Mustafa Salim Profile picture
Reporter for @washingtonpost Baghdad Bureau. views my own
Aviva Gabriel Profile picture 1 subscribed
Jan 5, 2020 21 tweets 4 min read
The Iraqi parliament holds an emergency session today to discuss the vote to remove US forces from #Iraq The session was adjourned for an hour because the quorum was not completed.
Jan 5, 2020 11 tweets 3 min read
Good night from Baghdad, briefly thread about another long day, today was the funeral of Soleimani and Muhandus in Baghdad, Iraqi forces were deployed in all the area At the U.S. Embassy, Marines stood guard on the rooftops, read our story here.… Last similar funeral in This place was few days ago for the deaths of KH fighters which ended with the besieging the US embassy, today security measures were heavy helicopters were covering all the scene.
Jan 1, 2020 10 tweets 2 min read
Breaking: PMU issued statement ordering to retreat from the gatherings around US embassy in Baghdad, obeying the prime minister order. They started to retreat from the US embassy and starting setting up tents in Abu Nawas street which is opposite to the embassy across the river, outside the green zone.
Jan 1, 2020 15 tweets 4 min read
It was such a long day to end the year with! in this thread I’ll describe what I’ve seen today briefly about the attack against @USEmbBaghdad by Shia militias supporters. Read our story with @LizSly… The tension between those groups and the US is way back before the last US attack against KH bases western Iraq and Syria, it’s linked to the tension between US and Iran and increased recently on October when the #IraqProtests anti Iran started.