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Writer of fantastic things and sad scenes for sound and screen. Repped: Paradigm/Industry Ent Prev: 4400, Clean Slate, Secret Things Black. Trans. Proud AF
Sep 28, 2020 30 tweets 5 min read
Just thinking about our fascination in American fantasy about people being from special lineages, secret princes, etc. And how as we push against that it's worth looking at the different ways this trope can exist in subversive and conservative wats The main way I'd point this out is: there are stories where the importance is in the blood and stories where the importance is on your ancestors and whike similar those are quite different.
Sep 27, 2020 13 tweets 2 min read
So I finally finished High & Low:The Movie. It was a great time, and there's a lot to digest about it. I think the major thing on my mind rn is how it looks when asians (Japanese in this film) create a world of gangs as compared to Americans. This largely a reactive thought as I think about a tweet made yesterday on the orientalist nature of Asian gangs in American works. The emphasis on "honor", dragon iconography, traditional motifs, swords over guns, etc.
Sep 24, 2020 8 tweets 2 min read
I am due to learn more about theories of harm reduction, but I really want to do so reading texts by black and indigenous women. In part cause one thing I want to learn how to resolve in myself and grow is to understand where violence is placed in these models. Cause I understand that a major principle is that the state can't and shouldn't have tools of violence in anyway.
Sep 22, 2020 5 tweets 1 min read
So I just started up How to Make It in America (taking a break from Girls), and immediately this show screams New York in a way Girls doesn't. Part of it stems from how our characters are living in realistic apartments, they're hustling, and the City has an energy to it that screams fashion, hip-hop, and a Neverending hustle.
Sep 22, 2020 10 tweets 2 min read
To do a short thread on Miss Sherlock for a second. It is some amazingly fun television, and makes the greatest case for what's fun about the episodic format. The ability to put in thirty minutes and get a really rewarding mystery that has an actual resolution and payoff(something lacking from so many serialized dramas) is great.
Sep 21, 2020 6 tweets 1 min read
Though I’d definitely say rn Girls is in line with my theory. Since the way the show embodies whiteness in New York is largely inauthentic to NYC. Unlike Sex and the City where the characters are of certain class and status in Manhattan that is overwhelmingly white The characters in girls are just not at that point. Where they are in their lives should have them engaging with so many PoC it’s not funny.but in Girls PoC only emerge to act as props for the characters to just be white too.
Sep 21, 2020 7 tweets 2 min read
If there's one thing I appreciate about #LovecraftCountry it's that it has probably on of the most interesting depictions of whiteness on screen currently. Especially as I find it contrasted against Girls which I'm still currently watching. I'm catching up at the moment, but I enjoy the fact that Ruby's episode demonstrated how white folks existence is a time bomb when they're around black people. With or without or involvement they can just cause our deaths.
Sep 21, 2020 9 tweets 2 min read
I really am feeling pressed right now behind these little black capitalists advocating for segregation like it's the fucking solution. Screaming "Build our own shit." 1. We are. We always have been. You just ain't supporting it.
2. Sometimes, and hear me out, people don't want to have to build literally everything to do one thing.
3. Building our own shit will not magically give us the same resources to work with.
Sep 18, 2020 4 tweets 2 min read
So, I alluded to a big tweet earlier today and here it is: your home girl has found her way into representation! From this point forward I am being managed by Andrew Deane and Stephen Crawford of Industry Entertainment. The list of people who helped me get to this point is innumerable, but I definitely want to thank @HilliardGuess and @ScreenwritersRR for making so much game available for free. As well as @johnaugust for making Scriptnotes.
Sep 17, 2020 36 tweets 6 min read
Trying to articulate a complex idea to myself currently about the politics behind the words we choose in our fiction when we talk about "adventure" and "adventurer" In part these thoughts have spawned because for my card game I was writing lore and decided to replace the Adventurer Guild concept with what I call the Traveler's Association, and while thinking about it I started musing on the politics involved
Sep 16, 2020 5 tweets 1 min read
There is something so disconcerting about administering these surveys and seeing just how many folks are gonna vote for Trump despite everything. Like folks need to recognize that Trump voters are in every economic bracket, they're in your city/suburb/and rural area, and their education levels are from folks who didn't graduate high school to folks with Law degrees.
Sep 16, 2020 5 tweets 1 min read
I swear folks have written on it before, but I really wish one of these shows that just portrays cities as these deeply white spaces would actually make that an issue! New York City does not look like this! These white women have constructed a world around them that does. Their peers and co-workers have done the same.
Sep 16, 2020 10 tweets 2 min read
I'm laying down atm and found myself thinking about game dev work for tabletop games (but also video games to a degree), and how twitter cultivates this feeling that to matter you need to be pushing out take after take. It's no one person's fault. Just the way this hell site functions. People enjoy big long threads, they engage with them and spawn discourse. From which the algorithm promotes them further.
Sep 14, 2020 6 tweets 1 min read
I think my final thought on The Babysitter sequel is that I do think it did a disservice to Melanie. Instead of her having a potentially sympathetic reason to grow she has one more shallow reason alongside everyone else. Which in function makes her character be a toy that Cole discards between the first and second film after achieving what is, at least for a young boy in the first film, a consummation of sorts.
Sep 14, 2020 32 tweets 3 min read
So this is going to be my The Babysitter Livetweet thread. So here we go! Holy shit, straight on jump we got Cole suffering from some major PTSD and bullying.
Sep 13, 2020 4 tweets 1 min read
Man, most of the plots in Sex and the City feel like issues that largely plague shallow people and/or straight folks with no ability to communicate. I say most of this with more than a touch of comedy, but definitely a lot of these plots feel like not real issues if folk just talked and expressed expectations.
Sep 11, 2020 5 tweets 1 min read
A thing I'm happy about with The Folk, is that since they're all so different (variety of anthropomorphic animals) I can apply @kazumiochin 's lesson on talking about the kind of stories a people tell. As opposed to making a statement about how a people are. So in the case of The Folk, they have a ton of hospitality stories, stories about communal strength and mutual aid, but also stories of history detailing changes to the land and their family.
Sep 10, 2020 11 tweets 2 min read
Still watching Sex and the City, and I definitely feel like the comparisons of it to Valeria are not completely unfounded, but definitely superficial. The immediate comparison is really based on Valeria being a writer and Carrie being a writer, and the show following a group of women.
Sep 9, 2020 48 tweets 7 min read
In other news, I've been watching the Shadowverse anime and oh boy do I have some thoughts on its structure. So buckle in for a lot of thoughts about this stuff. Starting out, I want to lay some bounds on what this thread is and isn't. This thread isn't one about deciding whether Shadowverse is bad or good. That's not really useful.
Sep 7, 2020 8 tweets 2 min read
Watcging the new #LovecraftCountry episode, and I definitely appreciate a getting to see a black woman whose body looks like mine getting to fuck and be sexy. Though I also find the contrast of Ruby and Leti to be interesting. While Leti can at times be performing activism she still wants to try. While Ruby is pragmatic, but not interested in helping us as a people. As seen by her "winner take all" philosophy.
Sep 3, 2020 4 tweets 1 min read
My other #LegendaryMax thought is that I dont really know why Jamila is a judge on this show. She's so far from ballroom that her presence constantly leaves me questioning. And I think there's also something frustrating about the House of Ninja there and the roster present. Cause they are skilled, but during the Grand March to have a judge opine about ballroom for everyone left me kinda, hmmm.