Nicolas Merke Profile picture
Cardiologist @dhzcharite, #echofirst #volumetrics #EchoMath #3D
Juan Jose Rousseau Profile picture 1 subscribed
Dec 15, 2022 8 tweets 5 min read
#echofirst approach to eccentric MR
TEE always need for diagnostic purpose?
@eromerodorta @HenrykDreger @SKelle_Berlin #echofirst TTE for sure first line of defense in diagnostic workup as we look for dimension, volumes and function to follow GL for decision making
Sep 1, 2022 9 tweets 4 min read
1/7 Approaching #echofirst in 7 steps, starting point LPLAX (LVEDD/LVEDS always needed), Ivd & LVOT & RVOT 2/7 next #echofirst step is to call for fantastic 4
Mar 25, 2021 13 tweets 5 min read
1/13 #echofirst PISA EROA facts to know b4 starting to calculate @YoungDgk @AGIKinterv @DGK_org @ASE360
Thanks to @KardiologieHH for valuable input to this tweetorial 2/13 very useful schematic table by Braunwald
Mar 20, 2021 18 tweets 8 min read
@KPujdak #echofirst TEE guiding in SHD in leaflet therapy. The 🔑 to success is team work!
screening b4 procedure under OMT.
While waiting for IC for septal puncture get images of MR but be aware MR might not be so obvious as in your screening Echo, get MPG & PV inflow Pay always attention where your IC is with needle, b/x-plane imaging with aorta is needed! If something is going wrong talk & warn your IC
Mar 20, 2021 4 tweets 2 min read
1/6 #echofirst meets 3D when looking at mitral valve & regurgitation. Blood pressure during exam around 140 mmHg 2/6 visualizing mitral valve (surgical perspective) with AV at 12 ⌚️ and LAA at 9 ⌚️
May 17, 2020 10 tweets 3 min read
#echofirst 1/9 When looking & reporting MR there is so many parameters to consider. We need to understand mechanism and secondary changes. Trying to put some points together 2/9 this is short representation on PISA from Braunwald