Keith K Profile picture
I have given what I can, time is short. Last words; history has been changed, recently, to hide the truth from us all. #Semi-Retired
Jul 2 17 tweets 7 min read
The World’s Columbian Exposition🧵

From swamp to completion, in 4 years.

I will keep my commentary to a minimum, but point out a few anomalies.

Part 1 of 20+ Image Each photo will contain information about each picture.

(Notice how large the door in the base of the statue is) 🤔 Image
Jun 28 18 tweets 11 min read
The Panama-Pacific International Exposition of 1915 - San Francisco 🧵

This is just 9 years after the great earthquake the ruined San Francisco.

Part 1 of 18 Image I will be adding very little commentary to this thread.

The pictures speak volumes.

Jun 26 11 tweets 5 min read
Did you know the Native Americans had a coast to coast road network? 🧵

This is how exploration and the westward push happened so quickly.

The Native Americans also had cities where we have cities today.…
Image Long before Europeans arrived in America, natives had created a trail from the upper reaches of the Potomac River (giving access to the Atlantic) to the origins of the Ohio River (yielding access to the vast interior). Image
Jun 15 10 tweets 7 min read
A 🧵 of my favorite books regarding Tartaria.

Links to the full book included.

#1. The history of Genghizcan the Great, first emperor of the antient Moguls and Tartars

Genealogy, Laws, Customs, Warfare and More…

In 1252-1254, Pope Innocence the 4th sent Bishop Caprini to meet Batu Kahn, the emperor of Tartaria.

Here is is journal of his 4 year round trip, translated……

Jun 15 16 tweets 7 min read
A short 🧵 of repopulation news paper articles. 1890-1902

No commentary, the articles and media speak volumes. Image

Apr 20 6 tweets 4 min read
The Chicago Fire of 1871 🧵

The official story, “the wooden sidewalks and buildings caught fire and burned.”

Now let’s take a look at the pictures and see if the story matches reality.

Wooden structures? 🧐

Part 1 of 6 Image I thought these pictures where WW1 or WW2 😅

These are indeed, Chicago in 1871

Apr 5 21 tweets 10 min read
Baby Farms 1800-1900’s 🧵

Where did all the orphans that rode the trains come from?

Where did all these baby’s for the incubators come from?

Where cabbage patch kids really farmed? (This is where the name originated)

Has the trafficking of children ever ended? ⬇️ Image So who started these “baby farm’s”?

It was Uncle Sam of course.

Is it strange these farms started in the middle of a civil war? Image
Mar 15 8 tweets 5 min read
How Russians executed “Tartarian” Bell’s 🔔 🧵

The Russian’s at one time believed these bells where their own entity (alive) and could be punished, excommunicated or executed (melted down).

Part 1
In 1592 Uglich, Russia, 320 kilo bell was dragged into the city square. A blacksmith tore out the bell’s “tongue” and to cut its “ears”.

The bell was whipped and sent into exile in Tobolsk, Siberia. (Capital of Tartaria, according to Russian source)

Mar 7 11 tweets 5 min read
Here is a short thread 🧵 showing 12 Map Engravings of Europe from 1516 / i516.

Noah (NOY translated from Latin) appears in Europe as a Tartarian Prince or King.

This book was meant to describe historical characters and their locations.…

Here is the coast of Cuba and the Caribbean.

In 1516, was there this many known cities in Cuba? Image
Mar 5 5 tweets 2 min read
Here is a thread 🧵about the oldest alphabets in chronological order, from a 17th century historians' standpoint.

Abraham's, Enoch's and then the Hebrew Alphabet...

Also, a way to phonetically translate them...?

Part 1 of 6 Image The come's the Samaritan's, Solomon's and then Chaldean... Image
Mar 3 25 tweets 13 min read
Let's do a Star Fort thread. 🧵

30+ Engravings from 16th - 18th century perspectives and maps. (some earlier)

These engravings have led me to a new hypothesis for what these structurers were used for and possibly who made them.

50+ Star Forts

Part 1 of 25 Image Many of these Star Forts had Cymatic or Geometric Patterned Gardens. Image
Mar 1 12 tweets 5 min read
Here is a Unicorn thread 🧵

Are there reputable sources for the existence of unicorns? 🤔

Part 1 of 12 Image Antoine Caron, History of Queen Artemis, circa 1565.

Artemis' chariot, or carrying the young Caesarion, son of Caesar and Cleopatra, were in the mind of the painter or engraver of simple grimed horses or real unicorns.
Feb 15 9 tweets 6 min read
1906 San Fransisco Earthquake Photo 🧵

I will keep my insight to a minimum and let the pictures speak for themselves.

Part 1

Part 2

Dec 15, 2023 6 tweets 3 min read
A quick thread 🧵 about this book;

“The Discovery of America an Outgrowth of the Conquest of the Moors by the Spaniards”

This is book has fantastic claims and I will go over some of the highlights below.

Arabian officers = Tartarian Officers ⬇️

What did these Moorish/Tartarian cities, palaces and forts look like?

“A fort with a thousand towers”

Here in my last thread you can see all these countries had joined together:

Dec 15, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read
This is a 🧵 about a Tartaria for a history book.

This general history book written in 1930.

“To a series of conquests so fast and vast that in less than a century they founded an empire larger than that of Rome.”

I will translate in its entirety in the thread below.
Paragraph 1

More context outside this book 📕

They were kicked out of Spain in 1492 under the name “Moores”. Along with the Jews 👀

Magically they discovered the Americas and instantly sent conquistadors (conquerors) to explore. Image
Dec 11, 2023 9 tweets 5 min read
South Dakota - 1800’s Corn Palaces Thread🧵

How many “Corn” Palaces where there?

Some of these were built before South Dakota was even a state. Built during the time when the “Dakota” tribes inhabited the area.

Built in 1888 - This picture says 1857…

Less than one year later, they built ANOTHER Corn Palace in South Dakota…
Dec 9, 2023 10 tweets 7 min read
Your Government Photoshopped Your Civil War History 🧵

This is just a random assortment of my favorite out of place and photoshopped Civil War pictures.

Let’s start with the Pennsylvania 114th. Nice Turbans. 👀…

They had portable Hydrogen Generators to fill Balloon’s and Airships?

“The Union Army Balloon Intrepid being inflated from the gas generators for the Battle of Fair Oaks”

These were not “hot air” Balloons 🤯…

Nov 24, 2023 24 tweets 10 min read
A 🧵 about the Catholic Church and Tartaria.🏛️

John de Piano Carpini's (Bishop and Diplomat to Tartaria) account of the Mongols, and of his journey to the Great Khan's court (a.d. 1245-1247).

Let’s see what the Church knew or thought about Tartaria and it’s customs and more! Image The old English is difficult to read. I will decipher it as we go.

In the beginning of this book, it gives accounts of who is in power and where, present and historically.

The Church believed King Arthur was a real person.

Gotland - Scotland
Island - Iceland
Diuers - Diverse Image
Nov 20, 2023 7 tweets 4 min read
A Lincoln Memorial mini 🧵

Was the Lincoln Memorial Old World or Tartarian Architecture?

What’s beneath the Memorial?

Let’s get into the details, shall we?

Part 1 Image Here you can see the Lincoln Memorial completely finished, in the middle of a swamp.

No roads or paths have been made to this building as of yet in picture one.

Picture 2 and 3 shown clearing of the swamp after construction was complete?

Was this dug out?

Nov 15, 2023 7 tweets 4 min read
Tartarian Blood Line Mini 🧵

Did the Tartarian’s have a special blood lines?

It would appear that the answer to this was yes, according to 16-19th century writers and historians.

In this book except, they thought the Lost Tribes of Israel lived in Tartaria.
Part 1 Image This book claims that Genghis Khan the leader who founded Tartaria as a greater whole, was related to Noah…

Yes… Noah who built the ark.

This book also talks about the lost tribes being there as well…

Nov 12, 2023 11 tweets 9 min read
Is Area 51 is a cover up for a Ancient Civilization and Technology 🧵

Let’s take a look at Area 51, Death Valley and White Sands Proving ground. They are all in the same area.

Follow me down this rabbit hole… Image There’s a lot of odd runways out here. Some look extremely old and some look built on top of, or reused…
