Natalie Jean Beisner Profile picture
✝️🇺🇸 former Democrat turned sane person • social media manager @realwalkaway • Opinions are my own but they should be yours too
Dec 11, 2024 5 tweets 2 min read
How is this possible for a woman to do? And I mean that physically and emotionally and mentally. Image There’s a mini doc on YouTube where this OF girl details her experience with 100 men in a single day, and I actually want to cry. There’s an entire crew involved; what would possess ANYONE to be remotely attached to this?
Aug 24, 2023 18 tweets 5 min read
Why I #DoNotComply : a🧵 When everything shut down in March 2020, I lost both my jobs overnight. I didn’t know it then, but I’d never get either of those jobs back. I never got a “last day” (at least not one I was aware of at the time) or any goodbyes. But that’s ok; lots of people didn’t.
It was hard for me to stay home because I was tight on money, helping support family financially, and was also in a weird and uncomfortable living situation. But I did it; lots of people were in worse.
Jul 1, 2022 14 tweets 3 min read
🧵 Shut up about men making decisions for women’s bodies. First off, YOU, the left, killed that argument in recent years by: 1) refusing to acknowledge that only women can get pregnant or indeed to even identify what a woman is, & 2) supporting a forced vaccine (that doesn’t even stop transmission) just to participate in society.
So stop pretending like you care when men make decisions for women’s bodies.
Most of the covid vaccine mandates were put in place & enforced by men. Even your president—if indeed, he can be aptly termed either a man or a
Jun 30, 2022 5 tweets 2 min read
Since when is it “overreach” to effectively say, “we don’t have this power; we never had this power; we’re turning it back to the people, to vote”?

So many folks are so wrapped up in their emotions & narrative, they don’t have any idea what actually happened. #RoeOverturned 1: I’m sharing the above because not because I think the silly thing Ocasio-Cortez said on a talk show is significant in some way, but because this is the same misunderstanding I see across Twitter, corporate media, & the entirety of the left. (I’ll be gracious and call it a
Jun 29, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
🧵 It is certainly the greatest & most terrible hubris imaginable to say you know what’s best, for a life you’ve never truly met—to say you know, beyond a shred of doubt, that not getting a chance at life at all is better than the chance of a less-than-ideal one. What I think is doable and survivable is limited by my own experiences, failures, shortcomings and imagination. It is the height of foolishness to think I know all; to think life (including the life inside me) can’t yet surprise me; to think just because I can’t, no one could.
Jun 29, 2022 6 tweets 1 min read
Mini🧵I’m sorry, but no sane person of integrity takes you seriously as a “pro-choice” person if you spent the past 2 yrs supporting the firing & ostracism of people who declined the covid shot. This was (still is) a mainstream left-wing talking point. Y’all lost all credibility. You KILLED “my body, my choice” because you were afraid that what I did with my body, might negatively affect or even kill you. There wasn’t (still isn’t) ANY scientific evidence this was the case, that the shot successfully stopped transmission; but still, you demanded.
Jun 27, 2022 6 tweets 2 min read
Dear men, a 🧵
An entire generation of women has been raised to believe they don’t need men, & that that’s somehow power.
Let me be clear: Men, we need you. Period.
And we need you in the fight for life. You are fathers & fathers-to-be. We can’t create life without you, we can’t create the future without you, & we can’t raise children right without you. You are not merely sperm or a functional member, & you are certainly not a bank account to be withdrawn from or a paycheck to be cashed if/when the woman you impregnate decides to carry to term.
Jun 27, 2022 4 tweets 2 min read
If a majority of Americans did not want Roe overturned, then y’all have nothing to worry about. I don’t mean that facetiously. Overturning Roe kicked the power back to YOU to vote, lobby, & campaign for this issue. Roe robbed us of that for 49 years. The right to abortion is not a constitutional right. Even pro-choice legal scholars have recognized this. But it can be a state right. In many states, it always has been & likely always will be. The governor here is already promising to get it enshrined in the state constitution.
Jun 26, 2022 15 tweets 3 min read
🧵 I think the left’s big fear is that—with the overturning of Roe—many more women & families are going to realize they can succeed without abortion.

My mother’s generation was taught they NEEDED that option to succeed. My daughter’s generation is going to prove them wrong. It’s a bit like the existence of FL these past 2.5 years. It showed us what could be done, & that indeed, we wouldn’t die if we didn’t remain
locked down, masked up, & forcibly vaccinated. It was a beacon for people to look towards, to see what was possible, & eventually, other
Apr 22, 2022 8 tweets 2 min read
@CountyofLA is requiring volunteer poll workers to be vaccinated. Zero medical or religious exemptions. I’ve called several times, attempting to find answers. Everyone who answers the phone seems to have never heard of a RE or ME; I have to repeat my question several times. When they finally understand my question, they put me on hold to go ask their supervisors, & always come back with the same answer. Because poll workers are technically volunteers, the county is not required to accept RE or ME & provide reasonable accommodations. Every time I ask to
Apr 6, 2022 7 tweets 2 min read
I read this today: “if kids are too young to know they’re trans, they’re too young to know they’re ‘cis.’” Allies need to realize there’s a difference btw respecting LGBT & redefining all of society for them. Why shouldn’t society be centered around hetero, “cis” people—the ones who make life most often, naturally, without any medical or technological intervention? There’s a reason straight is the norm. There’s a reason “cis” is the norm. It’s not a matter of disrespect. LGBT will always be the minority, & if nothing else, it’s impractical to cater to