes opened (Mark 10:46–52). He says to Jesus, "I want to see" (v.51). Jesus replies, "'Go… your faith has *healed* you.' Immediately he received his sight and followed Jesus" (v.52). The word used for *healed* is the same Greek word as *saved* (*sozo*). Do you see it? The passages for today help us to see the significance of Jesus’ death.

Feb 27 6 tweets 8 min read
I think it might be time to start sharing my Ws, so people know that their prayers are working, and so I can get a grasp of how far I've come:

- I can walk most days with a cane, rather than a walker (I mostly use the walker when I first get up for safety reasons)
- I can roll over in bed by myself without grabbing onto the mattress and heaving myself
- I can wash, brush, braid & put my hair in a messy bun by myself (huge if you have long hair)
- I sometimes have the strength to stand at the stove & actually cook now (rather than push buttons on the microwave)
- I can put compression socks on if I need to (tough even if you haven't had a stroke!)
- I can clean the catbox by myself (my friends are very pleased with this)
- I can take the trash out & wash dishes (but still rely on neighbors to take the cans to the curb, which they faithfully do)
- I can carry a cup of coffee to the couch for my usual Bible study every morning without spilling a drop

While I used to take all of these things for granted, I no longer do and see them as big Ws in my rehab. There are still many Ls (Lost abilities: driving & shopping among my bigger Losses), but as long as I'm blessed with amazing friends, I can settle for the smaller Ws, for now, because each & every W points to God's mercy & glory.

by Nicky Gumbel

In a survey of millennials, 50% of young adults said that a major life goal was to become famous. In the past, people wanted to be famous for *doing* something. Now, celebrity has become an end in itself. It has attained god-like characteristics. Not only do people want to be famous, they idolize those who have achieved celebrity status. This widespread interest in famous individuals has been described as "the cult of celebrity". Fame to the ambitious is like salt water to the thirsty. The more you get, the more you want. Madonna, who at one stage was probably the most famous woman on the planet, said, "I won’t be happy until I am as famous as God."
Celebrity and fame are only a pale reflection of true glory. "Glory" is used in the Bible to denote the manifestation of God’s presence. Glory is one of the most common words in the Bible. God’s glory means his importance, reputation, majesty and honor. Perhaps it is not surprising that as society moves away from worshipping *the glory of God*, it turns towards the worship of the "glory" of celebrity and fame. We are called to worship God’s glory and reflect it, however imperfectly, in our lives.

Feb 23 6 tweets 8 min read
I have literally spent hours counting my blessings surrounding this stroke (don't worry, I've had my share of grumbles, too). When I think of all the moments I *could* have had the stroke, I thank God that He spared me. Imagine trudging up 4 flights of stairs at an apartment building, delivering a flat of 32 bottled waters, and having a stroke mid-flight in the 100° heat, then tumbling down the stairs.

No, it happened in my sleep. Incredible.

Yup, I can see the blessings all over its timing. Makes you wonder the blessings surrounding your own struggles are, and how much worse it could be, huh? Seriously, counting your blessings in all circumstances is no joke and keeps you that much closer to the one who created you & loves you without end. This is when it especially is in our best interest to take hold of his righteous right hand. (Isaiah 41:10 NIV)

by Nicky Gumbel

When I saw him coming down the street, I would cross the road in order to avoid him. I'd met him in my first week at university. He had a shiny, smiley face. I had also met one or two others like him who had that same look on their face. It made me very suspicious!

A few months later, I encountered Jesus and realized that these people’s faces were shining because they had been spending time with Jesus, hearing God speak. Like Moses, when he came down from the mountain after *hearing God* speak to him, their faces were "radiant" (Exodus 34:29,35). Jesus said that "people do not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of God" (Matthew 4:4). Just as we need physical food, so we also need spiritual food. Spiritual food comes from *hearing the words of God*.

Feb 16 6 tweets 7 min read
It must have been your prayers, cuz the fever broke and I feel back to gained strength & no fatigue or aches. There is still minor chest congestion but I can handle that. Thank you again for your prayers & well-wishes. They are necessary for healing ❤️

And today's Bible study title shows exactly why prayer works.


Lord Radstock was staying in a hotel in Norway in the mid-nineteenth century. He heard a little child playing the piano downstairs in the hallway. She was making a terrible noise: ‘Plink... plonk... plink...’. It was driving him mad! A man came and sat beside her and began playing alongside her, filling in the gaps. The result was the most beautiful music. He later discovered that the man playing alongside was the girl’s father, Alexander Borodin, composer of the opera *Prince Igor*.

God calls you into a relationship that involves cooperation with him. The Christian faith is primarily about what has been done for you by God in Christ. However, we are not mere spectators. You are called to respond. God involves you in his plans. God comes and sits alongside you and "in all things... works for the good" (Romans 8:28). He takes our "plink… plonk... plink..." and makes something beautiful out of our lives.

Feb 13 6 tweets 7 min read
I watch a lot of home renovation shows, and only once did I see somebody safety minded for trip hazards in the design of her "forever home". She saw a future where her elderly parents might move in with her and planned accordingly. People don't think about these things enough, IMO. Now that I live in my parents' old house, I'm thankful for Dad's shower grab bars (esp now), even if they're ugly. There's nothing wrong with living safely. Some of my friends think I live in fear of the unknown, but there's a difference between living in fear & being safety-minded, as my PT says. There's also a huge difference between trusting God & throwing caution to the wind. I'll continue to trust God but use the common sense He gave me & be cautious. I can't avoid ALL hazards, but if I see a hazard potential, (like area rugs), I'll use my better judgment and remove the trip hazard, for now.

by Nicky Gumbel

Hundreds of thousands of Christians are among those who have fled Iraq and Syria in the midst of Islamic extremism and conflict. Christians face the threat of systematic torture and mass executions. Isis has declared Christianity as the number one enemy. Millions of Christians live in countries where they are persecuted for their faith. Many governments try to control the growth of the church. Even in traditionally Christian countries, sometimes there is hostility towards vibrant Christianity. Hostility to the people of God is not something new. People are often threatened by success, growth and large numbers. Perhaps you are facing hostility in your workplace or even in your family because of your faith. The passages today not only highlight the reality of living in a hostile environment, but they also point out how you can survive and thrive in the midst of such hostility.

Jan 15 5 tweets 6 min read
We all experience fear at some point in our lives. Today’s Bible study helps us understand and deal with it in a godly way.

by Nicky Gumbel

At one level, fear is healthy. "Fear" is an emotion induced by a perceived threat. It is a natural human emotion. It is God-given. It is a basic survival mechanism. It keeps us alive. It protects us from danger.

However, there is also such a thing as unhealthy fear. The Greek word commonly used in the New Testament is *phobos* – from which we get the word "phobia". This is unhealthy fear. It is disproportionate to the danger posed. It is:

It is when I catastrophizse – overestimating the danger and underestimating my ability to cope. Common phobias include fears in relation to health, finances, failure, growing old, death, loneliness, rejection, messing up, public speaking, flying, heights, snakes and spiders.

They also include things such as, what is now called, FOMO – the Fear Of Missing Out, the fear of not being special. In my own life, I have experienced many fears – from a fear of heights to panic attacks and other irrational fears, fears about preaching and a fear of doing anything that might bring dishonor to the name of Jesus.

Whereas the Spirit of God does not produce negative fear, there is a kind of healthy fear – the *fear of God*. This does not mean being frightened of God. In fact, it means the opposite. It is an understanding of who God is in relation to us. It means respect, reverence, awe, honor, adoration and worship; it could even be translated as *love for God*.

It recognizes the power, majesty and holiness of God Almighty. It leads to a healthy respect of God and is the antidote to all other fears and phobias we experience in life. Fear God and you need not fear anything else or anyone else.

It is no coincidence that as the fear of God has decreased in our society, all the other fears have increased. We need to return to a right relationship with God. The expression "*do not be afraid*" is one of the most frequent commands in the Bible. Four of the occurrences are in our passages for today.

Proverbs 1:20–33

This passage gives you the key to avoiding "terror and panic" (v.26, AMP) and living "without fear or dread of evil" (v.33, AMP).

The idea of the "Fear of the Lord" is one of the key themes of Proverbs and appears twenty-one times throughout the book. It is a choice that you make. If you are wise, you will "choose to fear the Lord" (v.29) and "listen" to him. He promises that you "will live in safety and be at ease, without fear of harm" (v.33).

Wisdom is personified in the book of Proverbs (v.20). As we read it through the lens of the New Testament, we know that it is Jesus who is "the wisdom of God" (1 Corinthians 1:24)

This passage (Proverbs 1:20–32) is a warning against ignoring the Lord’s voice and following a path of "waywardness" and "complacency" (v.32).

Instead, choose to fear God, listen to him and repent when he corrects you. If you do, God will reveal to you more than you could ever imagine. "I [Wisdom] will pour out my spirit upon you, I will make my words known to you" (v.23a, AMP). He will reveal to you the hidden treasures of wisdom in his words. Choose this fear of God and you will be "in good hands" (v.33, MSG) and can be free from the fear of harm.

Lord, I choose to fear you – to live a life in reverence and awe of your power, majesty and holiness. Help me to live life fearing you alone.

Dec 11, 2024 5 tweets 8 min read
Good morning, Bible study people!

I’ve had a few people lately ask me why I share so much of my life on Twitter-X, and there are a few answers to that.

One, I live alone, therefore, I think of you all as either my extended family (or a pesky younger sibling lol) or as my remote roommates with whom I would have a conversation either first thing in the a.m. or when I get home from work. I share the big moments and the inconsequential ones, and everything in between, hoping to make connections with shared experiences. I guess this is part of the new social *human condition*, and I’ve embraced it.

Secondly, and more importantly, I’m looking to make a difference in people’s faith in God. It has taken me six decades to understand my role and purpose in this life as God has given it: share His love and forgiveness and salvation with others who need to hear some good news (especially in today’s world). Again, I’m reaching out to make connections, but this time, they are ones with lasting implications. I share my life in order to open the door to the good news of Jesus Christ. When you realize nearly everything else is inconsequential, the resolve to share the gospel is ENORMOUSLY critical.

Lastly, I think everyone needs a little Buster, Auggie, Lunchie (RIP), Himmer, Mimiaow, Laverne & Shirley, and all of the other creatures that cross my path in their lives. 😉

by Nicky Gumbel

In an interview in Time Magazine, the great Swiss theologian Karl Barth recounted that he advised young theologians to "take your Bible and take your newspaper and read both. But interpret newspapers from your Bible."

When we read, watch or listen to the news it could be easy to get depressed. It sometimes seems that evil is triumphing over good. The plans of "the wicked" seem to succeed, while others are subject to the ravages of terrorism, war, poverty and injustice. This is why we desperately need to hear the voice of the Holy Spirit and listen to the word of God.

As we study the Scriptures, we see the triumph of good over evil. In each of the passages for today we see that evil will *not* ultimately triumph. At the end of the day, good wins. Furthermore, in this struggle between good and evil, you *can* make a difference.

Dec 8, 2024 6 tweets 8 min read
Good morning, Bible study-ers!

Today's Bible study starts out with a look at the writer's balance. “Balance” was one of my God-words for 2024. At the beginning of 2024, I took it to mean that I needed to work on balancing my work life and my spiritual life. I was working 7 days a week and not taking days off, let alone a *Sabbath* day for spiritual rejuvenation and restoration.

As the weeks went on, though, I realized God had *physical* balance in the mix, as well. I remember tripping down a customer’s front sidewalk steps in Jan or Feb, and DOWN I went. Twisted my ankle, scraped my knees and elbows, and hit my temple on something that ended up breaking my glasses. My first thought after I jumped back up? “I hope no one saw that.” I looked around and didn’t see any neighbors outside, nor did my customer have a doorbell camera. WHEW.

Later, as I sat nursing my ankle with an ice pack, I had time to reflect. I had been more worried about my clumsiness causing embarrassment than I was about being hurt. Seems my lack of balance had a bit of a pride issue, as well. This led me to think about my spiritual life and how often I try to hide my sin not only from the rest of the world, but from God. Again, pride is center stage.

I can see how that one simple trip-and-fall was instrumental in my life, an “a-ha!” moment, if you will. Not only did I start to do balance training and stretching in my kitchen every morning as I waited for coffee to brew, but I also took a hard look at my schedule and made an attempt to balance my work life and my faith life.

Also, over the past year I’ve noticed that when I flub up (physically or spiritually), I don’t get embarrassed anymore. I get up, dust myself off, thank God for protecting me, and I move on. There’s a great peace in not carrying around the weight of embarrassment or pride. Maybe that comes with getting older, I don’t know. Either way, I’m thankful. And my balance training has kept me upright for many months now. Yay!

by Nicky Gumbel

My body is so inflexible. I was told once by a professional fitness trainer, who happened to notice the way I was walking, that I was one of the worst cases of stiffness he had ever come across. I am now trying to do more stretching!

I had considered myself reasonably fit (for my age!), as a result of still playing squash and biking everywhere. But in other ways, I realized I am not. Physical fitness is a balance of strength, flexibility, aerobic and anaerobic fitness. Some people are exceptionally strong but cannot even run to catch a bus. Others are aerobically fit (they could run a marathon), but they are not very strong.

However, spiritual fitness is far more important than physical fitness. It also involves balancing a number of areas of your life.

Dec 6, 2024 6 tweets 8 min read
Good morning, my friends ☀️! Happy Friday!

First off, a brief reminder that the *Beth & Kids Christmas* fundraiser is still going on. We went from 25% funded to over 45% funded in one day! In an effort to be completely transparent, my original goal was $2,000, so if you’re moved to help get the fundraiser to the goal line, DM me for payment app details! If you have no idea what I’m talking about, please see my pinned tweet, then share as far and as wide as possible. I couldn’t do this without my community here (and with God’s help, of course). So thank you to all who have donated thus far, and to those contemplating helping Beth, a daughter of the King, less stressed this Christmas. ❤️🎄

And right in line with today's Advent devotional and the above intro, our Bible study is about finding God’s purpose in and for your life. I’ve said it recently, but I am never happier than when I am helping lift people up like my vet tech Beth and all of the recipients of the Thanksgiving baskets.

But it’s not about me; it’s about developing a community. The last few years have divided people so much, it’s disheartening, but when we all come together for a cause, it feels like nothing can stop us! And nothing can, when God is on our side, nudging us in the right direction to work for his kingdom and his glory.

Short little story here – I had something hurtful happen to me yesterday, and I was struggling with the best way to handle it. Usually I just blurt out the first things that come to mind, which, as you can imagine, are generally unkind words and puts people on the defensive immediately. I managed to get my point across at first, but I realized it wasn’t without a bit of remorse at my choice of phrasing. Later, I was able to smooth things over and explain myself more succinctly. It ended up with both of us on each others’ side again. Whew.

But as I was driving home, I heard the devil whispering nonsense in my ear, that I was selfish and self-centered toward this person and certainly not loving. I blurted out loud, “Not today, Satan. I know who is *providing for me here*. Get out.” (Actually, I blurted out a different phrase, but when I looked it up on the interwebz, it means something quite different and completely inappropriate! It was such a boomer moment lol)

Anyway, I’m always so thankful when the Holy Spirit intervenes in uncomfortable situations, and even more thankful when I heed the warnings and/or advice. But more than just that…I love when the Holy Spirit prompts me to be kind and generous to others. I believe that’s one of the first steps to loving your neighbor. And we are all each other’s neighbors. Let’s make this Christmas season one full of love and generosity and kindness (I’m preaching to myself here as I gear up to go shopping for parents who don’t want to dive into the toy departments themselves LOL).

by Nicky Gumbel

Purpose in life is far more important than property or possessions. Having more to live with is no substitute for having more to live for. "The two greatest days of your life are the day you were born and the day you find out why."

God has *a specific purpose* for you. In addition, God’s *general will* for all of us is revealed in the Bible. In the passages for today we see what God wants for you and for everyone.

Dec 3, 2024 6 tweets 7 min read
Going along with this morning’s Advent Day 2 post, today’s Bible study reflects on the goodness, the hope, and yes, the existence of God. There seems to be millions of people who deny the existence of God in today’s society, doesn’t there? But someday, perhaps soon, that will change. There will be a mighty shake-up in the world, and as it says in Philippians 2, “… that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth, and every tongue declare that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father” (vv.10-11). Wooo! Can’t wait.

by Nicky Gumbel

I studied and practiced law for nearly ten years. In every legal case, evidence is vital. Evidence matters to me. I could not be a Christian if I did not believe that our faith is based on compelling evidence. There is good evidence for the life, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.

Over the years, there have been a spate of books by the "new atheists" suggesting that there is no evidence for God; that God is a "delusion" ("*The God Delusion*") and that "*God is Not Great*" (the title of another of these books).

While of course, the Bible does not try to provide a scientific proof for the existence of God, it does point to the evidence of "*eye-witnesses*" (2 Peter 1:16) and proclaims that "*there is a God in heaven*" (Daniel 2:28) and that "*the Lord is great*" (Psalm 135:5).

There is good reason to put your trust in God. You will grow in faith as you study the truth of God’s word and boldly proclaim that "there is a God" and "he is great".

Nov 29, 2024 6 tweets 7 min read
Good morning! Hope you all had a blessed and wonderful Thanksgiving with family and friends! And to all you Black Friday revelers, may the odds be ever in your favor!

Seriously though, nothing epitomizes the commercialization of Jesus’ birth more than epic Pamplona-style running-with-the-bulls crowds trying to get the best deal on a big screen TV or gaming device. But now that they seem to start Black Friday sales in August, do they even do the early morning *big rush* through the store’s doors to buy big ticket items anymore?

All I know is that as a professional shopper, I’m not stepping foot inside a store today, just to be on the safe side (although I might do a couple of drive-up, pick-up-and-deliver jobs). Besides I’m more of a Cyber-Monday and Giving-Tuesday kind of person now: everything from the comfort of my own home, in my pajamas, even.

by Nicky Gumbel

I remember that first night so well. Every time we heard the slightest sound, we leapt out of bed and picked him up. He was so tiny – not that much bigger than a hand. This was a new life. Our first child had been born. We were so proud. Three or four times a night, he would wake craving milk. Pippa would feed him regularly. Of course, he grew up.

Now as I look at him, almost twice the size of Pippa, it is hard to believe that he was once so small. *New birth* is an exciting moment. So is new spiritual birth. Jesus said, "No one can see the kingdom of God without being *born again*" (John 3:3).

In our passage for today, Peter writes about "*a new birth*" (1 Peter 1:3). "Because Jesus was raised from the dead, we’ve been given *a brand-new life* and have everything to live for" (v.3, MSG). This spiritual birth is contrasted with natural birth, which led only to a "dead-end, empty-headed life you grew up in" (v.18, MSG).

New birth means you can now call God your Father (v.17). In fact, the whole Trinity is involved: "*God the Father* has his eye on each of you, and has determined by the *work of the Spirit* to keep you obedient through the *sacrifice of Jesus*" (v.2, MSG).

Physical birth will one day end with physical death. But spiritual birth leads to eternal life – "a future in heaven – and the future starts now!" (v.3, MSG). Physical life is like grass that withers. But this brand new life is conceived by God himself and goes on and on forever (vv.23–25, MSG).

In today’s passages, we see the implications of this new birth, the various stages of spiritual growth as a son or daughter of God and how "you may grow up in your salvation" (2:2).

Nov 25, 2024 8 tweets 7 min read
Rise & shine & happy Monday, people! Short week for some of you, but a week to take stock of how good God is to us and be thankful.

This morning as I was doing my usual routine (brewing coffee, letting the dogs out to do their business, checking to see if there are kittehs on the patio that need feeding, gathering pet dishes, feeding the counted mouths), I was curious about one thing. Yesterday, I added another cat enclosure w/a warming pad to the patio since the overnights are dropping down to the low 40s/high 30s. I want The Twins™ to sleep comfortably & safely against predators AND the elements, but I wasn’t sure if they’d take to being confined in these little *huts*.

I got my answer this morning.

And I thought, I hope I can be as good to these kittehs as God is to me.

Mission accomplished. 😻

by Nicky Gumbel

The Christian life is multi-faceted. At any given moment, I find there are a number of different things going on at the same time. In the passages for today we see five of these aspects, which all begin with the letter T.

Nov 19, 2024 5 tweets 8 min read
I had my sleep test evaluation yesterday, and while the news isn’t great, I was excited about the cpap device they’re giving me. The doc said he wished all of his patients were this agreeable about wearing the apparatus at night. I replied “most of your patients are married men, right?” and he laughed and said yes. Ah, there’s the difference. Many men go for an evaluation because their wives can’t sleep through the noise and pester them until they agree to go for the sleep study (the whole health issue is secondary, which is pretty sad when you think about it. Why isn’t that their first concern?) Anyway, I learned a lot in this evaluation, and it lit a fire under me to get my health under control (tossed all of my Halloween candy in the garbage bin this morning to prove it).

I find it disappointing that I needed bad news to get serious about my health. I’ve said before I was going to start doing things the right way, but it only lasts a week or two. Rather than pin that on my lack of willpower and commitment, it’s also symptomatic of not getting good rest. The lack of quality sleep leads to so many health issues I’d never even considered (poor diet choices due to low energy, low oxygen to the brain which contributes to life-threatening strokes – that was the one that gut-punched me.)

I also find a correlation between bad health news forcing people to make positive changes in their lives, and bad life situations forcing people to seek God through prayer when they hit a wall and can’t find a solution on their own. I once heard a preacher say that prayer should be our first line of defense, not our last resort. Truer words have never been spoken. When your go-to is prayer, even before you *need* something, your life changes. You are acknowledging that God is sovereign and in control. You are building a relationship with the one who sees, knows, and understands everything. Why WOULDN’T you want His guidance? Giving over control to the one who created us is an unburdening of self and life-long commitment to the best partnership ever.

/1Bag of Halloween candy destined for the trash STICK TO IT
by Nicky Gumbel

Maryam and Marziyeh were arrested in Iran in 2009. Their crime: being Christians. They were blindfolded, interrogated and became ill during their time in prison. They were taken to court. Mr Haddad, the prosecuting lawyer, asked the two women if they were Christians. "We love Jesus," they replied. He repeated his question and they responded, "Yes, we are Christians." Mr Haddad asked whether they regretted becoming Christians, to which they replied, "We have no regrets." Then he stated emphatically, "You should renounce your faith verbally and in written form." They stood firm and replied, "We will not deny our faith." When Mr Haddad told the women to return to prison to think about their options and come back to him when they were ready (to comply), Maryam and Marziyeh responded, "We have already done our thinking."

The author of Hebrews writes to Christians who are the subject of persecution: "You stood your ground in a great contest in the face of suffering" (Hebrews 10:32) – as Maryam and Marziyeh did before their prosecutors. (Thank God they have been released – we interviewed them as part of the Alpha Film Series.)

The will to persevere is often the difference between success and failure. This is true of learning a new skill or sport or achieving success at school or work. It's been said, "Observe the postage stamp; its usefulness depends on the ability to stick to one thing til it gets there."

"Stickability" is also a key to the Christian life. If you want to learn to read the Bible, pray, resist evil or whatever else, learn to persevere. The writer of Hebrews encourages his readers not to be "quitters" but "to stick it out" (vv.34–39, MSG).

Nov 15, 2024 5 tweets 7 min read
Got numerous messages from people I often interact with who said they never saw my Thanksgiving baskets post. It makes me wonder why. I know I’m not shadow-banned, but I’m also not boosted much by reposts or responses. I guess there are algorithms that I don’t understand. Or maybe it’s a backhanded way for X to get more people to subscribe and become verified (thinks to herself “*it would* be nice to be able to edit my posts”). Guess I’ll have to mess around with my budget and see if there’s anything I can cut out. (*re-reads post, sounds whiny, posts anyway*)

(NOTE: as I posted the above initially, I got an offer for a discounted subscription. So clearly their marketing algorithms are on-point. And I took the bait. Threads will now be 4-7 posts long, initially...)

In other news, I’m dealing with someone who often lies for sympathy or attention. They are extremely educated (multiple higher-ed degrees) and incredibly pretentious. They made a comment to me recently about how ridiculous the signature protocols were for a medical delivery and that the driver was *stupid* for making them sign in 15 different places.

*blink blink*

I let them rant for a bit, and finally interrupted. “You’re being incredibly offensive right now.”

Them: *doubling down on rhetoric*

Then I reminded them what I do for a living.


*then backtrack* “Oh, I don’t mean YOU…”

Then I let them have it. Thankfully, I wasn’t emotional, but I wasn’t loving about it, either. I was calm yet firm. I pointed out that drivers have an obligation to cross all their Ts and dot all there “I”s because they are liable for the packages from pickup to drop-off. And when it’s a medical delivery, the demands are even more rigorous and binding.

I’m telling this story because I believe it’s a widespread condition that we’ve witnessed on news networks, social media, universities and in our government: the over-educated thinking they know what’s best for us under-educated folk (according to them). I believe the recent election results was the pushback from us *know-nothings*, *hicks and hillbillies* and the rest of us, and it was glorious.

I’ve had a problem with pretentious people since I was young, and now, as a woman of faith, I find it hard to turn the other cheek. I guess I’ve got something new to put down on my personal *fruits-of-the-spirit* to-do list.

by Nicky Gumbel

These days, practically everything you buy seems to carry some kind of *warning* on it. Some of these warnings can seem a little ridiculous. For example:
- Sainsbury’s *peanuts*: "Warning – Contains *nuts*"
- Nytol Nighttime *Sleep-Aid*: "Warning – May cause *drowsiness*"
- On a household *DIY drill*: "Not intended for use as *dentist drill*"
(Mush: more recently, Costco butter - contains milk 🙄)

Because so many warnings seem almost absurd, the danger is that we ignore them. But not all warnings are so ridiculous. A foggy day, on March 13, 1991, led to one of Britain’s worst road accidents. Ten people died and twenty-five people were injured in a disaster on the M4 motorway. In the midst of the accident one man was hailed as a hero. Alan Bateman climbed out of his damaged car and ran along the central reservation to try to *warn* oncoming vehicles of the wreckage ahead. Not all appreciated the warnings. Some drivers sounded their horns at him and drove on towards the crash. Alan’s warnings to the other drivers were not only heroic; they were an *act of love*.

Jesus himself often warned of dangers ahead (see for example Matthew 7:13,19,26–27). Jesus knew that in the long run it is more loving to warn people by telling them the truth. God loves you. He does not want you to get hurt. There are many warnings in the Bible and they all stem from God’s love for you.

Nov 12, 2024 40 tweets 7 min read
Okay, I just got back from blood tests and dropping off the sleep apnea testing device. I don’t know what kind of sorcery that little sleep device uses, but I had the best night’s sleep ever. I woke up without a headache, feeling rested and refreshed.

/1 Or maybe it was that I followed the clinic’s pre-bedtime instructions (no smartphone or computer devices or snacking before bed, and sadly, no Mimiaow snuggling next to me, making it hard to turn naturally 😿).

Nov 7, 2024 44 tweets 7 min read
I woke up after having an incredibly sound, restful sleep. I hate to admit it, but the election results have done a lot for my peace of mind. Part of me wishes I could go back to the days where politics wasn’t a 24/7/365 news cycle...

...but I wouldn’t trade my responsible attitude now for my youthful 30s & 40s ignorance again for anything. Growing my faith has had the biggest impact on the afore-mentioned responsible attitude, but it also takes much of the burden off my shoulders when it comes to...

Nov 5, 2024 48 tweets 8 min read
Election Day.

Finally, an end is in sight to the non-stop commercials and text messages and mailers filled with lies, misinformation and deceit.

How will it turn out? I have no idea. I have promised myself that I would not doom-scroll for exit poll information.

Life has bigger concerns for me right now (my own health issues and health issues of my dogs). By the same token, I will no longer discuss politics or taxes or listen to complaints from my IRL friends who sat this election out.

Oct 31, 2024 45 tweets 8 min read
I was hoping to get a jump on Halloween decorating earlier this month so the kids would know this is a “trick-or-treat” friendly house…but alas, Halloween is here & I have yet to put up one decoration. So I've set aside this morning to put up at least one ghosty inflatable.

/1 Image Something I’ve noticed a lot more of these past few years is the dividing line w/regards to Halloween between believers who engage in the festivities & those who believe it's a night of devil revelry that we should NOT engage in nor invite the evil one to our doorsteps.

Oct 30, 2024 45 tweets 7 min read
I have been thinking a lot about suffering lately. It seems that the futility of a secular life and all of the trials and health issues we go through take on a different context when we look at them through God’s eyes.

This hard-knock life is meant to be looked at through a spiritual lens, in order that we might grow and shed the non-essentials and become what God has determined us to become:
