Summer Youth Profile picture
A corpse by evening.
Feb 22 8 tweets 2 min read
This is ultimately the default friend/Mary Harrington/Conservative feminist worldview (not that they're all the same). Zoomers are raised under the impression that Words Really Matter. Discourse is FAIR and EQUAL. This lends itself to the belief that "promises made are promises kept" (sound familiar?) And the whole world tells them "you scratch my back I'll scratch yours (millennial turn of phrase)--only for all of their "betters, elders, and superiors" to break just about every promise they make (you have a meeting at 8AM tomorrow unpaid) and then get mad when the Zoomers just simply say "No, sorry, I'm not doing that." The fundamental social problem the older generations have with Zoomers right now is that Zoomers, in truth, objectively, are their betters in a lot of cases. The elders taught the Zoomers to be Objective, Fair, and Rational. And so when you are Objectively, Fairly, and Rationally better/smarter/more proficient/more honest, you see absolutely no reason why you should "respect your elders." You're better than them, you have something to offer, and they're making fun of you and telling you to shut up and wait your turn--fuck off! You said we must be objective and rational! I'm objectively and rationally better than you now!
Feb 22 6 tweets 1 min read
Millennials when they encounter Zoomers on this site are always trying to relitigate who deserves what because Millennials can only think in those terms and cannot understand why Zoomers don't think that way. Zoomers don't suffer the way Millennials do because they don't see themselves as deprived of anything. Millennials are mad about Zoomers because they believe Zoomers deserve to suffer yet don't, or at least aren't suffering enough. Millennials are ultimately socialists in that they're neurotically negotiating who should be in charge of the spoils of speculation. Zoomers are just like "As long as I uphold my promises and you uphold yours we're going to get along great."
Oct 31, 2022 12 tweets 3 min read
People like you really just need to be put in prison. You are incompatible with society and you don’t belong here. There’s no other answer. Nobody gives a fuck that you started campaigning in 2021 to open our schools. You worked to close them, you defended their closure, and you attempted (and still are attempting, clearly) to insulate from punishment other perpetrators of these crimes against humanity.
Oct 30, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
People don’t want to admit that the gender non-conformers of today are the scene kids of yesterday. They listen to the same music, play the same games, wear the same hairstyles with the same colors—the only thing gender non-conformists added was elements of cross-dressing lol.
Oct 30, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
Journalists who do this should be arrested I’m done pretending that Journalism is some sacred cow profession. “Well if we arrest journalists we get slippery sloped into being unable to report the truth about power!” We already can’t do any of that! Look around you! Journalism of the everyman is illicit!
Oct 30, 2022 5 tweets 1 min read
I sound like a broken record: stop posting your social horror stories on the internet! “I saw my boyfriend do something weird and I stopped liking him”—I’m sure that’s true! No one needs to hear it! Keep it to yourself! You have a superfluous inner life! You couldn’t possibly have anything to say!
Oct 28, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
You should use your capacity for discernment to choose for yourself what you think is the right thing to do in a situation. There is *no other way* to live life. Your d-rules and ethical frameworks will always fail you in crunch time. Stop looking to other people—that’s slavery. This isn’t Libertarianism—that would be to subsume oneself to the vague whims of the public and constantly “check the vibe.” Observe that you make conscious good choices and conscious bad choices and understand that nothing will keep you from either.
Oct 28, 2022 5 tweets 1 min read
Actually you should stop outsourcing your conscience to an external observer or authority. This is the liberal “rationality” episteme that always concludes with you knowing nothing and a sage knowing anything. “You should be rational and accept that your perceptions and judgments are altered in ways that prevent you from exercising your rationality and accessing the truth”—of course you’ll solve nothing with this. To abide by it you have to deliberately elude the obvious contradiction.
Oct 28, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
I warned you ppl awhile ago & you didn’t listen—if you kept going with this little “misinfo” scheme, eventually the n-word would become the banner of free expression. Following this reactionary pseudo-revolt will be the elimination by fiat of free speech in the West. Good luck. I already hear it in class every day—the prevailing wisdom of the youth generations is that free speech is not constituted by “hate speech.” The “marketplace of ideas” is an offensive concept to us. You can “tolerate disagreement” but if your ideas “kill people” it doesn’t count.
Jan 17, 2022 6 tweets 2 min read
The people who talk or write like this have a deep and profound distaste for humanity, which is why they adopt a dialect that implicitly locates themselves outside a human frame. “Mom of two humans” and “dog mom” are sentimental twins—to say “mom of two children” would be to identify herself as a human being by positioning her existence directly adjacent to her children, but this is exactly what ppl like this want to avoid. They hate being human.
Jan 15, 2022 5 tweets 1 min read
Roko's Basic & Libfem Stalin represent trauma-induced defense mechanisms of abstract "calculation" to determine whether they're "at risk" in their relational "transactions"--and this resonates b/c it fits right into a broader subcultural market logic in social life. All these two stand for is re-purposing the selfishness deployed against them into a shield from traumatic repetition. They are "finally including themselves" in personal decisions in attempted redress for being "not important enough" to whoever wrought tragedy against them.
Jan 14, 2022 5 tweets 1 min read
Can someone ask Carl Beijer if he thinks this is a bad policy or a good policy destined to be carried out poorly by the ruling class? Stigma against “conspiracy theory” is supposed to condition people to turn their gaze from this stuff—you’re not supposed to infer that, down the road, selective service will be employed to draft the masses into field testing theoretical medical procedures with unknown unknowns.
Nov 21, 2021 5 tweets 2 min read
Yes they should--lockdowns are way more damaging than not being vaccinated at every scale, and they obviate "personal choice."

Not locking down is not a question of "what the people have to give up", it simply shouldn't happen at all, because it doesn't work and destroys society Whether or not people should get vaccinated is entirely independent from whether or not societies should lock down. @AlistairHaimes what is your answer? Do you have one?
Nov 21, 2021 14 tweets 3 min read
Fyi Eminem was exposing federal and crony capitalist child sex abuse rings before anons had even figured out what was going on In his tours around Encore he began getting more direct about his disdain for the feds, and began satirizing child abuse and military power display. His concerts often featured children filing out of tanks, and his track Mosh was intro’d by a class of elementary students.
Nov 19, 2021 6 tweets 1 min read
That's because your understanding of contemporary media ecology is so narrow it might as well be nonexistent. The "conservative victim complex" you're talking about is a response to privatized, social stigma against "public conservatism" which absolutely exists, and the proof of it is the decentralized army of journalists that were caught attempting to railroad the case.
Nov 17, 2021 6 tweets 2 min read
Social distancing, lockdowns, and masks gave the license many craved to pursue the easy, soft path to a safe, discomfort-free life where the responsibility of friendship was superfluous, the subsequent guilt from which was offset by the trappings of empathy--"Alone Together." Life & companionship in youth are difficult to navigate, nigh impossible to understand, and quite intimidating. Lockdown was a free pass to recede from all of it. A society whose youth embrace such lunacy has broken them, turned them into scared whelps instead of daring rookies.
Jul 28, 2021 9 tweets 3 min read
I think this Simone Biles incident is betraying the truth of “mental health awareness” for most of Gen Z, that being their misguided conflation of “mental health” with psychological comfort. This generation has spent the last decade bombarded w/ horrific images of social life, while being inundated w/ copes & distractions like Tiktok/Instagram scrolling, done for hours on end so as to quell discord from inner thoughts & associate dopamine w/ loneliness & inactivity.
May 2, 2021 5 tweets 1 min read
The degree to which someone’s concerns are “uneducated” is the degree to which one should try to do someone a solid and map out these issues and move them past the base, “object level”—mocking them and calling them ret*rded for feeling something is amiss is silly, doesn’t help. If you’re gonna come into that tweet’s replies & say, “lmao nobody is gonna hurt you bro”, I’m sorry but you’re also spouting a braindead object level opinion. If you wanna articulate the benefits of living in a more sterilized society go ahead, have that worthwhile discussion.
May 1, 2021 4 tweets 2 min read
“Pseudoscience” is noticing undersocialized children pulling back from socialization, but Real Science is Lockdowns Worked, which is why we Should Do Them Again and Right This Time.

This shit is just ghoulish. The notion that Covid sniped a bunch of children’s parents is complete mythology and impossible to back up, but technocrats are going to assert it anyway because they have a Study, which as we know is better than field data, of course.
Apr 30, 2021 10 tweets 3 min read
The best part about quotes like these is not their truth value, but how they're weaponized against those in our community--overwhelmingly men--who find it difficult to get laid. "What your virginity says about you is that you lack empathy, you're probably an awful person." It's obviously true that sex is, in part, a sort of "empathy" in the sense that you & someone else share each other's feelings & act in unison to pique them. It's cliche, but it truly is hard to comprehend what this entails if you've never done it. But that's not why it's said.
Apr 12, 2021 4 tweets 1 min read
Radical feminism and liberal feminism are two sides of the same coin--the fundamental question of both of these iterations of feminism is how to separate the man and the woman in society. The Radfem analysis is merely the logical conclusion of the Libfem--incel-like hostility. "Liberal feminism exerts effort to malign" radical feminism because even that ideology sees desire for men (not just sexually) as something with upside. Radfems believe the "feminine attachment" to men is a curse and a burden even though that couldn't be less true.